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99 SS VLEAVES ITS MARK - every one of' the painful irregulariiies and weaknesses thnt prey upon womcu Uhey fade thé face, waste the figure, ruin the temper, wither you up, make yon oíd before your time. Getwell: Tlwt'a theway to look well. Cure the disorders atid ailmcnts that beset you, wíth Di. Pitrce's Favorite Prescription. It regúlate and promotes al I the proper funelions, improves digestión, enriches the blood, disptls aehts and pains, melancholy and nervousness. brings refreshing sleep, and restores health and strength It's a powerful general, as wcU as uterine, tonic and nervios, niiparting vigor and strength to the entue system. Mrs. Anna Ulkich, of F.lm Creei, Buffalo Co., Neb., writes: "I enjoy fíJXSfí0StWí K"1 liealth thanks to sëWmfQ&Mfo. 1)r Pi.erces Pavorite PreraffSf4MP?4 scrintion aml 'Rolden m%&2&$0&3$m Medical Discovery.' i $j raVK was llnc'er doctors' care jpuA. . t% 'r two years witli wotiib wwSSbI íír B chs-"ase, and gradually ]3 í. L w!l?;''nrr i'1 streiiüfth all I s i . ví1 ï was so weak I Aíh MIÍH- couid sit up in bed - i011'}'11 few ír.otnents. for Jááktt pS twoyears. I comnienced " $ taking Dr. Pierce's FaV ív. ƒ vorite Prescription and jg. _ h his ' Golden Medical DisBgl covery,' and by the time íM'-MmtVJ 1ÍK' tfik0 one-half dozVíi'irS íwífí en Ijott'es was UP and V.. ? XfP'i proinjí wlierever I pleased Mrs. Utrich and fiare had gooi health UJ.KILFI. a]](1 ,)t.tI1 yery sl,.o ever smee- that was two years and a lialf ago." A book of 168 pases on " Woniati and Her uiseases" mailed sealed, on reccipt of 10 cents iu stamps for postare. Address WOKLn's DrSPENSARY MkDICAI. ASSOCIATION, 663 Main Street, Buflalo, N V IN 1895. The Simpletons, a new üovel by Thomas Hardy, will bc begun in the December number, 1SS4. aud continued to November, 1895. Whoever rnay be one's lavurile among Engllsli novelista, it will be conceded by all critIcs tiiat Thomas Hardy stands foremostïas a maaier arlist in fiction.and THB 8IMPLKT0NS ma.v Ue expected to arouse enthusiasm not inferior in degree to tlial wuieh has marked Trilby - the most sucoessful story of the year, Anolher lending feature will be the Pkhsoïal Recollectioks of Joan of Ahc, by the tieur Louis de Conte, Her ï'age and ecielaiy, under Whlch guise the most popular oí living American magazine wiïteis will present the story of the Maid ol Urleans. lu the January number will aupear a pi'tfusely illus rated paper on CHARLE8T0N and THE Carolinas, the flrat of series of Southern lJapers. ÏSiortliern África is atii'acting more attention Ihan al any ol.her time slnce it was the seat of emptreti. Tlie next volume of 11ARl'ER'S MAtiAZINE will eoutaln four illusI rated atiielfs on ïhis región, and tnree ot tliem will depic. present Tife tbere. Julián Halpiim'íII prepare lor t lie magazine a series oí eight, htortes, depictïng lypical pilases o! Chinese Life and Mauners. Besides ihe long stories thi't e vi 11 begin in the January number the firsl chapter.n ol A Thiei'-Part Noveltílte, by Richard Harding Uavis- the lougest worK yet altempted by this writer. Complete short slories by popular writers will continue to be a feature of the magazine. Senil for lliusiniteil Prospectas The volumes of the Magazine begin wlth the Nutnber for June und December of eiclï year. When no time is mentlonecl, subscrij - tiohtj wili begiu with the Nuoiber cuneutrat tha time of receipt of order. Cloth case for binding, 5;i cents ech- by mail powtpald. Title-page and índex s ut on appllcation, HemiUiince should be made by Post-olïice Money Oí derór Draft, toavoid chance oí loss Newspapers are nol to copy this advcrtisement without the exprests order of Harper L Brothers. HARPER'S PERIODICALS. Harper's Magazine, - one year, $4 00 Harper's Weekly, - " - 4 00 Harper's Bazar, - " - 4 00 Harper's Young People, - " - 2 00 Postage Free to all eubscribcrs in the United, States, Canada and Mexico. Address HARPER & BROTHERS. P. 0. Box, 959 N. Y. City. tarpQr'S Baza. IN 1895. Elegant and exclusive designs for Ont-door and in-door Toilettes, dravvn from Woktii modela by Sandoz and Chapus, are au Important leature. These appear every week, accompanled by minute descriptious and details. Our Paris l.eltor, by Kathakine ie Kokest, is a weekly Transcript of the latest styles and caprices in the mode. Undtr the head of New York Fashions, pUin directions and full particulars are given as to shapes, ïabncs. trimmiugs and accessories of the costumes of well dressed women. UhildreQ's Cloüiing receives practical attention. A fortnightly Paltern-blieet .Supplement euables readers to cut and make their own gowns. The ornan who takes HARPER'S BAZAR is prepared lor every occasion in life, ceremonious or informal, where beautiful dress is requisito. Ak American Serial, Doctor Warrick's Daughters, by Kebkcca Harding Davis, a strong novel of American Ufe, partly laid in Pennsylvania and partly in i he far South, will occupy the last half of the year. My Lady Nobody, an intensely exclting novel, by Maarten Maakten, author 01 "üod's fooi," " The Greater Glory," etc, will begin the year. Kssay and Social Chais. To t.liis department Spectator will contribute lier charmlng papers on "What We are Doiug" in New VorK Society. Auswers to Correspondents. Q.uestions receive the personal attention of the editor, and are answered at the earliesl possible date afier their receipt. Send for Ulustroted Prospectus. The Volume of the BAZAR begin wilh the first Number for Jauuary of each year. When no time is mentioned, subscriplious will begln with tne number ourreiit at the time of the receipt of order. L'loth Cases for each volume, suitable for binding, will ne sent by mail, postpaid, on receipl of $1.00 each. TUU-page and index sent on applieation. Reinittance should be made by Post-offlce Money Order or Draft, lo avoid chance of loss. Newspapers are not lo copy tltis adverüsement without the exprcss uraer of Harper d' Brothers. HARPER'S PERIODKALS. Harper's Magazine, one year, -$4 00 Harper's Weekly, - " - 4 00 Harper Bazar, - " - 4 00 Harper's Young People, " - - 2 00 l'oslage Free lo all subscriben in the United States, Canada, and Mexico. Address HARPER k BROTHERS, P, 0, Box 959, N. Y, City. IN 1895. HARPER'S WEEKLY isa pietorial history oi t lie times. lt presen ts every Important event promptly, accurrately nd exhaustively 11 illustration and descriptive text of the lughest order. The manner in wliich, during 1894, i t lias t realed ihe Chicago Bailway Strikes and the China-Japanese War, and the amount of iiglit it was able to tbrow on Korea the instant attentioii was directed to that littleknown country, are e.xamples of ils almost hnundless resources. Julián Ralph, ihe distlnguisbed wrilerand correspondent, has been .-.ent to the sein of war, and Diere Joined by C. D Wki.don, the wellknown American aiiist. and lor many years resident in Japan who luis been enguged to opérate witli Mr' Uai.i-h in sendiug to HARPER'S WEEKLY exclusive Information and illustration. During 189.) every vital quegliou will be (ll.-cusseil with vigor and without prejudice in the editorial columns, and alen in special articlHs by the highest authorilies in each deparlment. Portralts uf the men and womeu whoare inaklug history, and power lui ana and cttustlc polltical cartoons will oooHnue tobe chai acleris tic features. 'Tliis Busy World, with its keen and kindlvoornineiit on ihu lesser doluga of tlie day, will remalu a regular departmeot. BiOTios. TherewllI b two powerful seríais hotli bandsomely illuslraied- Tne Red ? Kt'ni'K romance ol olden days ijy 8TAMLEÏ J Weymak. and a novel of New pí',vi ''""V,"' The Noa ' Hi Father, by BB1NDKR Uatkhews - several novel ettes and uiany short stoiies by popular vrrlters. Send for Illustrsted Prospectos. ihiHrX0"10? "' tlle Wbekly besin with me tirst Number for January of each vear Wlien no tune is menttoned, subsorlpílons will b,:!!,„,vHli the Number current at time ol receipt ot order. Cloth (;ases tor each volume, suitable for binding, will be sent by mail, póstpald on rece.p,, of l 00 each. TMe-vwaSdlndS, sent on application. Bemlttanoes should be made bv Post-offlce Mouey Order or Draft, to avoid chance o? „,íW"1,'?Per'! are n"1 ' covy this adeertisement wwAoiii the express onlerojli AiWBii & BkothHARPER'S PERIODICALS. Harper's Magazine, one year -L4 00 Harper'sWeekly. - " - 4 00 Harper's Bazar, - " - 4 00 Harper's Young People, " - 2 00 Postage Pree to all subscriben) In the United States, Canada or Mexico. Address HARPER & BROTHERS, P.O. Box 969 N.Y, City. Tlie Oolumblan orgun committees are now sellüig tickets in every ward of the city, for the grand concert to come off Bec: 14. Let the debt on the organ be -sviped out on that day.


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Ann Arbor Courier