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The Ypsilanti Poult.ry Bi-eeder's Assoclat'on will hold its second annual show, Dec. 21-28. D. C. Tam Buren has boen engaged as instructor in mathematica in the Normal at Ypsilanti. At Dexter a ('iiri.-tmas party w!ll be gtven the young people of the Congregattonal Sunday scüiool. nic Milan eouncll is do Ing its best to fumisli thai vÏÏlwee with better fire facillties. Scio Center Sunday School will giye a fair and social. l'riday aftemoon and ewnimg al the resldence of Thomas Strole. The Clittbom Local has completed the tcmh yeaT oí is existence, and lias changed its publ'catiom day trom Tlmrsday to Fridny. The taxgatfierer is once more heard in the land. Us preeence rcminds as oí the talies that bndelh ns tau'ter tlian brothers. - Wayne Review. Huron lodgo Xo. 30, I. O. O. F., Dexter, will be offcered as follow.s the coming year : X. G., L. R. Lee; V. C, D. D. Dixon : eecre-tairy, Chas. Hogers; pcrniaiii-nt secretary, Geo. Prancisiso ; treasurer, Ed. Eves. Xearly 100 head oí famcy ponltry have been shipped fi-oin ;. J. Xissly's poultry farm fluriug the past two weeks at very satisfactoiry pkcee. Amone thom one pen of ten whkh thepricerecel-s-ed was $55.- Obserrer. One of the most pleasam weddlngB that has occured in Chelsea foi' gome time ivas that of Mss Jennie t. Hudler and Mr. Arthur E. Walker, Detroit, on Thaaiksgtrtng Day. Mir. and Mrs. 'Walker will reside in Detroit. ThO Epworth Leag-ue oi Milan, elected o(ficersp as follow.s : President, - Miss Mac Bell, lst v'.ce-presidciit Mis Hatt'e Jacobs, 2ud vice-president -Miss Belle Day, 3rd vice-president -Miss Eva., -ith viee-preeident Mrs. Eva M'ollcott, seciretary- Miss Anna Jacobs, treasxurea - James Morton. Yesterday moming the well dñllers . at tho village test well, brought up i.n their sand pump scvcr.-il sllvers Ol hickory, from a dcplh of 85 fcet. A number of years ago the democrats had a hic&ory pole ,-ii iIimi point, and it is snpiiosi'd the pieoes pumped ui) wi'iv BÜTered off the old stump as drill went down.M.lan JJeader. I! must bc lii.-n the Xortlivillc Record ttoan has bough-t a [asi tiorse Ilrar hini : "The comxta liohl that if a man wis-hes to djivc laster thaii one w hom he oyerba&es on the liiy.liway, he lias a períeci i-isla to pass liini, and if the laucr intcrfcrcs in a.ny way sotlint ii.n acxident occurs he is resiionsible all damages that piay rcsult." ('Jiclsea boast.s o{ $30,000 invested in ncw buindlngs and repairs on old ones, tho awfully hard times. Among a list of improvemeats given bythe Ghelsea Herald, a new $7,000 Oongregatioaal church; the new $2,500 doublo store of Chas. Stembách ; Frank Staffan'a new $3,000 store ;ind eight new dwellnig houses ranging in cost fixm $800 to $1500. St. Joseph's parish, oi Bexter, gave a Try Succeseful banquet and entertainment at the opera liouse on Thanksgtving evening. Among, tliose wiio .-ililed miuch to the success of the program were Rev. Fr. Kelly, and Miases Xellie Brown, Ijzzie Kmney, Lulu Rimsey, Gertrude Kress, Nona O'Brien, Kate Burns, Florence Parsons and Miss Fitchell, and Geoa-ge Rinsey, all oí Ann Arbor. They are all members of St. Thomas' parisli school. If there is one tliing that would mate aiO -vvislli to be a chllrï a ga in, it is to see the merry youngsters going to BcJiool ; such a chattering, danciiiü,- tlurong as they are. It does one good to look at them. It makes one feel like hunting up a book strap and books and rusliing off to the Xortliville school with the rest of them. Those little fr:ghtened chaps tl. at have started out for the first time must feel amid all the noise very like the birds tliat a heavy storm tumbles from the nest. It is their first start out in the -vorld, a.nd tho Avorld looks very large to them just then. And the mother, God bless her, sheds a few tears for the baby she has lost.- Northville Record. The beautiful flag won at the county fair by the fSliaw di.sti-ict was appropriately dedicated Noy. 27th. A jjole forty feet loaig was set near the house and the utnfurled to the breeze. An excellent progTam prepared by the teacher, Mts. il. E. Gill, lonssting oí' recitations and siü.u'ng' was well canied out by the liupils. M. J. CavainaiLgh, eomm:ssioner of schools, read a paper on "The Go-operative Work of the Teacher, Officer and Parent" which showi'd tliat Mr.'h is much interested in the welfare oí tile schools of Wasiitenaw Co. Ilis remarks were well received and very suggestive which ii ca.rried out, thework of education woul dnot onlj' be well done but very harmo-niously A íev remarks by others present closed the exerciaes. - .Saline Observer.


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