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■Jmmi ■eawDancus.FwmifnttjijisiuíMtt'aii wm. Mild &L2itxH.A. Fiaie: THE AMERICAN TOBACCO CDHPAHY. SUCCESSOPt Wf WtWVOBK USA ABSOLUTELY PURE THE OLD RELIABLE SWEET CAPORAL CICARETTE Das stood the Test of Time MORE SOLD THAN ALL OTHER BRANDS COMBINEO LASKYOURHORSESHOER: IwNEVtlSUP JONJI JShoe for Cr WINTER ÜSL It ABSOLUTELY prevenís sllppinr, and insures perfect safety and comfort to horse and driver. Shod with the " Neverslip " your horse's feet are always in good condition - kept so by not having to constantly remove the shoes for sharpening. The CAIKS are REMOVABLE. Steel-Centered and SELF-SHARPENING When worn out new Calks can be easily inserted witliout removing shoes, savlng an immense amount of time usually lost at the blacksmith shop. On receipt of postal will mail free onr descnptive circularcontainingprices of Calked Shoes, ready to be nailed on, for trial, offered this winter at very low prices. HEAVY TT VRDWARE CO.. Toledo, Ohio. UK 1I.EUS IN' Blacksmiths' aai Wagon fiaters' Sspplisi, SoUI Aïnts fur Wasluenaw County. ILEADS THE WORLÍ II ft-f'-rrV .AMERICAN S Hlghest Award World'8 fair. 9' I fSÏX If you vaut the IAAafinest Quality cut g( , buy goodsl Vvor'5 haviiig this tradel 1 NÈdo mark. f " - '■ ) i ror.Snlc at Wm. Arnold's Jenclry Store PER ViOtWK 8n Yoör Owm Locality ! made easilyand lionorubly, without capital, during your spare liours. Any maa woman.boy, or glrl cuu do the work handily, without experience. unuecessary. Notbing like it for moneymaking ever oflfered bcfore. Otir workers always prosper. Xo time wasted in earning the business. We teacli you in a night how to sncceed from the first Jiour. You can mako a trial without expense to yoiirself. We start you, furnish everythiug needed to carry on the business successfnlly, and guarantee you against failure if you but follow our simple, plaiu instructions. Reader, if you are in need of ready money, ann want to know all about the best paying business before the public, send us your address, and we will mail you a document giving you all the particulars. TRUE & CO., Box 400, ! Augusta, Maine. Í LUPfïll3S Both the method and results when Syrup of Figs is taken ; it is pleasant and refreshiug to the taste, and acts gently yet promptly ou the Kidneys Liver and Bowels, cleanses the system eíffectually, dispels colds, headaches and fevers and cures habitual coiistipation. Syrup of Figs is the only remedy of its kind ever produced, pleasing to the taste and acoeptable to the stomach, prompt in its action and truly beneficial in its eflects, prepared only from the most healthy and agreeable substances, its raany excelleut qualities commend it to all and haye made it the most popular remedy known. Syrup of Figs is for sale in 50c and $1 bottles by ali leading drug?ists. Any reliable druggist who may not have it on hand will procure it promptly for any one who wishes to try it. Do not accept anv 3ubstitute. CALIFORNIA FG SYRUP CO. SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. LOUISVILLE. KV. NEW YORK. N.Y. Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder A Pure flraoe Cream of Tartar Powder. Nerveflj. Bloodf # OnVjb& descriptiva Tiff-VtPB 8r pamptilet. 50. MBm Dr. WILLIAMS' "wanteÏT Men towork for us whodeslre tomake money this fall and winter duriug slack timea. Excellent chancp. Llbernlpay. If you have spare Mme, out of work, or looking for a paying business write me at once. Fred. E. Young, Nurseryman ROCHBSTER N. Y. (fiiiike the Outcli Process % Bo A1Mies Pfcw - on - IPöilierCiieiiiicals flffl I H are used in the !■ preparationof Braakfast Gocoa, inhich is absolutely pure and soluble. I It has more than three times the strength j of Cocoa mted with Starch, Arrowroot or Sugar, and 3 far more economical, costing less than one cent a cup. It is delicious, nourishing, and easilt DIGESTED. Sold by Crocers everywhero. W. Baker &Co.,Dorch8sier, Mass. YouASTfi!wA? HSCHIFFMANN'S Aslhma CureB K Wever fails to give ii.stant relief in the worst B loases, and elfen. ture whese others l'-iil. 9 ! Trial Pnctag FïiEE of Dmirslsts op hj fflall. CAN I OBTAÏN A PATEKT ? For a prompt rnswer and un bortest opinión, write to MI N ifc CO., who have had nearlylifty years' cxperumce in the patent business. Communications etrictly confldential. A II iimlliook of Information conoeminK l'atenfs and how to obtain them sent free. Also a catalogue of mechanical and scientifle books sent free. wuui Patent taken throufh Munn & Co. reeeive Bnecial noticeinthe Scientilic Amei-iran, and tlms are broueht widcly beiorethe public with. put cpst to the inventor. This splondid paper, lssued weekly, cleEantly ilhietrated, has by íar the lars-est olrculatioa of any scientific work in the world. 5,, a yeor. Speeimon copies sent free. Building Kdition, monthly, $2.50 a yeur. Sinsle copies, 2; cents. ï:very number contain3 beautilul plates, in colors, and phototzraphs of new houses. with plans, enabling builders io show the DE3L DIEFFENBACH'S PROTAGON CAPSULES Sure Cure for Weak Men, as provea by reports of leadinK phy. sicians. State age in ordering. Pnce, SI. Catalogue Pree. AO l A safe and speedy 8A cure for Gleet, " " Sli'Ieture and all nnnatural discharges. PriceSS. QREEKSPECIFICTo S?ï"e5SL' l??c1f.Í%ÍrCdeTrotÍ0118' WÍth THE PERU DRU6& CHEMICAL GO. iSSS. 189 Wi8ooP3in Street, MILWAÜKEEjyiS. t P5ï I U11IL. wSíé l At the expense of little Jfl'hAS i mo--oy and his spare Ja.Wf i time obtain a fair íT3' f ing education. JSTüDYATHOMEl 3 ■■■■ - ■■ ■ ■.,,. M,,M 5 THROUGH THE SPRAGUE UNIVERSITY OF CORRESPONDENCE INSTRUCTION, f Comprisingthcleadiagcorrespondenceschoolsintheworld. f SUBJECTS TAUGHT. i I AUf Th= School of Law prepares pupíls for admission i Lnil thc bar, byan extended, UioroiiifliTOurse Has' i ovcr Lóoo students n evcry part of tlie country. á inilQUAl ICM Tl"s scho' 'ches journalistic dación up. I UnnU 9STCDllUP TI'5Schoolisconductedbyl l UUUI"fVLtr InU one oftkeablest teachers oí í ) -- __ book-keeping in America. ? í CUnDT UAIÜfl Tllissd'lteachesshort-]iandby 5 &HUHI-HANU StSïiffflsSSic gQREFKand UTiN ËfS f J tion to the most advanccd work in the'tL'ssics! ' 'C Unda" The aboye schools teaeh by the í j epee method only, and recognize no rivals iv i tlteír respective lields. Ï r-flíN. ! Ackiress, stating in í iS í??'' whicii cluiol yon are K ' Pnkr ' yVv-- ■' ár intrcsted, and 5 5 f-?% í''l-'!'' üf clse ten cents in 5 # rtjffiif "4.; " ' % sratnjis for catalogue. 5 ' ' ftjhfeS S E:icl' school has sep ? ■ " ,m ('''' ) arate catalogue. } LL- HÜTt; J COTNERi JR' $ ! giriiTelephone Bld? 5 I wEeLrin4-Fnmk He's ülustrated I I , Jy,.Wlr lustrations 1861-65, tiro I I wLted circulara. AÍ salesmen I I STANLE7 BBADLEYPUB.00. I ASTJSTH ST-, N.Y.. U.S.A. I


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