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COÜNOTL CHAMBER, I ANS Akbok. October 1, 1894, f Regular session. Called to order by President Wines. Roll called. Quorum present. Absent- Aid. Ferguson and Brown -2. The journaof the last session was approved. COMMUNICATIONS. Ank Arbor, Mich., Sept. 18, ]891. lo the üommon Council, City of Ann Arbor: I hereby tender you my resignation as a memher of The Board of Public Works, the gameto take effect Sept. 18th. Thanldng you tor past f'avors, shown me as a memoer of the Board, l ara Most respiTtfully yours, THOS. J. KEECH. Received and flled. FROM THE BOAliD OF PUBLIC WORKS. To the Common Cmincil: The Board of Public Works, lieg Leave to submit the followintr report of its doinjis in the matter of obtaining Dids for the eonstruction of lateral sewers in DistJicts No, 1 and No. 2. The Board caused notice of the City wants to be published in the local newspapers and aleo distributed iimonfr well-koown sewer coutractorssueh notice; and as a result on the day set for closins sueh offer, had seventeen bids, all of which bids are submitted herewith. Each bid was aceompanied with the necessary certified bank check. After due cODsideration of all tenders for Ihe construction of the said lateral sewers, the Board of Public Works finds that the bids of Stevenson, Eeid & t'o., of Port Huron, Mich., for building lateral sewer in District No. I, and of Herman Hutzel for building lateral sewer in District No 2, together witíi estimated extras in each sewer district respectively, are the lowest bids received and recommend that the said bids be accepted and that contracts be made with sueh parties. By order of the Board of Public Works, W. J. M1LLEH, Clerk. Received and filed. FBOM THE SAME. To tlie Common Councïl: The Board of Public Worke, to whom waB referred the matter of preparing plans and estímate of the coat of rebuilding the main sewer, &c, as recoramended by special sewer commiteee, report that the Board caused the City Engineerto i malie plans of a change of route, commencing at the man hole north of the M. 0. 11. R. tracks thence running westerly on the M. C. R. R. Co. right of way to the esst end of their Freight office, thence soutli and intersect with the main sewer on Depot street. The Board have caused an estímate to be made of this route which is $3,905.35, and an estímate for the repairing of the mam sewer on old line, M.180. 95 with 2-f-inehiron pipe which plans and estimates are herewith submitted and made a part of this report. And further, it is the Bense of this Board that the repairinsor rebuilding of the main sewer as reoommended by the special sewer committee is not arivisable nordesirable until afailure tbereof demoustrates the necessity for such repairing or rebuilding and then should occasion require. we recommend the building of the sewer on the proposed line north of the M. E. R. tracks. By order of the Board of Public Works W. J.MILLER. Clerk. lleceived and liled. FEOM THE SAME. To the Honorable, the Common Couucil of the City of Ann Arbor: Whereas, it is the sense of the Board of Public Works that the city is paying more for its engineering service than is commensurate with the returns tlierefor, and whereas it is the gense of this Board that a map such as Mr. ('ottingham proposes to furnish by Bectlon 3 of theencl08ed proposed contract with him, is desirable, if not a necessity, and wliereus Mr. Cottingham proposes to furnish such amapforthegrosseumof $300 in addition lo a . montbly salary of $100 per month, which salary (per article 4 of proposed contract) iiicludcs all help, etc , all to be completedwithin tlie time speeilied therein. Now therefore, we the Board of Public Works respeetfully request that your Honorable Body recommend the eDtering into a contract with Mr. Cottingham substantially as set forth per the herewith submitted letter bearing date July 17th, 18D4, and accompanying unexecuted contract. All ot which are resDectfully submitted for your consideration and recommendation. By order of the Board of Public Works. W. J. MILLER. Clerk. Received and flled. To the Cominon Uouncil: The Board of Public Works submit the annexed bids which they have received for the construction of sidewalks, where not built by theproperty owners, for your eonsideration. C. H. Stevens is the lowest bidder for building sidewalks on Observatory street, along the west side f rom Volland to Ann streets. His bid, on striking an average, is about 16 per rod. All things considered, the Board recommends that the bids be accepted and contract exeouted. 'By order of the Board of Public Works. W. J. MILLER, _ City Clerk . Received and filed. PBKSENTATION OF PETITIONS. Of Thomas Kearney and nine others asking that an electric light be located atthe junction of Wilmot street and Washtenaw and Forest avenues. Referred to Committee on Lichting. Of J. T. Jacobs and others, asking that cement crosswalk be ordered built on Packard street at the foot of Monroe street, also that an electric light be located at the intersection of said streets. Crosswalk referred to Committee on Sidewalks and light reterred to Lighting Committee, BEPORTS OF STANDIXG COMMITTEES. FINANCE. To the Common Council : ï'our Committee on Pinanee respectf u 1 1 v report that they have had the following bilis under consideration, and recoramend their allowance and warrants ordered drawn at fcums êtated. CONTINOENT FnND. i'J' Miller.lmonth'ssalary $ 66 67 John W . Bennett, " w; rV, P. O'Hearn, " SS Geo.H.Pond, V..".". 8 33 Marvin Davenport, janitor salarv 6 2 Mrs. Kuhn, cleanins; offices .'. " 3 15 Nathan D. Corbin, 92 hours' work on ordinauces 33 20 Jacob Ganzhorn, services examining „peach orchards h 48 fl0 Chas. Dwyer, servin summons 2 20 ,J A-,Greene, rent, assigned to J. B. VVortley 29]" "ilg.SF,os ■ & Everari. oounoiïrêoörd 9 00 W. J. Miller, supplies 4 go Chas. A. Saur, replanking 6th ward enginefloo 87 00 Total "405 42 STREET FUND. Nelson Sutherkmd, salary $ 60 67 Ann Arbar SavingS Bank, accounts assigned them as follows: Miehael Kusterer, team labor.. í 28 20 G. Vi. Kilta, team labor.. 9 00 C. J' Snyder, team labor 19 50 George Schlemmer, labor 8 25 Nicholas HinderlOHg, labor 14 10 Barney Langer, Jabor 13 30 92 25 ïhe Farmers' & Mechanica' Bank, accounts assigued tliem as iollows: Georre Lavore, labor 15 00 Barney Mast, labor 9 00 Fred Kulin. labor 4 80 28 80 Nicholas Binderlong, labor, assigned to Fred Braun 4 50 Fred Haarer, labor, assigned to J. WBennett ---- 2 25 Edward Warner, lalior. assigned tó J. W. Eisele 150 M. Kusterer, team labor, assigued to city of Ann Arbor... .. U 00 Orville Sge, labor 4 50 Jacob Kies, labor 12 00 Martiu Adamschek 15 00 Gottlieb Wolter, labor 7 50 EdJacobus. labor 6 00 Hermann Schaffer, labor 21 00 Frank Sutherland, labor 24 22 Willis Clark.ilabor 26 25 Charles Hintz, labor. 7 60 John Krumrie, labor 2 25 George Fischer, labor 20 32 George James, labor 2 25 Jullus Nimpz, labor 3 00 Oottfried Sehuon, labor 3 00 Frank Schultz, labor. 6 00 Christopher Kohem, labor 4 "0 August Dupslauff, labor 6 00 Barney Mast, labor 3 00 Michael Kusterer, labor. -1 4 50 Charles Glasser, labor 16 50 JohnMiller, lnbor 4 50 Jacob Maurer, labor - 1 50 Charles Winkle, labor l 00 John Wyman, labor... 6 75 Patrick McCabe, labor.... 22 50 Michael Williams, labor.. 15 78 Richard Zebbs, labor (i 75 Fred Kadke, labor 9 00 John McHugh, team labor 15 00 Elias Sadler, team labor ti 00 1. D. Hogers, team labor 27 00 Hiram Kitredge. team labor 180 C J. Snyder, team labor 3 00 Ready Marsh, team labor 30 00 C'harless 'l'essmer, 55 loads of gravel.. 13 75 J. E. Sumner, team labor 21 45 George Schaei"le. team labor 7 60 Martin Xaule, team labor 12 90 Abraham Voorbeis, team labor 1 50 Wül Cochran, team labor 25 50 Georjre Kim, building sidewalks 26 05 Dwlght Aunt, builrijug sidewalks 11 70 P. L. Bodmer, lumber... 18 68 Total ï 097 34 SKWER FDSD. George F. Key, salary 100 00 Mortimer G. Barnes, asst, engineer... 63 50 Charles H. Spencer, office work eng... ii 00 Frank Sutherlaud, labor... 3 00 J. Polhemus, norse hire. 125 Michigan Central Eailroad Co expenses incuwed by the sewer Crossing their right of way and protecting tracks 93 47 Total. Í 203 22 BRIDGE, CULVERT AND CROSSWALK FUND. Ann Arbor Savings Bank, accounts aesigued them as follows: Charles Winkle, labor t 10 66 Charles Glaser, lifbor 15 00 Barney Langer, labor 4 50 Charles Millárd, pavingstone.. 15 00 45 15 Uarney Mast, labor, assiffned to F. & M. Bank 6 00 Michael Kenny, labor, assigned to Fred Brown 7 95 Fred Ulrich, labor 24 60 lulius Lorhke, labor 13 95 S. E. Pike, labor 32 55 Jacob Beek, labor.. 32 55 Adolph Wolters, labor 4 50 William Keuhn, labor 26 25 Dhris. Jetter, labor 32 70 Jacob Micheifelder, labor ' 4 50 Gustave Wolters, labor 4 50 AlbertSehoemin, labor 18 67 Edward Burns, labor 13 65 Will Wyman, labor 12 00 íYed Hachke, labor 18 00 ïichard Zebbs, labor 1 Rn Hichael Williams, labor 16 50 'atrick McCabe, labor 8 86 (ohn Wyman, labor.. $ 8 25 Elias Sadler, team labor.... 57 90 William Wheeler, horse and cart 23 50 John Judson, repttiring tar crosswalks. 2 50 Martin Nag-le, pavirig stone 9 75 ■raus Sweet, gravel 14 50 P.D. Eodgers, team labor.. 6 00 Et. O. Barney, stone slabs... 115 52 George W' Sweet, cement 131 50 Arm Arbor Gas Co., tar 113 57 Total $887 34 PÓLICE PITND P. S. Banfleld, salary.. 65 00 David Collins, 6alary 50 00 Heuben Armbruster, salary 50 00 William E. Eldert 50 00 George B. Isbell 50 00 J. Hobison, horse hire 3 DO Total $ 268 00 FIRB DEPARTMENT FÜND Fred Sipley, salary $ 60 00 C. A. Edwards, salary 60 00 Henry Mel-aren. salary 50 00 Louis Hoelzle, salary 60 CU Max Wittlinger, salary 50 00 Albert West, salary 50 00 Eugene Williams, salary . 45 00 Herman Kini, salary 40 0(1 Samuel McLaren, ealary, 8 00 Wm. Rettich, salary 8 00 Edward Huelzle, salary 8 00 Wüliam L. Schnierle, salary 8 00 M .C. Hyau, salary „ 8 00 Hts. B. Iteam, washing 5 00 J. F. Lawrence, hay 6 58 James Donegan, horse shoing 8 80 Wurster & Kirn, work on hydrants... 9 75 Total $ 465 13 POOR FDND. Fred Sipley, Balary... $ 10 00 W. H. Wilson, llöeords block wood... 110 20 Fred Sipley, f reight paid on three cars wood _ 52 00 H, J. Brown, medicine 2 40 John Burg, shoes 550 Edward DufTy, firoeeries 5 6 Wüliam G. Dieterle, eoffin 10 00 John Eisele, groceries 3 31 John Goetz & Bon, groeeries 4 56 John Goetz, ir., groceries 5 36 L. Gruner, shoes 1 50 William F. Lodholz, groeeries 7 53 Mrs. Ann Evans, aid 5 00 William H. Mclntyre, groceries 12 53 O'Hara Boyle, grocerie 616 Rinsey & Seabolt, groceries 5 66 Casper Rinsey, groeeries 12 04 Wabr & Miller, 6hoes 1 65 Charles Zurn, meat 75 Total í26ÍF(ñ KECAPITULAT1ON. Contingent Fund % 405 42 Street Fund 697 34 Sewer Fund 203 22 Bridge, Culvert and Crosswalk Fund. 887 34 Fire Fund 465 13 Polfoe Fund 288 00 Poor Fuña 262 01 Total s 3,188 46 Hespectf ully submitted. IKANK WOOD, C. H. MANI.Y, Finance Committee Accepted, and recommendations concurred in, as íollows : Yeas- Aid. Wagner, Bodmer, Martin, Allmendinger, Wood, Snyder, Manly, Taylor, Kitson, Prettyman, Pres. Wines- 11. . Nays - Kone. FBOM THE SIDEWALK COMMITTEE. To the Comraon Council : Your conimittee on sidewalks, to,-whom was referred the petitlonsasking for the construction of two crosswalks, one along the north andonealong the south side of West Liberty street, across Ashley and Second streets, nnd that there Ís a necessity for the construction of the crosswalks where asked for by your petltloners and would therefore recommend that an appropriatlon oftlOObe made from the bridge, culvert and erosswalk fund, and that the Board of Public Works be hereby cirected to build sald crosswalks and we further recommend that the grade of the crosswalk on Ashley street be ralsed eleven inches In the center of said street so as to bring a uniform grade from sldewalk to sidewalk. Respectfully submitted, C. H. Manly. O. J. Snyder, D. F. Allmendingeb. Arthur J. Kitson, C. W. Wagner, aidewalk Committee. Accepted, and recommendations con curred iu as follows : Yeas. - Aid. Wagner, Bodmer, Martin Allmeudinger, Wood, Snyder, Manly ïaylor, Kitson, Prettyman, Pres. Wines -11. Is'ays- None. FROM THE SIDEWALK AND STREET COMMITTEES. To the Coramon Council: Your Committee on Sireetsaud Sidewalks to whom was referred tlie matter of sidewalk grade on K, fíuron street along the soutl slde between Tweifth street and Thirteentl street, beg leave to report thut iliey visite, this locality In a body and fully inspeeteü the same, and aller eareful conslderalloi would recommend the following: That Mrs. Lukins be permiited to raise her walk 21 Incoes on the east end. At 114 ft weslerly from the east end 11 inches, ant from this last polnt lojoin the highest poin in the establlshed grade. Also that the Board of Public works cause the City Engineer to establish a suitable gut ter grade, for the approval of this council, so astotakccare of the surface water on and along the west side of State etreet between Liberty and Williams streets. Respectfully submitted, C. H. Manly, A. J. Kitson, Sidewalk Committee Christian Martin, H. 15. Prettyman, P. L. Bodmer, Street Committee Accepted and recommendations coucurred in. FROM THE LIGHTING COMMITTEE. To the Cominon Council: Your committee on lighting to whoin was referred the petition of the property owners, on West Huron street, asking that the last light on said street be ohanged to a place where it may give equal benelit to the resi dences in that viciuity, would report tbai they visited the looality and fully inspected the same and would recoiumenü the lollowing, namely : That the light on Weet Huron street be moved from the north to the south side o the street. We would also recommend that the light now loeated on South State street at Hamilton Park addition, be moved and loeated at the inteiseetion of Huron street with Dexter and Jackson roads. Your eoinmittte makes this recommendation for the reason where this light now is loeated on South State Street there are but three houses and two of them only are now occupied, and between these houses and the city there is about a quarTer of a rolle which is nothing but farm land, and lor this reasou your committee recommends such a change. Kespectfully submitted, Chhistian Martin, W. L. ÏAÏLOli, Lighting Committee Accepted, and recommendations concurred in. REPORTS OP CITY OPFICERS. CITY TREASURER'S REPORT FOR THE MONTH ENDINO SEPT. 29, 1894. To the Common Council of the City of Ann Arbor : Balance on hand as per last report $45,887.93 MONEY RBCEIVED. Pólice Fund- P.S.Banfield, fees.-.i 6 00 E. B. Pond, fines 19.00 Contingent Fund- W. J. Millerlic. 5.50 A A. Sav. Bank, interest 279.15 Firemen's Fund- F. Sipley, building: permit, etc 1.70 Bridge, Culvert and C'rosswalk Fund - W. J. Miller, repairingtarwalks 21.40 City Cemetery Fund- EliManly 5.00 Total $337.75 337.75 $46,225 68 MONEY DISBITRSED. Conting-ent Fund $1,6S3 95 Street i'und 45U.70 Firemen's Fund.. 567.56 Pólice Fund 281.00 Poor Fuud 103.98 Sewer Fund 271.14 Cemetery Fund 21. uo Bridge, Culvert and Crosswalk Fuud 431.88 Soldiers' Relief Fund 30.00 $ 3 791.21 3,791 21 Total {42,434 47 BALANCE ON HAND. Contingent Fund 8,654.93 Street Fund 4,700 47 Firemen's Fund 6,711.07 Pólice Fund 3.521.S6 PoorFund 608 43 Water Fund... 4,793,40 Cemetery Fund 222.76 Soldiers' Relief Fund1,113.156 Dniversity Hospital Aid Hond Fund 4,320.00 Delinquent Tax FudcI 144.39 Sewer Fund 5,419.49 Main Sewer Fund 3,5Uü.ou liridge, Culvert and Crosswalk Fund 7.142.97 Dog Tax Fund 100 uó Total $50,809 03 144.39 $50,664.64 Less uncollected city tax : 8230.17 Total Treasurer's Balance $42,434 4T Kespectf ully submitted, Geo. H. Pond, City Treaeurer. Ann Artor. Sept. 29, 1894. Ann Arbor Savings Bank, I Ann Arbor, Mich., Oct. 1, 1894. f To the Common Council of the City of Ann Arbor: Deab Sihs- ThiB will eertify that Geo. H Pond has on deposlt to his credit ae City Treasurer, the sum of Forty-two Thousand Four Hundred Bighty-five and 06-líiO Dollars, (42,485.06), Yours truly, CHAS. E. HISCOCK, Cashier. The monthly reports of the City Clerk, City Treasurer, Poor Superintendent and Chief of Pólice and Board oí Health were read and ordered filed. Poor Superintendent Sipley reported the following expenditure during the month of September : lst ward, $9.41 ; 2d ward, $18.79; 3d ward, $42.29; 4th ward, $15.45; 5th ward, $19.35; 6th ward, none. Chief of Pólice Banfield reported twenty arreste during the month of September, as follows : Drunk, 11; violating city ordinances, 4; assault and battery, 1 ; violating liquor law, 3 ; larceny, 1. The Board of Health reported 10 deaths during the uionth : one case of díphtheria, abated 5 filthy or unlawful privies, 4 pig pens, 16 filthy alleys, lots or premises. Chief Sipley, of the Fire Department, reported that the water gauge at the Engine House had registered not less than (5 pounds at any time since Sept. 17, '94, the date of last report. City Engineer Key submitted itemized estímate of the cost of the 5th ward branch of main sewer. UNFINISHED BUSINESS. By Aid. Prettyman. Resolved, That the resignation of T. J Keech, President of the Board or Public Works, be accepted, and be it further resolved that iu his resignation the city of Ann Arbor loses the active services ofan able and efficiënt officer whose slx years of labor as chairraan of one of the most important boards in the city entitles him to the gratitudeof all itscitizens. Adopted as íollows : Yeas - Aid. Wagner, Bodmer, Martin, Allmendinger, Wood, Snyder. Manly, Taylor, Kitson, Prettpman, President Wines - lí. NaysV- None. Aid. Brown reported present. Aid. Prettyman moved that the communication trom the Board of Public Works, reconnnending the bids for building lateral sewers in districts No. 1 and JSo. 2 be separatelj' passed upon in their regular order. Adopted. Aid. Prettyman moved that the bid of Stevenson, Reed & Co. for building Liberty street sewer, District No. I, be accepted and adopted, and the board enter into a contract with said parties. Adopted as folio ws : Yeas - Aids. Wagner, Bodnier, Martin, Allmendinger, Snyder, Brown, Kitson, Prettyman, Pres. Wines - 9. Nays- Aids. Wood, Manly, Taylor- 3. By Aid. Prettyman. Resolved, Tliat all bids on the Washiug street sewer be rejected and that the Board of Public Works be asked to prepare sucli plan for the Washington street sewer as shall leave us considerable margin for extras and tuen advertise for bids on the same. Lost as follows : Yeas- Aid. Wagner, Bodmer, Prettyman, Pres. Wines - 4. Nays- Aid, Martin, Allmendinger, Wood, Snyder, Brown, Manly, Taylor, Kitson- 8. On niotion of Aid. Wood the council took a recess of ten minutes. After the expiratiou of ten minutes the following resolution was oftered : By Aid. Wood : Resolved, That the Board of Public works be and are bereby requested to advertise for bids ror placlng the depression or sng In Main sewer on Depot street ou proper grade. Adopted as follows : Yeas - Aid. Waguer, Bodmer, Martin, Allmendinger, Wood, Snyder, Brown, Manly, Taylor, Kitson, Prettyman, Pres. Wines- 12. Nay- None. By Aid. Manly : Resolved. That the recommendation of the Board of Public Works pertaining to sewer district No. 2 be, and the same is hereby aecepted and adopted Adopted as follows : Yeas - Aid. Martin, Allmendinger, Wood, Snyder, Manly, Prettyman, Pres. Wines - 7. Nays.- Aid. Wagner, Bodmer, Brown, Taylor, Kitson.- 5. Aid. Prettyman moved that the matter of making a contract with Mr. Cottingham to do the civil engineering work of the city for one year as recommended by the Board of Public Works, be indefinitely postponed. ■Adopted. Aid. Kitson moved that the communication from the Board of Public Works, reporting bids for the construction of sidewalks on Observatory street, be accepted and adopted, and the Board is hereby directed to enter into a contract with the lowest bidder. Adopted as follows : Aves- Alds.Wagner, Bodmer, Martin, Allmendinger, Wood, Snyder, Brown, Manly, Kitson, Prettyman, Pres. Wines- 11. Nays - None. Chairman Brown stated that the special Water Committee of this Council was now ready to report. On motion, the reading of the report was deferred until the next meeting. To the Honorable Common Council: In accordance with the power vested In me as mayor, I hereby appoint, subject to your approval, George W. Bullis a meraber of the Board of Public Works to flll the vacaucy caused by the resignation T. J. Keech. C. G. Dakling, Mayor. October Ist, '94 Aid. Prettyman moved that the appoiutment of George W. Bullis as member of the Board of Public Works be confirmed. Adopted as follows : Yeas - Aid. Wagner, Bodmer, Martin, Allmendinger, Snyder, Brown, Manly, Kitson, Prettyman, Pres. Wines - 10. Nays- Aid. Wood- 1. City Assessor O'Hearn duly certifled to the council assessment rolls of lateral sewer district number 1 and 2. Whereupon the following resolution was of"ered ; By Aid. Kitson : Kesolved, That, whereas the city assessor las duly certifled to the Coiumon L'ouncii of this city the assessraent roll of all the owners and occupants of the land contalned witliin special assessment district, number one, and of all lands situated therein, well and sufflciently described, togethcr with hls estímate and determination of the value of each parcel thereof as required by the ordinance of the city of Ann Arbor. Therefore, It Is ordered that the 15th day of October, A. D. 1894, at 10 o'clock a. m. of said day be flxed and approved as the time and he eouncil chamber of said city of Ann Ar)or as the place where the said councll of ,he city of Ann Arbor will slt asa Board of Review to review the said assessment roll. Notice of this meeting is herebyglven to all persons interested in the same. It Is furlher ordered that the city clerk do cause the said urder to be published in the ïext issue of the official newspapers of this city, and due prooi of said publication be nlect in the office of said city clerk. Adopted. By Aid. Kitsen: Resolved, That, Whereas the City Assessor las duly certified to the (Joriimou "Council of this city theassessmenl roll of all the owners uid oceupautsof the land contained withln special Assessmeut District Number Two, ■jnd ofall of the lauds situated therein, well md surriciently described, together with his estímate and determinatiou ol the value of each parcel thereof, as required by the ordinance of the city of Ann Arbor. Therefore, it is ordered that the 15th day of October, A. D. 1894. at lOo'clock a. m., of said day be flxed and approved as the time aud the Council Chamber of the said city of Ann Arbor ars the place where the said Council of he city oi Ann Arbor will sit as a Board of Review to review the said Assessmeut Roll. Notice of this meeting is hereby given to all persoiib Interested in the same. It is further ordered that the City Clerk do cause the said order to be published in the next issue of the official newspapers of this city, and due proof of said publication be flled in the office of said City Clerk. Adopted. By Alderanan Wood : Resolved, That the Board of Public Works ause the Street Commissioner to order and equire the Ann Arbor Street Railway Co. to orthwith 1111 iu, repair and make reasonably afe the roadway between lts tracks throughout the entlre length of lts road. Adopted. I By Aid. Prettyman : Whekeas, a vaoancy in the office of the Justice of the Peace in the city of Ann Arbor, exisls. occasioned by the resignaron of John W. Bennett Justice of tlie Peace; therefore. Resolved, Anti H is hereby ordered that at the coming general election November 6th, 1894. such vacHney in the office of Justice of the Peace be filled by a special election to be held on the sald (ilh day of November as as aforc-said. That such electiou be held in the same places where such general election is held, and to be conducleü pursuant to law. Resolved, Kiirther, that the City Clerk do certify tbis resol uti on to the inspecors of electlons in and for eacli ward of said city and also havedue notice of the said eleclion hereby ordered accordiug to law. Adoptt'd Aid. Prettymiui moved that the Board of Public Works are hereby directed to ask for bids for the grading along Felch Park on the south side, and report at the next couneil meeting. Adoptad. Aid. Wood moved th'atthe CityAttorney file an opinión with this couneil as to the title of land on the southeast corner of Washington and Twelfth sts. Adopted. On rnotion the couneil adjourned.


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