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To Parents Whose Sons Are About To Enter College

To Parents Whose Sons Are About To Enter College image
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Is soa a Christinn ? What special cíiorts are yon prepared to niaki' in order o tx-elp him maintain his Christian eiperience during his four years' absence frota home '! Is your son a, good, steady boy, anfl regular chtirch attendant, but not yet such íx C'hristian as he ou.iíht to be V What are yon willing to do in order to inerease the probabüitles that he will find lira ven y wisdom while he is seeking earthly knowledge? ■Wliat shall dt profit a man if he gain the whole world and lose his own soul '!" A prepa-ration lor Ufe iik'li does not include spiritual culture is radically detective, malí is that man's gain eompared with his loss if he loses his religión while he gaine his iedúcátion. Wiu-n such loss occurs it is jny conviction that very gi-nerally this is due to some neg.ect on the part oí the parents. Have you sent a note to the pastor asking him to assist son to select a room and caoose ti room-mate ? Too inany pan-nts aie very careful to secure a good place t'or tlicir sons to eat and wleep, but make no special provKion for tlieir rellgióus nourishment. The íather and mother inquire about the price paid for the suite of rooms; but wheiher these rooms are lócated in a Methodist or a Unüaiian or a Moormon home, or vlntü;-r the room-mate is a Christian or an lng-ersolite is too ol'ten not considered. until a few moiitlus later the mother leairne to her sorrow that her boy has got into the wrong current, and that seeds of doubt have been sown in his mind that can never be eradicated. Everythmg depends on gett:mg in the rlght streani of iniluence at the beginuing. Have you instructed your on to take with hitm lus church letter and tóe Epworth league letter, and to idcntify hini.self inimediately with the Sunday-srhool ? Have you told him to secure for .hiauself at once a regular Bitting in the ■jhurch, so that his friends and pastor can know each .Sunday whether he ia absent or present ? It wili be too late if you wait three xno.nths and then wrlte to me, as so many have done, "JLook after my boy." Il' you look after hiin nów, I may be eble to look alter him then. A prominent business man of this city, who has been secretary of the lxard of education for some twenty years, and tor an equal length of time either secretary or treasurer of our board of stewards, told me the other day that he had scarcely ever known a single instance in whk-h a yonng man liad fallen into vicious liabits when his parents had taken the jiains to observe such oommoai suggestions as the above. Ave you as much interested in your sou':; spiritual as in his temporal interests? Your actions will show.


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Ann Arbor Courier