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Miss Ida Crosby, oi Jackson, is an Ann Arbor vis.tor. Mise Rose A" roman, of Monroe, is in the c.ty for a few díiys. P. AV. Moore, of Elizabeth st., has lias been ill for a few days. Mis. M. McGee, of Jackson, is vieltjig her sous in Ann Arbor. J aspar Iuius, sr., has gone to 1 view the fisli un Strawberry líike. Tliomas Lawson, of Ypsilant!, has heen granted an original pension. Herman Honore Hackett has returned to' Ann Arbor. - Jackson Citizen. Miss Genie Alien, of Milán, has been tlie guest oí Aun Arbor friends for a few days. Dr. M. 11. Ayers, medie '94, spent Friiday in the city. He is located at Tedrow, Ohio. Mrs. Henry Gelston and son, of DeLiind, Fia., have arrived in Ann Arbor for tlie winter. Mrs. Wm. F. Lodholz, of tlie 5th ward, is recover ing (rom quite a seri'Ous illness. The reception g-iven by Mis and Mrs. J. I. Babcock will be on Saturday evening, Dec. 15, Mrs. Eli W. Moore, of the north side, has returned home from a visit with relatives iu Adrián. Mrs .M. L. Chase, of Coralina, has come to Ann Arbor to remain a couple of monthe. Mrs. E. A. Wells lias returned from Toledo, wli ere slie was called by the illness of her father. H. T. Morton has g'one to Nebraska to Icnok after liiis. extenéive real estáte mterèsts in iliat state. Ilan-y Hawley leaves lor Chicago Wedmesday penmaiiently. WH1 reside at Hotel Ontario. 3Iisrt .Magfíie Nortoí, forinerl.v in the telephone exchange, has secured a position as cashier in a Detroit establishment. Beraie Pareooas lias returned from Adrián, whiere he has beon all the fall coaching the Adrián foot ball eleven. E. Bankier, oí Jackson, is in tlie city to-diay, on business, and to see liis son and daught-er, who are in the Umi'verslty. Mrs. John Howard of Ypsilanti, and son Vincent, spent Sunday with Mr. amd Mrs. P. AV. O'Briien, on E. Liberty Street. Mrs. Lewis A. Rhoades, of ltliaca, N. Y., Coimell, is visitiog her parante Mr. and Mrs. John R. Miner, on E. Liberty st. Mr. and Mrs. Christian Overbeck, of West Liberty street, may be congratulated on the arrival of a little daughter. - Hausfreund and Post. Walter Gabrelski, who has been with the firm of Bacli & Roath for a number of years, has gone to Detroit, where he has secured a good position. Kniest Rehberg, president of the Ann Arbor Brewing Oompany, has been eujoying a vveek's visit from lus father-inlaw, Jolin Galiliuger, of Detroit. AV. D. Adame has secured the services of twentyfive of the prettiest giirls in Ann Arbor, to help wait on hiis customers during the holidays. George Brown, whose familiar face was at the general delivei-y of the P. O., under Postmaster Duffy, is in the City to-day looking hale and hearty. .Mrs. Maggie Wagner. of West Huron street, is enjoying a visit from her sister, Mrs. Mary Baldiii, of Capac, Mich., her niece, Anna, and Miss Mary Hartwig. The clerks of the Ann xVrbor Savings Bank, and of the First National Bank, were pleasantly entertained Wednesday evening by Mr. and Mrs. Walter Seabolt. Fi-ed Huntoon, the United States express agent, lias concluded to gain,ry distiactlon, and has made a starter by joining tho Light Iniaintry. "Mrs. SteLiier and Mrs. Jedele, ol Iosco, Livingston county, liave been the guests of Ann Arbor friends for ii few days. Tliey returned home to-day. Mr. and Mrs. B. J. Parshall, oí "Wayne, epent Sunday with Mrs. Parshall's mother, Mrs. E. F. Bemham, oí E. Liberty street. Mrs. Parshall will rem a in tof several days. Miss Clara Overtcm, of Iticlimond, Micli., is a sufst oí Mr. and Mrs. Parsoms, nf 8. Thayer st. Sha is in the cty to attead tlie Rich receptioin to-anorrow evnjig Mr. s. M. Arabier, representing the Globe Furniture Coiupany, of North.ville, is in tlic city, arranging the new seats in the Zion Lutheran church. He is a guest at the American House. Mr. Simón Dieterle has been the happiest papa in the city since last Friday. His wife preseuted him with a little daughter. Iother and child are both doing well. - Hausfreund and Post. Jas. K. Bacli is n Detroit to-day. Fred O. Bn'own w-ent to Detroit to-day to atend a reception oí tlie Fellow Craft Club given to the celebrated Donovan of Bay. James Tolbert, piropi-letor of the lumber yard here, stopped o-er wlth Mr. Keecli, on liis way home to S&ginaw. He reporta that great damage was done tlie lamber interests by the forest tiiree in Wiscomsin, more than is generally known. Mr. G. Rausehenberger, oí Northfleld, and Miss Carrie Collier, of Ann Arbor, were united in marriage ouïuesday, Deo. 5, at the home of the bride's parents, Rev. John Neumann perforniing the ceremouy. Mr. Ed. Riley, of Detroit, stood as best rnan, and Miss Emma Collier, of Aun Arbor, as bridesmaid. - Iseue Washtenaw Post. 3Ir. and Mrs. Frank O'Hearn are nonat their home, Xo. 5, X. University avenue, and will be ready to receive their frieuds after the lOth inst. Most of Frank's friends have forgiven him for the very quiet and silent method he pursued in taking this important step without saying anything to them about it, and will be on hand to greet him kindly and wish him and his estimable bride a long and happy life.


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