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Real Estate Transfers

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Aug. Herz to Geo. Spathelf, Jr., Ann Arbor 375 oo J. h. Strang to C.M. Bulland, Ypsl lanti 225 00 John O'Briento Lewii 11. Mlller, Augusta 6Ü0 0(, F. W.Smilh (o H. E., C. F., and B N. Smith, Mttsfield 1,800 00 Catharine üeck toHermau Graf, Aun Albor 4;0 00 Edward Robison to A. S. Robison, Saliue 4,020 00 Peter Caah to E.M. Oonklin. Manchester 1)B00 00 X. W. Hadley to Daniel Tilden, Ann Arbor 4i5()0 00 Mlchael Hon-e to R. S. Armstrong Sylvau 150 oü Johu Clark to R. and G. Vinkle. Dexter L75 00 C. D. Preston to Frank Renau, Freedom lmo m .]. E. McGlll to A. c. Peoples, Chelsea 1,200 00 J. N. Buuting to J. ï. & M. Penuell Aun Arbor 2,030 00 Wray Graliam to JaneCusliman.Mancnester qq qq W. is. Smitli to Joliu SmitriNorth"iield _ j tjjn tn John Smith to W. S. Smith',"No"ftLflël"d 2500 00