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Only A Little Flower

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Christmas .s coming ! No one can pass our store wimdows, gay in their array of dainty arteles, without fully realizng the truth of this statement. Many of us are Esa shing delicate b:ts of aieedle-work ior our loved ornes, while others are havaig the choicest of g;fts "lalfl naidi" untiï tlie day of days comes. The children are happy in the thought of ffiving mama a real surprise in the ■way of a gift, wh'Je mothers, the Yide world over, are -vvondermg wliat they shall present their own out of a lst of 11 ne hundred and ninety-nine wants." Betnev-olent people are arranglng for d miers to be given to the poor, and busy flng-ers are preparing- garments lor the comfort of these same needy ones. It seems at finst thought, as Af everyone would be made to rejoice on tlus Chrlstmas day of '94, But tliere are tliose who wöl long from their lieart's depth for one little rem'nder that some one thinlvs of theni. Ah, these patiënt sufierers in tlie hoepltals ! How long the hours oí Christmas day will seem to tJiem unless we, who are blessed witJi lwalth and happjiess, will try and make them bright. Just as our hearts are glatldened by beiing remembered by our {rienda, just so it is with these invalid ones. If, when all the outskle world is joyful tlicy are Just thoug-ht of- tliLs is Sttlfipient ha-pplnees. Only a. little time ago itwa.s my pleaeure to see the appreciatiom that a tlny cluster of carnatrons arousod in the heart of a sufferiing one. They wwe glven her by a atramger. I belicve this added a little to the'r cliarin, and every j nurse that passed hadthem thrust onder her eye, so delighted was th'.s poor sliut-hi to have somethjig fresh and weet in her poseeesion. Caín we mot, we wbo have flowers in our homes, share them with our less fortúnate sisters this Chris tmas tide? AVe care to send only Uie dlicate llttle sprays, us i profusión of them vould ovei-power one Avitli lo-sTeliness. A hyacmth Idossoiiti to one, a few little sprays of Helitrope to another, tied with "a ribbon to matcli'", if teo it pleases us, tiiese simple as they are will show them tliat sonie one is interested in "(hem, and, besides, brtng a little of real BweetneeB into their weary lives. llxporieince has tauglit me that those in chai-ge of patiënte nre always glad to accept and to distribut any amount of "God's smiles"', as some one has prettily called the flowere - to those wlio are i.n their care. Wie all know tliat truO happiness co-mes only to tliose wlio make others happy asid I .trust tliiis thought of blossom g-ivimg will remain wlth ue U'iitil it leads us to a.ctioia, for csfa' we on tíie 25tli day of December do anytliing more beautiful than to cast rays of sunsliine upon the lives of these sad amd lonely ones ?


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Ann Arbor Courier