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What is the destiny of youth, Whom now we find at college. If boys get all thefoot-ball. aud The girls get all tlie kuowledge? All thoughts now are on vacatioB. After thits nis official tdtle will le Humane Agent Peterson. Ann Arbor's new daily, the Gourier, is a top notcher. - Mt. Clemens Press. Welcoime the coming guest. The jpartimg omes dom't seem to need any speediing. Foster, the weather prophet, pre diets a series of storms about now, lasting until the 26th. 33ggs are advanciing in pirice, and liave already about reached a figure bat fe out of sight for poor people. Begister of Deede Elect C. P. McKinstry, lias appointed Geoirge Alex.ander, cleirk of tihe Hawkins House, Ypsdlaati, as deputy register. Mr. Ora.nger will give a dancing party to those oí his pupils and friends etaying in the city during the liolidays, on the evening of the 27th The case agaiaist Jacob Maurer in Justice Pomd's court, for maliciously destroyimg property, was dismissed thds momiing upoii payment of costs ly Jacob. "William C. Harria, lit '90, lias se■cui-ed tlie fine appomtment of cliief clerk of tlie justice court-s in Detroit. His appoiixtime.nt is designated by the papers as one of the best ever made. News comes (rom San Francisco of .the arrival of a daughter to the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. 11. Flynn. Both the baby and 3Ir.s. Flynn, nee Allie ïolfaard, are well. Mr. ïolchard and the boys are also in San Francisco for their liome. Corneüus Coi-nwell, of Ypsilanti, died Thursday at the age oí 75 years. His death. was the result oí a paralytic stroke experiemced one veek igo when in Boston. For iit'ty years lie had liyed in Ypsilantd. The jury in the case of Louis Itohde tb. Anthony Wagner and AVm. Biggs rendered eu Aierdict yesterday afternoon of $2,500 iai favor of tli plaintiff. Tlie case now om trial is that of the damage suit of Bryamt vs. Huston. I The grand lodge of F. & A. M. will te Jield in Detroit, Januairy 22-24. On the 24th will be held the semi-centennial aniiivea'saTy of tdie Grand Ixxlge of Michigan. Neatly engravE(T invitations have been sent out to inembers of the lodge. Indeed there is sometli-ing new untier the eun. A man livhig in the 3é wiird, of this city, lias' moved a two story off 'liis lot and is building a one 'story house in its place. Tliat's sotmethimg new, both the house and the idea. The old newspaper men of Michigan jill know Orno Streng, and will be pleased to learn that lie has taken a wife. Nov. 14, lie married Miss Vada Williamsön, of Tacoma, Wash., the -daughter of Col. and Mrs. J. A. Williamson. Orno has a very pleasaut home in Tacoma and a píosperous paper, The West Coast Trade. Rev. SI. .M Goodwill, rector of St. linke's church, has accepted aai invitatfon Trom the Masonlc lodges of Ann Arbor, to be with them on the evening of Dec. 21, when they will hold a coinbined installatioai of officers, which, the invitatioiis say, will be made tn surpnss anything of the kind ever held there before. - Ypsilanti Sentinel. Tlie Uiiiversity Masonic Club made the tire use of Haugsterfer's new banquet hall Thursday eve. Forty-two anembei"s were present and sat down one of the most enjoyable banquets given in .a long time. A. 6. IJ.ngerfelter, '95 law, was toast-masmaster. This club Avas oi'ganized last, ila.rcli. and is the omly organization of the kind in America. It ie ïn a flo'uriislilng candition. A r030 by any other name Mi.L'ht te us fragrant. .Still, We'd all be just as penniless When eettllng up the bilí. - clik-a.D Inter-Ocean. Dr. ,T. W. Keating, of tlie Physician and Surgeon, is coníined to liis lióme by illness. Juclge Geo. H. Durand, of Flint is in the city to-day. lie registers at the Cook House. Judge J. H. Grant, of Manistee, came to Arm Arbor yesterday, in time to atteud the dedication concert. A young lad feil thirougli the plate glass .wfaidow at A. L. Noble's tJiis moming, st-ep laddar and all. Don't get too far aliead of the times, or the times may get Ciscouraged about ever beimg able to catcli up ■wrfch. you. The Presbyterian Sunday School will li ave their Christmas tree aad entertaiiament on the Thursday after Cliiristma. , Mrs. Henry Schneider, of Detroit, is Tisitlng lier pai'eats Mr. and Mrs. Ludwig Walz, and will résnain during the holidays. Vlice for drinks in Grand Eapids, is prohibited by ordinance, and should be prohibited in evory bardeai fen the country. The weather has beon receiving a good many c,ompliments, ïor beliaving so 'well during the many events oí last week. Mr. aittd Mrs. Thomas S. Sears, of Olielsea, were among the guests at Mr. and Mrs. J. JO. Babcock's reception oh Saturday evening, Dec. 15. Now for Chhristmas Only six days unore ! The time is brief, and the best way fe to do your buying early, before the choicest things are gone. Mrs. Henry Cheever and Mrs. Kush C. Barney will receive their lady friends oji Saturday p. ni., at the residence of the latter, No. 18 1-2 S. Thayer et. A 'sanitary authority insista that catarrh and eolds are caused, uot by the ooM outfoor air, but by warm, impure indoor air. And that authority is a sensible ohe. Cliris. Dieterle was füied $10 and $8.00 coste in Justioe Pond's court to-dy, for aassault upon his divorced wilfe. ïïe paid rather tha-a take the alternatlve- 90 days in jail. Mr. James Kay Applebee gi-es his third regular lecture before Unity luCb tliis eveming on "Geoi'ge Eliot." Tomoirow cTeniaiig he will give his last lecture on "Douglass Jerrold, the "Wit oí th-e London l'unch." The depn.rtment council pi the i'atriarchs Militant of Micliigan, cloKed their áannal ssssion Friday in Battle Creek. One very oonnuendable action of the oouncil ivas in voting to meet in Aun Arbor next year, on the seeond ïuesday of October. Mrs. Harriet Fréemán die) at Honghton Dec. 13, aged i)2 yeai-s. Funeral will be lield Sunday, mil the reinains will be interred at Pray's seuietary, near Dixburo, where shë formeily resided. She was the inotlier of Mrs. J. l'ray, oí Whitinore ]aUe. One .Frank Hess was hauled up for druökenness, in tíie pólice court one lay last Aveek a.'nd fined, and although it does not seem necessary so to state, yet it may be doing a worthy man injustice if it is Hot stated, that it was not the Frank Hess in the employ of the Aun Arbor Gas Co. Prosecutimg Attorney Elect Setli C. BandaJl, and Attorney Frank E. Jones, of Saline, havs rented the suite of offices in the opera house block ,recently vac-ated by Lawrence & Butterfield, and will comnience business therein Qn Janua.ry lst. The gentlemen not in partnership but simply are office ahums. The tinnual meeting of the Michigan Umtarian Conference will be held in Kalamazoo Tuesday, "Wednesday and Thurstlay of thds week, in connection with the dedication of the niew Unitariaji church just eompleted there. Rev. J. T. Sunderlancl and a tíelegaticui fro.m hè Unitarian church here, 'will atterul. Johm Roes stopped us on the Street car this and told us that Deputy Revenue Collector Nate ScJiniid, of Manchestpr, liad asserted in his presence, that he, Schmid. would be the oaüy demoaratdc official in "Washtenaw Cöunty after January lst. The assertioii is a little off. Judge Babbitt and PTobate Keglster Doty are botli de-mocrats and will serve two years more. Tlien there is U. S. Marsiial Peterson, and all the .democratie, postmusters als-o. Oh no, the good natured reenue collector is not alone, by any means. The receptkm given Saturday evenIng by Mr. and Mrs. Jas. L. Babcock, at their eleg-ant residence, corner of N División nnd E. Aun sta., was as plea.sant a society eveint as has occurred this seasoin in Ann Arbor. Mr and Mrs. Babcock were assisted íd receiving their guests by Senator and Mrs. George A. Steeles, of St. Johns. Di .and F. B. Tibbals, of Detroit, Miss Eunlce B. Lambte, of Ypsilanti. land Mr. Edward W. Butler, of Milwaukee, Wis. Tliere were about three hundred people present, and the hours of the eiening passed altoigether too swiítly for those present. ; i. The Tupil's Recital Thursday tvciiing-, at the School of Musió, will be an excellent entertainment of unusu-al merit. County Treasurer Wm. F. Rehfuss has fiied hls bonds and is ready to assume the responsibiüty of the county fujids. ■ , Ann Arbor talent will render the play of "Gyles Carey" at "Webster, Friday, Dec. 21, in the Clwistian Endeavor lecture course. Tlie Sunday School of St. Andrew'e church, will have their Cliristmas tree and usual service at 4 o'cloek Monday at HaiTis Hall. A new lot of stanips, some which liiave the requisite amiount oí gum oji tliem, üave been receired at the post office, anuc lito the jawy of evei-ybody. Daniel B. Brown of tlie 2d ward, has been a resident of Ann Arbor for nearly eeventy years. Tliis was not a very extensive burg when he la.nded here in 1826. How is this ? Tlie little village of Ohelsea issues more ïnomey orders thain the city of Momroe. Our friends "down on tlie mash" betiwe wake up aaid join ithe processioo as it moves alooDg. Anyone desiring to vvhile away a few minutes o.r hours, as the 'case may be, will find profit In taking the Hard Times and reading it through. ïlie last issue is an extra g-ood one, Mr. Butler tells us. Jas. W. Robiisoin had a blanket stolen fi-om likn yesterday on whicli his name is "éngraved" in letters a íoot or less square. It is thought no one will have gall enough to use the said blanke on the streets at least. Momday eve'g at the general delivery window , of the Ann Arbor lost office, at about 7:20 o'clock there was a line reacuing nearly to the door, every person in the line having a package to seiad to sonie friend for Christnias. Tlie package business has commenced in earnest. There .will be a special civil service examimation, held at the high school buiidlng on Saturday, Jan 5th. By lapse of tinne, the list of eligibles has been reduced to thiree on the carriers' liist and two on the clerk's list. The (emale clerk list, however, has the requisito number of nanies yet. Tlie next meeting oí the Unity Club will be held on Saturday evening next. .The programare will be a musical one. It will be in charge of Miss Fannie L. O winner and Prof. Ross G. Cole, of the Musical Conservato-ry of Griauvell College, Iowa, and Mr. E. N. Bilbie, of Ann Arbor. The T., A. A. & X. M, R'y. lias a genen: 1 superintendent. Commen Ing with yesterday Mr. W. 1 Bradley, of Owosso, who has been connected With the road heretofore as superintendent of the motive power, has been appointed to that office. The appoJntment is said amomg raüroad men to be a g-ood one. "The Unitarian" for Ieeember contains nn account of the "William Gallen lliya.nt 'a.nniversary programme given in the local Unitarian church. Tlie magazine publishes the articles of Judge 'Harriinan, Trof. B. A. Hinsdalj and Prof. I. N. Demmon., with extraets frooi some of the others read at "that time. Miss "Matilda KoJhi, deaooness and tra veling miseionaxy for tlie Chicago Home, 'Will lecture Thursday Dec. 20, at 3 o'clock, in the piarlo rs of McMlllan Hall, to ladfles only, on the subject of 'rescue anission work. The Wonians' Chriistlan Temperance Union cordially invite all Gliiristiaii women to meet with them Tluirsday evening at '7:30 o'clock. Miss Koten will lectorO 'to both men and women, in in tJie Baptist church. The January numbeir of the Song Journal, edited by J. P. 'Wilcox, o{ Detroit, will be au Ann Arbor issue. It will comtain illustrated biographies of Prof. A. A. Stanley, Prof. Alberto Joniajs, Prof. Ross Gt. Cole, and notices oí all prominent musical events ,including au account of the Columbina organ dedlcatiom. The cover will be iliustratcd with a hall-tone cut or the or.naii. The magazine wilJ be out eairly in January. A (lady reader hands lis the followtng clipping in regard io etiquette, Nxitli a request to pulilish it in the Couriej' : "A lady wever extends her liand to a onan whose acquaintance slie is maiing. N!u may or may aiot shake hands with a lady who is introduoed, .but siie .must not glve her hand 'toa straïige man. A low bow is the elegant Jorm of salatatton. A cultivated ornan will not shake iiands vith anj man no matter how long slie is ocquainted wifch him, unless she respecta and admires him. A .ücnUemaji never extends his hand Itere is a .sclieme for people who desire to send Oliristmas packagea by mail and have them reach their dest'Jnatian on time and without being crushed. Put a special delivery s( amp on them. This will insure the package :being placed in a pouch alonjr with tlie letters, being the first mail matter handled, and also insui-e its immediate delivei-y. Tliis special delivery stamp will cost j'oai ten cents but it is well worth tlie price when you are in a lmrry- as everyone is during holiday time. I If thinga 20 ngnitist tlie graiu, Don'tslghl Don'tcryl I' your eherished scheinea are vain, Don't cry ! D.m't sigh ! Strive too loóse fate's tangled skein; Pick your flint and try iisiiin : Brave earth's sorrows ; laugh ai pain ; Dou'tsigh! Don'tcryl -Cleveland Plaindealer. Mies Alina Kennedy and Jliss ICathariíne Tyrrell returned home to Jackson yesterday, after a short visit with friends in the city. Chas. Stajinard, H, W. Xewkirk, A. K. Beal, John Costello, Marcus Cook, John V. Gregory, Mok Bell and Henry Phelps, all oí Dexter, are in town to-day. Mr. Tilden, who recently carne to this city to live, purchaslng Mrs. Hadtey's inouse on Terrace HUÍ, has been seriously ill for some time, but is now convalescin. Testerday was a b;g day for %he money orde1 department of the postoffice, being tJie largest lay in tlie history of the office, in point of nuuibers, Mr. Beakes telLs us, over 75 orders haviing been fesued. Tlie Saturday previous was the largest day up to y.esterday. This office now stands eiglith in the state in poiint oí ordexs issued since July lst. This period includes Ann Arbor's dull ' season. Months so dull that 011 the lst oí October tlie office was nea.rly at the bottom o f the list. In point of orders paid out, Ann Arbor must stand abo ut third, Detroit a.nd Grand I R:ip:ds possibly eclipsing it. Our readers will remeniber an item in this paper eome d;iys ago, telling about tlie Cliristian deed of a lady w.ho took iinto her own house and eared for a young lad who caaue to the hospital tor treat inent, but who had no means. This lady resides on Washteiuaw ave., arad she has kept the boy ever sámee, and besides taking- care of himt lier eom has taken lii'jm every day over to the hospital for treatment nnd back. Tlie cuse has excited considerable syínpathy from those "svho ha known about i, and now the letter carriers propose to a-aise a ïund to present to the lad on Cliristmas, which is very kind of tihem, and anytliing paid to thiem for this purpose will be a kind and charitable deed.


Old News
Ann Arbor Courier