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Dr. ('. Georg has beefl in St. Louis, Mo., (hiiin.u1 tiic week. John Spafard, of Manchester, was an Ann Arlior visitor Monday. G. II. Young, of Chicago, is the njght elerk of the Cook House. John Kuebler, of W. Liberty et., is confined to the house with lllness. Saín I.angsdoi'f, now of Detroit, was the guest of Ann Arbor friends over Sunday. F. E. D. Kellogg, Sr., of the Franktin House, visited friends in Detroit last week. Mrs. H. E. Ik'nnett, of Tliompson st., entertained friends from uwosso last week. F. H. Jerome and wite, of Detroit have been gueste of Ann Arbor friends during tiic week. S. S. Stimson, of [ngreoll, Ont., was the guest last week of bis b'.other, J. D. Stinison. Mts. J. O. St. ('laar, of Yo! and st,. is entertainlng her mother, Mrs. Mithcell, for a few weeks. Jlr. and Mrs. Albert Schumacher, of W. Huron st., werc visitors at the Chelsea. fair last weekt Mrs. Fred KUborne and Mrs Chase, of Corunna. are guesihs "f Mr. and M"s. II. A. Wiiliams. om E. Ann st, Evart H. Scotl pin si leni of tlie Ann Arbor Agricultura! ('o., return d last week fiom a business trip to Cliicago. Mrs. Thomas H. Corbett, of AV. Huron st., returned last week from a TJsit with her paireaita In St. Johns. Mies Fritz and Miss Stokes, of Grand Raptós, hav eleen guest of Mr. and Mts. Geo. Allnicndinger during the week. Eev. B. W. Moore and wife, of tlie 2d Baptist ehurch, werc giren a pleasant surprise and donation Tuesday pvcnlng last. M:.ks Maggie CaTamaugh of Sharon, is visitmg the family of her brother School Commissioner M. .T. Cavanaugh, o,n AYümot et. Roy McClure -and wife of the Cook House, were in Detroit yesterday. Fred Kichmond, of Chicago, is in the city for a few days. Mrs. Dr. Warsabo, formerly MLss Kittie Garner, of Co'.dwater, is in the city Yisiting old triemds hcre, for tlie first time in 19 years. George Oopey, Jr., left Friday for Cliicago, where he will enter the office of the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul R'y., as stenographer. yiv. and Mrs. Walter T. Seabolt have returned from tlicir wedding trip and have gone to housekeeüing nt thcir homo on N. Fifth ave. Mrs. Hannah Warner, nee Bach, of Cincinnati. Oliio, has been the guest of her father a.nd other relatives in the city Ifor the past few days. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Inquerson, of Clinton, Iown, who liave been the guests of Mrs. Inquerson's únele, Prof L. D. Wínes, leffc last week for Detroit. Miss Ida Tease has rented lier residence, 69 E. Washington, to Dr. Root, asid wlll Teside with her relativo, Mr. Coddington, in Florida, the coming winter. Rev. Mills B. Ge'ston and wife, of B. Washington st., are visiting íriends in Ohio, nnd will then visit their dauglïter Mrs. Prof. J. A. Woodburn, at Bloomington, Ind. F. Bostwick, of the Detroit fire department, was the guest last week of F. E. D. Kellogg a-nd fami y. He was one of the fh'emeai in the big Ke-enan & Jalui's fire. Mrs. A. M. Burleson and son John of Suspension Bridge, New York, who have been the guests of Mrs. Burle son's sister Mrs. W. W. Wetmore, re tu'ii-d home on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. O. K Partridge, of Alpena, have lepii gueste of Aid. Fergnson (mil v:ifi' (lurinií the past week. Mr; Parórldge wa8 a delégate to tlie Y. M. C. A. oonvention; G. Frank Allmendinger. treasurer of tlie Ann ArbOT MUliiig C-o., spent tliree days in Owosso last week, looking after luis milling interests Ín that city. He reporte the business outlook a.s encournging. Mr. Willis, the general secretary of the Y. M. C. A., of Müwaukee, Wis,, and who conducted the singing so admirably at tlie Y. M. C. A. meetings, was the guest of Mv. and Mrs. J. L. Baboock during liis sta.y here. Dr. and Mrs. V. C. Vaughan ga- a deliíylitful reception on Wednesday i : uiiig last, dn honor of their guests Da-, and Mis. Bewell of AVashington, D. C. Tliey are on their return from Colorado. Geo. H. Pond, itlie city editor of tlie Courier, returned from liis trip to (hand I'orks, N. 1., last Friday He found liis son Llewellyn, whom lie went to see, in good health and prosperiaig.


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Ann Arbor Courier