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Allen G., The little seven year old son of Andrew HugheSj ís quite ijl. Wm. Mogk went to Chicago Saturday for a few day's stay. Emil Richter, with the Eberbach Drug Co. is spending a few days in Sagnaw. Prof. and Mrs. H. N. Chute left Satïrday for Toronto, Canada, for the vacation. Miss Otilia Wilsenmeier has gone to Monroe to spend the holidays with her parents. Miss Belle Sperry, of Adrián, is spending her vacation with her parents in this city. Miss Carrie Bell, of Minneapolis, Minn., is visiting her mother, Mrs. A. Bell, on S. División st. Mrs. J. J. Reed and son Lyle, oi Chicago, are guests of Mr. and Mis. D. Hiscock, for the holiday season. Helen Woodin, of Ann Arbor, has been elécted president of the junior class of the State Xorinal School at Ypsilanti. W. M. Downing, Detroit Journal correspondent, is spending a part of his vacation in Chicago. He went down Saturday night. H. M. Randall, of the West Bay City High School, is the guest of his parents, Prosecuting Attoruey Randall and wife for the vacation. Miss Ione Hunter, who had beeu staying with Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Mutschel for some time, has goue to Ira, Rutland Co., Vt. Miss Kate Johnson, who is teaching in Goshen, Ind., is spending her vacation with her mother Mrs. Mary E. Johnson, on S. Ingalls st. Miss Evelyn Waples, who is engaged in teaching art in Cincinnati, and in which she is very successful, is the guest of her parents, for the holiday vacation. The praise service at the Presbyterian church last Sunday evening was excellent. The solos and quartets were rendered very artistically, and the birth of the child Jesus was spoken of by the pastor ín a lucid and interesting style. J. R. Trojanowski will be ready for business in his new quarters on State st. next Monday morning. The Washington st. building in which he is at present located, will be occupied by John O'Brien, the plurnber of AV. Huron st. The streets of the city have presented a lively appearance for a few days past, benig filled with people engaged in buying Christmas gifts. Although the roads are not very good, y et the farming people have quite generally foundthéir way into town to make purchases for the holiday s'eason. The faniily gatherings are probablj the most enjoyable of all the holiday festivities. The thread of life is so easily severed, and the uncertainty of all ever meeting togettaer again so great, that when a family is all gathered together they usually make the occasion a memorable one. The animal meeting of the Methodist society of Ann Arbor, commonly known is the First Methodist church, will be ïeld in the church parlors, on Monday evening, Jan. 7, at which time three stewards will be elected to succeed V. F. Breakey, W. W. Nichols and P. B. Rose, whose terms of office have exoired ; also a trustee will be elected to fill the vacancy caused by the death of A. L. Noble. W. W. Hannan, the Detroit real estáte dealer, who formerly lived in Ann Arbor, and graduated from the lit. de[jartment, class of '80, and law of '83, is building a fine block of stores on Michigan Ave., in that city, to cost $20,000. The two upper stories will be finished off into flats. If bis brother-in-law, Clay Greene, would put up a building at the corner of E. Ann street and N. Fifth Ave., where he has an unsightly hole in the ground, he could make for himself a valuable property that would bring him in a good income. The University Hospital, so Sup't Clark tells us, is uuusually full for the holiday season, tliere being eighty-two patients there now. What is quite surprising is the fact that of their nuinber twelve are childen. To-day is lieinfr made pleasant ïor these little sufferera jy the Floral Mission girls, who were there this inorning, carrying toys, caudies, etc, for the children, and ■eminding them that this is iii truth ;he season of Christian deeds and Christian Bympathy. The young ladies made glad many sad hearts this day by their charitable acts. The Sunday collections of mail by tlie mail carriers lias been changed froni 3 to 5 p. m. Tliat is, the carriers haveto return to the ofliee at 3 o'eloek each Sunday af ternoon instead of ato o'clock, as fonuerly. This is done to relieve the raihvay postal clerks on the Monday inorning mail trains by dividins the mail matter somewhat. As is well known Sunday is a great day for letter writing, and the amount of mail matter accumulatingfor the first trains Monday has got to be so enorrnous in quantity that the postal clerks are not able to handle it. By making this change it is hoped to relieve thern somewhat. O course Uncle Sam is so poverty strickei that he cannot hire any more clerks to help do the work. Hon. Alpbeus Felch, daughter Mrs. Cole, and grand daughter Liüan Cole vill spond Christinas with Judge Graat md faraily at Lansing. R. 8. Greemvood and faniüy are enoying a visit frota Mr. Greenwood's jrother and wit'e, Mr. and Mrs. II. V. Greenwood, of Hamilton, Ohio. Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Clarkson and 'amily lelt Saturday for Watkin's Station near Manchester, to visit Mrs. O's parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. IJ. Watkins, during Christinas. Miss Florence A. Sterrett and Lena A. Michael, proprietors of the Utopia millinery parlors, have gone to Kalamazoo and Niles respectively, for a few daya vacation. Hies Stollsteimer, entertained a number oí lier frlends last evening-, at tlie resMeiace of her pareats Mr. and Mrs. Eeuben Stollsteiiner, on S.' 7th. Bt. The people present report an elegant time. Nelson Cameron, the Detroit Evening News correspondent, wlio "was iinjured at th,e gym., a couple ■ oí weeks by the burstkig oí a blooö vessel ne-ar the rigliit bnee, is gotting about once more. Miss Anna Purdy is at Port Huron for a couple of weeks. Dr. E. Brooks went to Flushing yesterlay for the heflidays. liss Suaie Whedon is home from Mt. Clemens for vacation. Miss Winifrcd Parsons spends the ïolidays with Dowagiao relatives. Miss Anna Robinson has gone to Cleveland for the holiday season. F. H. Clement goes to Lansing to ■isit friends over Christmas. Miss Alice Snear has gone to Stryker, Ohio, to spend her vacation. Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Taber returned vesterday to remain during the winter. Mrs. J. H. Drake bas gone to her old ïome in Battle Creek to spend several days. AVill Stark has returned to Ann Arbor from Clinton, where he has beeu several months. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Holzheimer will spend the holidays with Mr. H's parents in Saginaw. Miss Mary Pollock goes to Dowagiac, Micb. Saturday to spend Christmas with relatives. Miss Cora Beckwith, of E. Huron st, went to Clinton to visit relatives and friends Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Jotm W. Goodspeed ate their Christmas turkey with friends ia Clarkston. Mrs. Hand, of Alma, is visiting her parents Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Merrithew for the holidays. M. M. Reed, of Ypsilanti, was iu attendance upon the installation services last evening. Mr. and Mrs. Claude Sigler, have gone to Pinckney to remain daring the holiday vacation. Miss Grace Stevens and mother, oL Jefferson street, have gone to Napoleon, Ohio, for a holiday visit. Mrs. M. Chute, who has been visiting friends in Ann Arbor, left Saturday for Detroit to spend Christmas. Mr. and Mrs. Roy C. McGlure left this morning for Joliet, 111., to be absent during the holiday season. Miss Hattie Benham, of East Liberty st., has gone to Springport", Mich., to spend the holiday vacation. Dr. J. N. Martin is suffering from blood poisoning and yesterday it was feared he might lose an arm. Miss Nora Wetmore, of Concord, Jackson Co., is the guest of her sister Mrs. J. W. Morton, on E. Anu st. Miss Clara Markham and brother Norman left Saturday to spend the holiday vacation with friends in Plymouth. Prof. Russell will go to Baltimóre, Md., duriug the holidays to attend a meeting of the National Geological society. Supt. Stein, of the T. & A. A. & N. M. railroad, has been called to Kendallville, Ind., by the dangerous illness of his daughter. Miss Matilda Browu wïll accompany Mrs. John E. Miner to Florida, when she leaves therefor to remain during the winter nionths. Dr. and Mrs. W. D. Saunders, of Grand Rapid, will arive at her father's Moses Seabolt's Monday, for a stay of a week or more. Mrs. Flora Finley is in Detroit this week. She lectures each Friday at Mrs. Noble's traning school in Detroit the subject being Literature for the children. Mrs. J. R. Nelson and son Kaleigh arrived in the city Saturday for the holidays. Kaleigh is now teaching in the Chicago high school with excellent success.


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