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James Duffy has returned to bis home in Bay City. N. .T. Corbin - smile - cigars - boy - nine ponnds. Mvs. F. A. Voorhuis has returned frojn Kakunazoo. Wim. F. Loidiholz, of the Northside, is on the sick list. Mayor Darlimg and family Bpent New Years in Detroit. Misa Lucy Burch, of Sharon, is th guest of Miss Allie Howard. Mise Eanma Hayley spent New Years with her brother WÜ1, oí Jaclcson. ottf?-i(Ml Dieterle, oí Detroit, spent New Years witli his par:it-s Ín this city. l'aul Schlanderer, of Grand Rapids, i'S Aun relatives this weck. Mr. TI. S. Dean and daughter Lizzie spent New Years with Detroit Mende. Mis. Morgan Williams, accompanied by her inother, is visiting relatives in Toledo. Miss Grace Haven returned from her holiday vtolt at Napoleon ,Ohio, Thursdny. Mts. Ooi. L. L. Comstook has returned from a viisit witb Detroit friends. Dr. Fred W. BlakO arad family retunned. írom tlveir visit with Detroit friends. Alderman J. C'. Snyder entertained Heury E. Galdwell, oí Laaising oier New Yeans. James Demoran, of the Xorthside, whoh as been ill lor the past few days, is out again. Chas. F. Staebler has so far recovered as to be carried backt o his home on S. Fourth ave. Martiai Schelkle, of the Hausfreund, lias retiirned froim a visit -with friends in Cleveland, O. Frauk ütaebler, of Ironwood, who bas been visiting iiis parents in tiiis city, returned home yesteday. Mrs. F. A. Howlett, 01 E. Aim st„ üias returned from a sit with her brother's peoplO at Jackson. Mrs. Esther Thompsoa, of this city, spent New Years witili her mother Mii-s. Elmma Ba-itten at Oh Uso n. Mir. and Mrs. Bert Stoll hare reíjurjied home to Stockbridge af ter visitkig Mrs. 0. Iteyer top a few days. Mts. A. Keedle, of this city, has been visiting her parents Mr. and Mrs. S. M. Dickerson, in Livingston county. Miss Daisy Glanville who is teaching at Houghton, has been visiting at M. C. Petersoa's this week. Miss Eanma Sondihelm, ot Det-roit, spent New Years as the guest oí Mitos Bmina Feiner, oí S. 4tJi ave. Ed. Momgay, o{ Toronto, Ont., is visiting Ann Arbor, and his brother To.m, of the Times, for a few days. Mr. aoid Mts. J. D. Stinieon ,of Thompson et., are their daughter Mrs. Mabel Bailey, of Howell. Herbert Prescott, is hoime from Coluinbus, O., for a few day's stay with his parents Br. and Mrs. A. B. Presoott. Mise NeUie Mingay entertained a number oí her young friends last eveniing, at tlie home of her peurenta on E. Washiaigton et. Mise Oertie Sanford, of W. Second street, poisoned her eyes in some mamner, a few days ago., and has been quite ill eince. Chas. Seabolt who has been visitimg his parents Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Seabolt on the Northside, returned to Flint this morning. Henry Merritihew, ex-prosecuting nttorney of Oscoda county, is in the city vifciting his arents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry W. Merrithew. Mrs. B. Dalles, of the Northside, is comfined to lier home by illness. Mms. Giles B. Lee, of N. Statel st„ is quite seriously ill. Theodore Wetzel, formerly with H. J. Brown, left for Marquette this morning, having been oalled here by the death of his mother. KaKírey C. Scott left Wednesday for his home in Honolulú, Sandwich Islands. It is a pleasant time af year to go to that región. Professor Jed Lee, principal of the Mt. Clemens High school, lias returned to that place after haying spent a week with his parents in this city. The ïamily of Mrs. 0. M. Martini all gathered at her home om New Years' Day, and there were twenty-five of them wluo' sat down to dinner. It was a very pleasant gathering. Miss Alta J. Parker, who has been the bookkeeper for E. F. Mills &) Co., for the past eight yeairs, has left that positton and after next Monday will toe found at the offite of the) Ann Arbor Gas Co., where she will keep! the books for that Co., and also theibooks of the Insurance Agency of Fred McOniber. At present ene is taking a week's vocation, rieiting her parents in Lima. Mrs. E. A. Frost visited friends la Detroit last week. Miss Bertha Adama, of Detroit, 18 visiting friends in the city. Miss Lizzie Covert, of Detroit, is visiting relatives in Ann Arbor. ïlie Misses ■Veideanann, of Detroit, are vïsiting Ann Arbor friends. Miss Tteitla Frank oí Detroit, is visiting old friends in the city. Miss Bessie Hall, of Ypsilanti, ia visiting frlends on the Northslde. Gapt. E. C. Shields, of Howell, returned to-day from lus vacation visit. Mr. iinl Mrs. J. Harker, of S. Thayer St., have returned from a visit to Canada. Rajr Alexander has returned from a visit witíi iiis eister in Narthville. .Mis. Kiing Starkweather visited friends 'in Northville during' the week ]ast. Herbert E. Snow, pliairniic '84, and wilfe, of Dearborn, wore in the city over 8'unday. Mis. j', M. Sinoots a.nd son Eriieet have retiu-ned from a vislt witli Detroit frión ds. James Murnan, the popular daj' clerk of the Cook House, has been seriously ill for a few days. Miss Luella Swift gave a very pleasant bïrtiiday party Friday eiening last, frcum 7 to 10. E. J. Suiith, fomerly of the .A$s;us, has gone to Detroit and will probably lócate there permanently. Dr. Henry W. Seabolt, of Sious Falte S. Dekota, is relatives and fríends in the city. Mr. Will Traub, of Detroit, who has been visiting friends in this city, has returned home. Kice A. Beal, of tihe State Saring Bank, was the g-uest oí friends in To'tedo, O., over Sunday. Miss Minnie McQueen and Miss Inez Metz, of Jackson, were guests of Ann Arbor ïriends ovea 8'unday. Miss Annie Jones, of Detroit, is spending a few days witli Mrs Geo. AYeeks, of the Northside. Miss Alice Hunt, Uie artist, who lias been spendding the vacation with friends in Detroit, has returned home Mr. and Mrs. Martin Lawsoai, who visited Ann Arbor friends last week, have returned to their home in Detroit. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Chittenden, of W. Fort st., entertained Mr. and Mrs, Gardner Lainson, duriïng their stay In Detroit. Dr. and Mrs. Hand, of Vassar, Mich., are visiting Mrs. Hand's parénts, Mr. ajid Mrs. WiUiam Mearithew, of SIngalls st. Mr. and Mrs. John E. Miner and Milss Matilda Brown, leav thla moniing ior the troEen orange orcJxards of Florida. Mira. G. W. Flslier amd daughter, ot Ix)ui8ille, Ky., who have been spend. ing the holidays with Bev. T. W. Young and wilfe, returned home laat night. It i pa pleasure to learn that Dr. James N. Martin, of N. State st., ie convalescing, and will come out all right no w. Tlie Dr 's hotets of friend in the city will be greatly pleased to leam tliis. Miss Lillie Mae Volland of this city, has been engaged as a teacher of Englteh in the high school at Howell, and has gone there to assume the duties. Miss Volland is one of Ann Arbqr's most talented and respected young laddes.


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Ann Arbor Courier