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Drs. Kennedy & Kergan

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IWONDERFUL CURES íl THOMAS MINCHÏN. MAJOR W. A. SIMFIELD. ■ BeforaTreatnunt. After Trentment. Before ïreatment. Aiter Treatment. Nervous Debility and Catarrh Cured, Blood Disease and Dyspepsia Cured. Thomas Minchin says: "I was redneed to Major Simfield says: "I had Dyspepsia E a nervous wreck-only weighed 118 pounds. and Catarrh of the Stomach for many I ÍS resalt of early abuse was the canse. 1 years. To make matters worse I contracthad the following symptoms : Miserable ed a Constitutional Biood Direase My m mentally and physically, melaneholy, nervbones ached. Blotches on the skin looked ra ousne8s, weakness, specks before the ejes, horrible. I tried sixteen doctors in all i3 ?1ZZ5'' „Ppr memory, palpitation of the A friend recommended Drs. Kennedy & ï Pea!'t' ffshmg, cold hands and feet, weak Kersan. I begantheirNewMethodTreatback, dreams and Josses at night, tired in ment and in a few weeks was a new man M the mormng, pimples on the face, loss of withrenewed life and am bition. I canm ambition, burmng sensation, kidneys weak not say too mnch for those scientific doc etc. Doctors could not cure me; but Drs. i tors who have been in Detroit for four■ Kennedy & Kergan by their New Method teen years. I conversed with hundreds of I areatment, cnred me in a few weeks. I patients in their offices who were being I weigh now 170 pounds. It is three years cured for different diseases. I recommend I s'nce I have faken their treatment." them as honest and reliable Phy9icians." The Celebrated Speclalists of Detroit, Mlch. TRFflT flNIl RllftRflNTFF Til PllfiF Catarrh;A9thma; Bronchitis; ; InCHI HUU UUMnMItlCt I U UUfit sumption (lst and 2nd stages); Rheumatism: Nenralgia; Nervons, Blood and Skin diseases; Stomach and Heart diseases; Tapeworm; Piles; Rupture: Impotency; Deafness; Diseaees of the Eye. JEar Nose and Throat; Epilepsy; Diseases of the Kidneys and Errorsof YoutkFailing Manhood; Diseases of the Sexnal Organs; Female Weakness; Diseaees of Men and Women, and Chronic Diseases in general. They cure when others fail ! ONLY CURABLE CASES ARE TAKEN FOR TREATMENT Their KVW lIFTÜfin TUpiTVlIfVT known the world o er, is curing diseases of every """ alüllWu iiiUAliULili 1 nature that has baffled heretofore the medical profeseion. They are not 'family doctore' - they make a specialty of Chronic and difficult diseases. &. niCPiCpC AP MFfl They gnarantee tocare all Weakness of Men arising lljL.Akjl_fcJ UI I IL 1.1. from self abuse, lator excesses or disease. Yonng , man, yon need help. Drs. K. & K. will cnre yon. Yon may have been treated by I CJuacks- consnlt Bcientific Doctors. "o cure, no pay. Consult them. I nüFAFQ HF WAMFN Why Buffer iD lence? They can cnre yon. ) UIIÖLAOLO Ur YtUI ILH. Female Weakness. Barrenness, i 1 Dlsplacements, Irregularity, and pairful periods cured in a short time. I Renewed vitality given. lllnstrated Book Free. inclose stamp. I CPFT1AI niCFACFC Spe.-matorrhoea, Varicocele, Gleet, Innatural n M LUSL UlOLAOLkJ. Discharges, Private diseases, 5tricture, Syphï ilis, and all Blood diseases gnaranteed cured or no pay. 14 years in Detroit - 150,0(10 ! Tl cures - National reputaliion. Books free - Consnltation free - Namee confidential. If Í M unable to cali, write for a liet of questions and adviee free. 1 DRS. KENNEDY & KERQAN, 148 Shelby St., DETROIT, AIICH.


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