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Tlhe Al Estro Club are to give a hop on Friday evenúng, at Granger's. Tlie suit against John Wasser, for aissault iu Justice Poaid's court has been discomtinued; Mrs. Knapp has wiifchctrawn her complaint agalnst her husband Ín Justice Pomd's eourt. Jacobus & Son ai-e building a fine $6,000 resi'dence for Prof. Lombard, on Washteiiaw ave. Chas. F. Stabler, wlio is still in the Univer&ty hospital, is reported to be gainiaig rapidly. The M. C. A. girte will have a salo of piretty and inexpensive Clu-istmas giíts, ;u tlie Preebyteriam chairen parloa, Saturday afternoon next, from 2:30 to 8 o'clock. Th e next regular meeting of the Womaai's Ohristian Temiicrance Dnion will be held Tuesday, Dec. 13, at 3 o'clock at Mcllillan hall. E-veryone interested in temperance work siio'uld be present, as Mrs. Voorheis, state treasurer of the Y. C. T. U., will Ilion give a report of what she saw and lieaid at tlio national coiivention. Durrell ürigman and Wm. Johnston two colored tramp, were before Justioe Pomd tlils moniing on a charge of stealrng cöal from the T. & A. A. K. E., and were each. sentenced to the house of correction. for slxty days. Thejr took the coal ajid had a monster oí a fire to warm theJr shink by, near the traclts., north of Miller ave. Offlcer Collins "will escort them to Detroit thie afternoou. Excursión tickets will be sold on both the M. C. and the T., A. A: & 3ST. M. R. R. from places within 100 miles of Ann Arbor, for one price for the round trip, to enable those who desire so to do to attend the grand Columbian organ ooncert Friday eventog-, Dec. 14. TJiere wili doubtless be many who will avail themselves of this privilege.


Old News
Ann Arbor Courier