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The new two cent st&rnp is uofc a tlidng of beauty. Fraternity Lodge F. & A. -M., wil] wark the first degree Friday night. About to-morrow the Ann Arbor P. O. wlll not have a Columbian si amp in the office. 0 A Ktune -walk lias Just been completed n front o! l'rown & Cady's store on State Street. The new "Postagc Due" stamps are -rery neat and pretty. Hut it galla ;i ivllow lite sin to be obliged to pey tor one of thein. "The Time of Day by the Orthodox Clock," will l3 the subject of Dr. Cobern's Sunday evening sermón in the M. E. chureh. Sheriff Brenner : "The Daily Courier is a pretty good lookhig sheet, luit you can teil your readers fchat the entire democratie ticket will be elected, all right." There is a young latl in this city only thirteen years old who ho'.ds down the scales at 180 lbs. And 3ie is one of th ebeet natured and jolly boys in town. J. N. Lewis addressed a democratie campaign meeting' at .Terusalem last night. The old familiar hyrnn "Jerusalem My Happy Home," has been ruined for iife now. People ads. in the AVant Column of the Daily (rfu-ier vi 1 ïind our val es mt.v reasonable. l-'or a thiiee line add, 25 cents per week or 10 cente per issue. There are 1G3 school districts in Washtenaw county, and live unlön districts, making 170 districts that tlie county school coinmissioner lias to vösit during the year. Professor Ti-ueblood will read "Paul's defense before Agrippa" at the ylose of his jioon lecture before the University Eible Claes at llie Methodist church, next Sunday. Bev. Camden M. Cobern has recently been fnvited to become ;issooiate editor of the American Antiquarian, but has declined the invitation on account of a preesure of work. "Will the pastors of the various churches of the city kifidly furnish the Courier with a programme for their Sunday services, on Friday evening or Saturday morning of each week ? Poetmast-er Beakes dlsposed of a 90 cent prepaid envelope yesterday. Tliere are two more of the same denomdnation on hand if any stamp gatherer desires to add a rarity to nis or her collection. It takes money to build railróads, and likewise it takes items to make newspapers, and Lf our friends wlll kinilly glyie us tlie tip when they know au item of interest, it will bc a favor thoroughly appreci&ted. Tlie county now has a balance on hand of orer $3,000. Last year at this time it had on hand in overdraft of ow $8.000. This shows a little 'better state oí finalices, müch to the delight of tax-ptiyers. The Commom Councal and the University authorities have made ;irrangements for cuttiing down and grading that portion of Catherlne st. near th hospit-als. This has long been in a dangerous condition. "Glad to note your enterprise,'' said a business man yesterday respecting the Daily Courier, "and I believethat it will pay. Other cities the size of Aan Arbor, support two and three dallies, why shouldn't Ann Arbor?'' It will. Win, F. Vogel and Moses LaLoie will have to prove before the circuit court that they did not sell liquor without a license. Both have been before Justice Po,nd on the above charge, waived examination and were bound over. Mr. Hammond, üf the Argus : "Your first issue is ncat and tasty, and I wish you success in the enterprise." Mamy tlianks, Bro., for the good words. We shall eadearor to continue to merit them together with your good will. As a good indica tion ui tlie inereaeang üiterest in music this year 825 have applied for adniission to the Choral Union. Many others have had to be turned away on account of not bedng able to accommodate them in Uni-ersity Hall. "Here is a half dollar. Send me the Daily Courier and the Detroit Daily .Journal fiw reeks. i will try them that long anyway." And the gentleman hamled over the coin to the wriiter oi this, and went, on liis way rejoicing over the excellent bargain he liad made. Hon. A. .T. Sawyer: "Well now, I am almighty glad you have taken that step. Mr. BeaJ has the facilttles lor and the foundation ou which to bmüd a successful daily. A.nythitng I lo for tlie succesa of the Daily ('ourier shall bc do.tti ." The fourteenth annual reunión of the ICth Michigan Infantry takes place ín this city, tti-morrow, Thursday. Tlie business ses.sions will be hield at the G. A. 11. hall during the day, and tlie banquet at the rink in the evening. It is needless io remark that the old boys will have a good time. Jacob Maurer begán a ten days' sentence at the county janl to-day. j He was Ibefore Juetice Pond tiiis morning tn uiswer to a charge of drunkenness. Marshal Banfield took a bottle of chloroform fvom ;he same inanJasi week. At that táme he liad, it is stated, made up his mind to ■■shuffle off this mortal coll." Carpemtera have begun ivork on the new resi-dence of E. E. Calkins on H311 st., mear i'rof. B. I). Campbell's resiáence, Mr. Calkins is building a fine $4,000 house of ten rooms, which vrill have a'l modera conveniences and wlll be a a mode" home in all its appointments. It i 1 not be complete! muil iiext summer. Mvs. Ormistone ClKimt, avIio so delighted the people of Anu Arbor lio heard her npeak at the Unitarlan church, and who met her while visWng here on two or three occasions, a. year or 80 ajgo, is stirring iin all London by a crusade againgt tlie vlle music halls of that Krent city. Sluis president oí the Vigilaace As-ociation of London, Einff., her home. Sinoe Rev. Henry Tatlock lias rccetved .so muc'a gi-atuitoüs aotorlety reepect-ing the wrong lioi-sc which he attempted to harness oyer at Tecumsch recently, he believes more thoroug'Uly than ever in nevrspaper adevrtfeing. He finde the story in i-M-ry paper he plebs up. and is reaïly conviinced tlial it ebould be worn out by tilas time. Ooneeqxiently we paes it by unaoticed. The council Bitting is a Board of Bevaew on tbr special srwcr assessmeiite, for djstrivts one and two, completed their duties Tuesday p. m., and the same has 'lxsen approved. Assessor O'Hearn lias now to fisure out each man's tax according io the 'stimate of the council, and complete the rolls. After that work is completed the books wil! probably be placed in tJie hands of the city treasurer for collect-ion, at the munificent compensation of one-half of one per cent. Postmaster Beakes reports that the average time now consumed bj' a special delivery letter from the time it reaches the post office until delivered, is only fifteeai minutes. So far 'as letters and light packages are concenied, the post is as good as a district telegraph office. If the citizens really understood the great convt'iiience and promptness with which a letter is deli-red, more would make use of the system. All that is necessary is to attach a special delivery stamp in addition to the regular postage and drop the letter into the office. The Ann Arbor Fruit & Yinegar "Works on S. First st., at present presents a very busy appearance. About 1,000 bushels of apples are ground into eider daily and 150 bushels dried. Arthur Maybee, the foreman, has made a number of new improviemente in the way of elevators for the peelimge, etc. He built a tramway with aa iotnproved car 'whicn will turn short curves. He expects to apply for a patent for his devioe.


Old News
Ann Arbor Courier