Eastern Star Election
![Eastern Star Election image](/sites/default/files/aa_courier/aa_courier_18941114-p03-03.jpg)
Last mug-uit tliere was another election. IFollowing so closely upon tlie great rupilieaval of Tuesday, it did not créate quite as much excitement, but it "was spirited and lively nevertlieless. Tlie -ajuiual election of tlie Ordr of tliO Eastem Star, the ladiies brancli of masomry, is wliat is rofcrred to, and tlie result was as follows : Wortliy Matrou- JIrs. JJabel K. Pond. Worthy Patrom- Dr. A. C. Nicliols. Assooiate Matron- Jliss Emma K. Bower Sec'y- Dr .Mary Fitzgerald. Treasurer- Mrs. Ella M. A'kliols. Conducti-ess- Mrs. Ida Moore. Assoeiate Couductress- Mrs. Matilda Granger. Ada- JIrs. Ella Bemiett. Ruth - Mrs. Dora Vandawarker. Est her- Mrs. Mary Ball. Martha- Mrs. Adolda Howlett. Electa- Mre. Eva Goodrich. Warder- Mrs. Mary Mingay. Sentinel- Tlios. ïaylor. ChapJain- Mrs. Caj-rie Martin. i Marshal- Mrs. Mimnie Adaitns. i Organist- Miss Nina Davison. : The date of installation has not yet ■ been decided upou, the Grand Worthy , Matron," who resides at Alma, ap: po:nting' the time therefor. Durding the evening a sxirpirise was sprung npon the ladies by the presentation of a very liandsome star, the gift of the gentlemen members of the order. ThO presentation speech be5ing made by Bro. Yin. G. Doty, ín Jiis usual happy and pleasmg manner.
Old News
Ann Arbor Courier