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Bueklen's Árnica Salve. The Best Salve In the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcera, Salt Rlieum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands. Ohillblains. Coras, and all skin Eruptions. and poaitively cures Piles or no pay required. It Is ffuaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refuuded. Pïlce 25 cents per box. For aale ly Kherhach & Sou. ITCHÏNö SKÍÑ rïv DISEASES ■ X r Instantly yJ$s f Reüeved ." P 11 5peedily ( Cured Cutlcura Remedies A warm bath with CUTICURA SOAP, and a single application of CUTiCURA, the great skin cure, will afford instant relief, permit rest and sleep, and point to a speedy, economical, and permanent cure of the most distressing of itching, burning, bleeding, scaly, and crusted skin and scalp diseases, after physiciar.s, hospitals, and all other methods fail. CUTICURA WORKS WONDERS, and its cures of torturing, disfiguring, humiliating humors are the most wonderful ever recorded in this or any age. Cuticura Remedies are sold throushout the world. Price, CUTTCUKA, 50c; So.AP, 125c.: Rf.SOLVENT, $i., POTTÜR DRVG il ND ChEM. CORP., Solc Props., Bostr-Jl. "All about the B!ood, Skin, Scalp, and Hair," freenljUIPLES, blackheads, red and oi!y skin pre11 iïl vented and cured by Cuticuea Soap. m MUSCULAR STRAIN3,PA!HS and weakness, back ache, weak kidneys, rheumatism, and chest pains relieved in one minute by the Caticura Auti Pain Piaster. I THE NEXTMORNING I FEEL BRIGHTAND NEW AND MY COMPLEXION IS BETTER. My doctor says it acta gently on the stomach llver and kidneys. and 8 a pleasant laxative. Thiá "&& ísir1 is prepared for " LAMES MEDIGIHE A 11 drosists sell it at 50c. and $1 a paclraee If yon cannot get it. send your address for a free sample l.ane's Family Medicine moves the bowels earh day. Jn orflertobe hpalthv thisis necesaarv Addresa OBATOKf . WOODWARD, LkHoy.N.Í Hotzel's Water Back ! A very important invennon ivhick will be hailed with delight by every bc dy uïing a stove or range for hoi water circulation. After years of ex erience we have succeeded in pro ducing a simple and perfect WATER BACK. Il overcomes all the present troubles of extracting lime and other sedi-nents which accumulate in water backs, üften making them useless and in great many instances becommg dangerous. The outlay of dollars is reduced to dimes. No household using a range can afford to be without it. No more trouble by using city svater for hot water circulation. Can be used in any stove. Ask your stove dealer for Hutzel's Water Back. Mason & Davis Co's. ranges for a)e at C. Eberbach are provided with our improvement. Rverybody cali and examine this i useful invention. HUTZEL & CO., Piumber-s and Steam fitters. A.NN AKBOTi, - . MIOH. WALL PAPER WALL PAPER Of all the Latest Designs. E=XSIOE!S -th.e LO"WEST at OSCAR O, SOHG, Tlie ZDecoratar. 70 S. MAIIV ST.. AXN 4RB0R 2oolsCottaËoot m W?H compound. Sfjjl HT reoen discovery by an old TOSgL f f physieian. Successfulhj used HRfflk f .jjnonthl]j by thousands of gvgfc _p Ladies. Is the only perfectly B safo and reliable medicine discorered. Beware of nnprincipled druggist3 -who oïïer inferior medicines in place of this. Ask for Cook's Cotton Root Compound, take no subslitute, or inclose $1 and G cents in postage in letter andwe wiïlsenc!, sealed, hy return ïuail. Fullsealed partlculai-s ia plain euvelope, to ladies only, 3 stanips. Address Pond Lily Com pany, No. 3 Fishor Blook, Detroit, Mioh. Sold in Anu Arbor and everywhere by all druggists. fjHlS YEAR TUK BOYS WILLWANT TO 1 economlzt, but you can'l iwayB walk when POLHEMDS haá added a lot oí nc'nstylish rigs, before lmrd times were upon us. ïiiid now is deterniined to niiike the priecs so !ow,that Itwill bc a pleasure tospend a dollar now and theu. Saddle Horaes for Ladies and Lientlenien. lam prepared to answer all calis ïor Backa with the fiucst turnouts in the city. ('all ui) POLHEMUS by 'Fhone. or order at 'arn. corner Main and Catherine Btreeta. Cars rom üolveralty atop atouroflBoe. Sept. 27 1894. Hollináis IB íl r"!üís-"f ures t_M . ive8 Doctore' Büls. SampUireo. ÖAJ3 ü.N.T. ft!,' " %L " " 11 h 3 -i -So a w q - r M S" ff 3 g OQ P J The Onfy Direct Route 5 Jp Froin All Polnt In ?MiCWQAN AND CANADA T0? L Modern Sleeping Carsl I Iftfl & # ? on NlghtTralns. UÏWSft L ff"L"C..,.,.l FINDLAY,? í DAYTON, ?CINCIiATIando==S lNDIANAPOLIS. féjissf For rates and full information, address J ? D. B. TRACY, Northern Pass. Agt., ? W son & Woodward Aves., Detroit, Mich. 0 0 JOHN BASTABI.E, District Passenger Ajrt m 5 Bridge St., Toledo, Ohio. '5 D. G. EDWARDS, General Passenger Agent ? V Carew Building, Cinciunati, Ohio. 0 PÜf ÏÏMBIW -"- UÜil Mil U c,overy of Amerca to WVHVBlBtvUn present time. w i COLÏÏMBIA For special terms applyatonee to PALESTINA PUB'G CO., Rikhart, Ind, CA IV I OIÏTAIN A PATENT? Fora prompt acsiver and an honest opinión, write to M UNN & CO., who have bad nearlyfifty yeara' experience in the patent business. Communications strlotly confidential. A Ilaiiílbook of íaformatíon concomin Patenta and how to obtain thera sent f vee. Also a catalogue of mecüanlcal and scientific books sent free. Patenta takea throuch Mudxl & Co. reoeive snecial noticein tho 8'ieiitiíic American, and tlius are brousrht widoly beíorethe public without cowt to tlie inventor. Thïs sploiidid paper, i.-snpd wcekly, eleörantlyillupiraterl.hasbyfarthe largeat Qiroulatioa of any scientific work in tho world. $3 a year. Specimen copies sent free. Builuniï! ïltlition, tnonthlr, Í2.ó0a year. Hinglö copies, j cents. Every number coTitains beautiful platee, in colore, aiid photopraphs of new houses. with plans, enablinp builders to show tho lat est designs and secure contracta. Address MüKN & CO., KEff YOHK, 3Ö1 BltOADWAT. BAUMG&RDNER S ANN ARBOR ELSCTRSC CRASCITE WORKS, Manufacturar of and dealer in rtiiiic Uaïbls iü Granitc Memorials ! Having on hand a large quantity of Rough Graaite, and full equipped tnachinery for Granite W.n-k. we are prepared to execute Fine Monumental Work on short notice. OFFICE, No. B Detroit St., AHN ARBOR, - MICHIGAN.


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