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Real Estáte Transfers. Frank Stowell to Jacob L. Strong. YpsilaiUP, - í 650 L. and O. B Gates to Jacob L. Strong, Yp.-íilanti 75 EmmaL. Loomis to Weinman & Stein, Ann Arbor . 350 C Seyfreid to S. Scyfreid, Ann Arbor 1 Robert C. Saftord to G. Gibson, Superior 2,800 First National Bank, Plymouth, to G. Gibson, Superior 2,930 M. J. Popkins to H. Shurtloff, et al, Ann Arbor 000 Aiva Freer to John J. Rafferty, C'helsea. Sil Joniitliiui Marlin to John .1. Rafferty, Chelsea 1 J. A, McNaughton to John RaíTurty, Chelsea i _. 40 J. 1). Taylor to Cheisea Suv. Bank, Sylvan ] 5 Tilomas S. Sears to Chelsea Sav. Bank Sylvan _... 1 Geo. W.Turn Bull to Micbael Keeian, fsylvan 275 lf. Keelanby ex's to Jliclmel Keeian, Uhel8ea 275 C. Gillespie heirs to J. S. Gillespie, Aun Arbor 1 C. Gillespie heirs to J. S. Gillespie, Ann Arbor i Mary Pfisterer to Johu Pfisterer, Ann Arbor 1 M. Gillespie to M. Seabolt, Aun 100 J. E. Goodrich to W. aud S. A. Southwood, Ypsilauti 50 First Presbyterian Church to First M. E. Cüuroh, Manuliester 200 Purify your blood, tone up the systeni, and regúlate tiie digestive orguns by taking Hood's Sarsaparilla. Sold by all dmggists. Chapter Offieers. The reg-ular annual meeting of Waslitenaw Chapter Koyal Arch Maeons was held last evening-, at Masonic temple, and the iollowing offieers chosea for the year : H. 1- L. C. Goodrich, King- V. IJ. Dorrance. Scribe- J. B. Davis. Treasurer - Chas. E. Hiscock. Secretary - ïTorma.n D. Gates. Capt. oí the Host - A. "W. Gasser. Principal Sojourner - J. F. Hoelzle. R. A. C- Geo. L. Moore. M. 3d rail- Fred AV. BlakO. M. 2d veil- Elmer E. Beal. M. lst Teil- E. F. Johnson. Sentmei- Thos. Taylor. The Only Preventive of Pimples Blackheads Mothy Oily Skin is CUT1CURA SOAP It Strikes At the Cause viz. The Clogged Irritated Inflamed or Sluggish PORE For pimples, blackheads, red and oily skin, red, rougn hands with shapeless nails.falling hair, and baby blemishes it is wonderful. Sold thxoughout the world. Potter DRüa & Jui;-u. Coep., Sole Props., Boston, iliusu. Estáte of Jerojie A. Freeman. STATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Washtenaw. ss. At a session of the Probate Court for the County of Washtenaw, holden at the Probate Ollice in the city of Ann Aruor, on Monday, the 2(ith day of November, in the year one thousand eight hundred and niuety-föur. Present J. Willard Babbitt, Judge of Probate. In the matter of theestate ofJcromeA. Freeman, deceased. Ou readiug and flling the petition, duly verified, of Kinma V. Freeman, praylng that the administration of said estáte may be grauted to herself, or some other suitable person. Thereupon it is ordered, that llonday, the 24th day of December, next, at ten o'clock in the forenoou. be assigned for the hearing of said petition. and that the heirs-at-law of said deceased and all otlier persons interested in said estáte, are required to appenr at a session of said Court, then to be holden at the Probate Office in the city of Aim Arbor. and show cause, if any there be, why the prayer of the potitioner should not he granted. And it is further ordered, that said petitioner give notice to the persons iuterested in said estáte, of the peudency of said petition, and the hearing thereof, by causing a copy of this order to be published in the Aim Arbor Courier, a newspaper priuted aud oireulating in said county, three successiye weeks prcvious to said day of hearing. J. WILLARD BABBITT, (A true copy.) Judge of Probate. Wm, U. Dotv, Probate Register. ESTÁTE OF LüCY W. S. MORGAN. STATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Washtenaw, ss. At a sessiqn of the Probate Court for the County of Washtenaw, holden at the Probate Office in the cityofjAun Arbor, on Wednesday the '28th day of November ín the year ouethous and eight hundred and ninety-four. Present, J. Willard Babbitt, Judge of Probate In the matter of the estáte of Lucy w 8. Morgan . decensed. ■ EdwartD. Kinue and Otis 0. Johnson, surviving executors of the last will and testament of said deceased, come luto court and represoiit that they are now prepared to render thíúr annual account as sucb executors. Thereupon it is ordered, that Tuesday the 18thdayof December next, at ten o'clock 'in the forenoon, be assigned for examiniug and allowlngsuch account, and that the devisees legatees,and heirs-at-law of said deceased and all other persons interested in said estatè are required to appear at a session of said eo'urt then to be holden at the Probate Oííice in the' city of Ann Arbor, in said County, aud show cause, if auy there be, why the sáid account should not be allowed: And it is further ordered that said executors give uotice to the persons interested in said estáte, of the pendency of said account, and the hearing thereol'. by causing a copy of this order to be published in the Ann Arbor Courier, a neuripaperprinted and circulated in said County, two successive weeks previous to said day of' hearing. J. WILLARD B BIiITT WmnG.CDOTÍ-, ' JUDGE P PiBAW Probate Regster. Michigan Hentral " The Manara Falls Route." TIME TABLE IN EFFECT NOV. 18. 18J4 CENTRAL STANDARD TIME & '-é : e; Á ;s i 7 t-i '■ '■ á '■ ú : : : ►i SS j : 9á f áá : : : : gS ci . . oía, " e.o. : - - a. S SS'í : iSSSS = ?S S i -: :=3 In3 'l ■'' ' -' -J 4- i :í ; : :,imr Be sá" ,! g ga H?S288fSSiS2? e 2s88Sü3S5SS88S M S : : j ÍES ge i : : j S P ' 'o. a d: : :'■ es 1 SSS : : 88 ÍR S gS :S :a i : :S88 I """ j s I;::;;:;::: s s ii; ; j ; a 3 ::::::::::: j d ::: ::: á c ■:!::::: SS : :S : fSSS jjj ::::::::::: g; jí; : : :s : : gg-w ss i i j ;ss f es; I i ; i s n áá : : : : '■'■'■:: =■ h SSS i : :SS B8 S8 S? :S : ;8S3 á a 99 as s - C-J CO ÏC 3 ■ " 'fí 1 - 30 CC' Tí 00 C. T' O f g;;;;::::7 g ;;[ ; i j ; ; "i p ::::::: r--r s : ■ : : : : : :]L te ■■ 3" ïïiïïïïl a .......... _ a g::::i::::: fe o :::::::r:: ::::::::■ w ■ . ::::::■::: H :! íl -!8:: ! Í i : ! i i'! i = 3 S ' ' O ' - s ;::::■;; s ;:-ig i i ügi ii!iiIsfi iiili!sllil llflglglll! iil!lilsl O. W. RÜGGLES, H. V. HAYES, G. P & T. Af?t., Chicago Agt. Anu Arbor . TOLEDO pT" AnnrboK J? - AND O "b NORTHMICHIGAÑ) q RAILWAY. L-' - L-J H vil mfi 7i''".'í''tftV'vviRcí'coinm011 I1)))J I ) I I VLc ■ 'ölm Howard Cvfc .3 JBAY CITY P_-South Boud tTÖLËDÖS TIME TABLE. TAKING EFFECT AVedxesday, August lst. Trains leave Aun Arlinr by Central Standard time. NORTH. SOUTH. 7:15 A. M. 7:25 A. M. 12:15 P. M. 11:30 A. M. 4:15 p. M. 9:00 P. M. TraiU8 run between Ann Arbor and Toledo onlv. +Trains run Sunday only. W. H. Bennett. G. P. A. R. S. tíREENWOOD. AST PROPOSALSJFpR WGOD. Sealed proposals for about 100 cords of harct wood, four feet lone, sawed enda, younj;, body of straight hickory, hard maple, and second growtli white or yellow uplund oak, in quantitles of not less than ten cords, and ahont twenty-flve cords of basswood, good qnality. will be recelved by the undersigned muil tlie.5th üav of December. 18S1, inclusive. The wood to be delivered wilhin the next thtrty days after awarding tlie contract, at the school houses, in such quantities as dlrected. The right to reject any and all offers is reserved, L. GRUNER, Treasurer. w 44-d 39 No. 8 S. Main St. W. W. NIGHOLS, DENTIST. Rooms over Ann Arbor Savings Banks, Opp Court House Square. VITALIZKD AIR. Administered. It is agreeable and easy to take and no prostrating effects follow, while teeth are extracted without pain. (D . M'AGK?S; FIRE INSURANCE AGENCY, 54 SOUTH MAIN STREET. At office oí MACK & SCIIMID. WHERE THE SUMMER BREEZES BLOW Would you By if you could To a glen in the wood, To a spot in the sbade That nature hath made: Rich with ferns and wild llowers One of nature's fair Bowers? What is life to the soul If to labor is all.' What is joy to the heart When for rest we depart To the woods and the dells. Does your heart cry for rest In a place that is biest, With no shadow or sorrow Nor care for the morrow? If so, send your address for a list of "SUMMER TOURS," pubüshed by the Chicago, Müwaukee & St, Paul Railway. Geo. H. Heafford, Gen'l Passeneer Agent Chicago 111 ANDREW E. GIBSOÑ ATÏ0RNEY AT LAW. Office, No. 10 Huron Street, Over Russell's Restaurant. Sept. 13, 1895. Dr. Price's Cream Baking PowdeiT World's Fair Highest Medal and Diploma.


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Ann Arbor Courier