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It Was The Same Dinner Pail In 1894 As

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in 1892. the differehce was tliat the pail has been emptv for two years and its owner quite naturaljy resented it. ' Every place of any iinportance in the state, and some not quite so important, has its candidate for jus tice of tlie supreme court, and inauy of thein are very aljle lawyers, too. Edwin F. Doty, a veteran newspaper man, well known tbroughout the state some years ago, died yesterday at his liome in Grand Rapids, age 70 years. His wife preceded hiin three weeks ago. Some of the nations of the earth appear to think that Japan is fighting just for the fun of the tliing, but tliat nation will probably Convinca even Secretary Gresham that she means business, before Imi;. When Japan gets through thrashing China, she will have beconie so proficient in the art of war tliat the "civilized" powers will think twice before veuturing to tri' conclusions with that war-like little nation. For the third time within a few years the Th'read milis at Flint, liave burued to the ground. Each time they have beenrebuilt, better than before, but whether capilatista can be indncöd to face misfortune again, is a question: If the Deuiocrat had understood the reference of the Couriev to the Detroit News as being a brilliant diamond in the rongh, perhaps it would not have written as it did. The News probably uuderstood the item as it was meant. Paderewski'g father, who died a couple of weeks ago, was 64 years old, but looked 80. He was made prematurely old by a seven year's imprisonment in Siberia. That is probably the reason why bis son's hair was so animated, wild and crazy like. A monument to the late James lick was unvei'.ed at San Francisco yesterday, anuid tmpoeing cerememies. Mr. Lick was the man who built the Lick Obsfervatory on Mt. Hamüton, and left severa 1 inillions of dollars to found public schools and chardtfcable institutions. It is just possible that the lastelection lias taught one lessou, and taught it thoroughly, that is, that it doesn't pay for any party to fuse with another party. Mr. Barkworth lost many votes by truckling to the populists and gained precióos few. And the populists, where are they ? Not even Peters eau teil you . Go ask the winds. It cnst the Czar of Russia $0.000,000 to be sick and lie never got weli. Evidently it would be an expensive luxury for the Czar to be sick often, and get well. The Czar's physicians must have a prescription rake-off arrangement witli their druggist- like'some doctors in tliis country, tor instance. Nov. 6th the republicana carried Hamilton county, ()., in which Cincin. natti, and all other kinds oE sin are lo carted, bv 22,000 majority. Just two weeks later a special electioii for judge. was held in the same countv, and the demócrata turned out and carried the county by 3,500.- Adrián Press. Yes, sin got in it.s work at last. Senator Kyle, of Soutli Dakota, explalns it by saying that, "The people are ery impulsive and quick to eondemn the party in power!" Thirtytwo years wasn't so awfully "quick" when the people liad the republiean party to dealjwith. The people were quick to discover that two years of democratie and populist power were about twenty-fnur monthg too much.


Old News
Ann Arbor Courier