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There is joy in all the household, when tb tootsy-wootsy youth, Becotnes the pink possessor of a white initia tootñ; And nis spine it seems to etifïen and t lenethen many yards, When he first dons knickerbockers and hi girlish skirts discards : But all life's initiations seem most dreary dull and flat When sized up with the pride he takes In his First Silk Hat. -Indianapolis Journa The interior of A. L. Noble's store ie being improived by placinig a new office therein, etc. Deputy Sheriff Sweet with his hai all combed nice, and best smile on makes a good looking court officer. The Ann Arbor Light Infantry i in need of a new flag witli thirteen stripes and forty-eig-ht stars. Who is the lucky man to. dónate it ? Mi's. Alice Haven was elected and installed Associate Matron, last even ing-, at the regular meeting of the Eastern Star lodge. The flag flew from the tip top of the court house New Years Day all day. It was rejoiclng over the ad rent ol republicui officials. Tlie Odd Fellows of the county are anticipating a grand time at Milan om tiie lOth, inst., at which the) Milan I. O. O. F's wlO dedícate their new hall. i Win. E. Eldert havimg resdgned his posltion on the city pólice forcé, to accept a deputy eheriffship, Henry Marsli hos beem appodmted to fill the vacamcy tor Uie present at least. Mrs. Hannah Pri?e received this a. m. trom the Benevolent Order of National Union, a check for $3,000 that beingthe insurance her son Will II. Price, carried in the order. Fraoik Sutherland siicceeds his father, rthe late Nelson Saitherlantl, as a and also as secretary and treasurer oï the Ann Arbor and Lodi Plank iRoad Company. The minister pa-ays, "The Lord have miercy on us miserable sinners," but eJiould tJie newspaper cali those same peeple "miserable sinners," tJiere woiild be cause for a first class libel suit the day after publication. Tïie city oí Coldwater has pourchased a Btone cnisher, and ie making for ifteelf streets that will last forever. Ann Arbor ooigiht to lead, but as 6he cam not lead, it would do well now tor ito follovv, or the proceesion may leave her. Among the noted gnests at the inaiiguration at Lansing, January lst was Ex-Gov. Alpheus Felch of this city, who delivered an addrese upon the occasion. HO is the guest while in Lansing, of hia daughter Mre. Judge Graait. T5ie time for the installation of cificers of "Weloh Post G. A. R., and Wie Womaji's Reliel Corps, has been changed from Jan. 8th, to Wednesday evneniag Jan. 9th. The regular meeting oí the Post will be on Tuesday Jan. 8th. The oíd has been rung outl, and the new has been rung tos and we are now at the summit of 1895, headed down. Or is it tne other way ? Are we at the foot of the mountain of 1895, climbing up ? Look at it just whifch way yon moy choose. It being rumored that some of the members of the board, of supervisors knew of the defalcatiou of the county treasurer at last fall's sesstan, at today'e Bession every member of the board who knew nothing ol Üie matter was asked to riee, and every member present arose. There were two absent, Supervisors Scott and Davenpoit. The rumor was a rumor only. Spend andlhe world is with you, Scrimp a nd you scrlmp alone; Thisage so sublime likes a deuce of a time Onsorae oue's else change ihan its own. „ - Bostou Courier. John Felch, white helping to load a íeed eutter at the Agricultura Woirks fchis a. ra., accidentally cut liis arm quite severely. jThere will be a dramatic entertain ment by the elocutfon class of Mrs Trueblood, on Tfoursday evening Jan lOth, in the High School hall. The Board of Supervisors passec unanimously a resolution to-day author izing SupervÍ8ofScott to purchase a at his own expense a box of Royal Ban ner cigars, for the use of members o the board. CornpaJfy A made no clianges in lts officers at the electian Wedoesday night. The members are at work npon the entei-tainment to be given oa the OTeniag of Feb. 12th, an dpro pose to malee it a tammer. Men nvho are well posted in horso flesh. say that the tiime la Twy neaa when the preseint low p.rice of horses must advance. Old hoa-ses have been killed off and the breeding of colts almost emtirely stopped. Tliese two reaoms of rthemselves are sufficient groundiS oai which to base the assertion that horses will be higher. Professor Neui.mann, of the Uniyersity oï Koenigslei'g, is 9G yeaa-s o! ag-e and for 46 years bas been. lecturing continuously on physios and mineralogy. He is the oldest professor iin actie work in Germany. TJiis record out-does fhat oí the late Dr. C. L. Ford, wlio served this University continuously for a period of 40 years. A. Lucas, of No. 6 Thirteenth St., has a mulberry tree that has been set om two years. Puring that time it has grown two inches in diameter, and in the past year it has grown 177 feet, 11 inches by actual measurement. This is no flsh story, nor exaggeratiou either one. The tree is there and the growth fora year can be easily shown. Il there are any doubters Mr. Lucas will be glad to convince them of the fact. Sonietkne during1 the niglit last night a n old colored woman named Sarah Robinson, who Hves in the neighborhood oí the observatory, got up and wandered away frooi home. SJie is some-wliere about 70 years of age, subject to fits, and not always im her right mind. The pólice have been on the ooit look for her to-day and City Poor Master Sipley has organized a gang of eearchers this aitemoon to try and find her. At the annual meeting oí the Congregational Society lield "Wednesday Joseph. T. Jacobs was elected deneon for the ensuing four years ; Rufus Waples elected clerk, and Robert Campbell treasurer. A ■vote oí ■fchanks was tendered Prof. and Mi-s. Reuben H. Kemipf for fctieir services to the church choir during the year. The society reporta a clean balance sheet and starts out on the new year with all obligatioins p-aid. In the report of the pastor a compliment was paM the members of the Yooing Men's Sunday Evening ?lub for its efforts in increasing the Sunday evening service, in wMch ït has beeni very ■uccessful. The niembership has increased about foa'ty duriing the year. A showing-. On New Year's Day, two ar three gentlemen happened to' be crossing the M. C. R. R. yards west of the passenger station, when one of them, who is a railroad man, happened to notice eomethinig out of the way with a switch on the main track. On' going ito the place, they tound that some ome 'had opened it about half way, just enough to have piled up the Iaat express that goes throiigh on that track, im a heap. The discoTery was a for- túnate one. There is no doubt but the deed was the work of some vicious minded person who carne along there and finding the switch unlocked, tiumed it on fpurpose to wreek a train. The 'fortúnate ddsccvery not only eaved tJie M. C. R. R. a great deal of money and trouble, but no doubt rt saTed imany hiuman livee as well, or .no train could have passed over that track without being wrecked. Most people are honest, whether Jiey are bo coinsidered or not. Sometiimies honesty is rewarded and someiraies one's own conscience is tbe only rewa.rd for doiiig right. An insta nee of Uie latter eort occurred here in this city day before yesterday. A little Northside girl named Nellie Greenman was walking along E. Ann st., when she discovered - pocket book on the eridewalk. A little later ehe met a couple of ladies who seemed to be eearcMng tor eomething and she asked tlhean -what they had lost. One oí the ladies replied that she had lost lier pocket book. "Perhaps this is the one," eaid the little girl, "for it is ame I loimd a little while ago." The lady took tbe puree and marched on, not even stopping to thank the ittle girl lor lier honesty, not to say anytliing about rewairding her. The pocketbook found was well filled and he owner might at least have been graiteful foir its return. There have been 323 marriage licenses issued during tbe year by the county clerk. It may not be genenally known that Ex-Couoty Clerk Brown has pone to sawimg1 wood. Bilt suoh is the iact. It is the Salyer Grocery Co. now, the son, Wm. H. Salyer, having bought a lialf interest with his father in the business. Sheehan & Co. have placed a heavy iron door on the rear of their store and have protected the windows by heavy iron shutters. York is a gireat place f ar queer ñames, the latest one coming into notice Is that of George Bible. Iti k sai-d tliat Greoire is -very attentive to his Bible. The regular monthly meeting of the Woman's Auxiliary will be held in the Y. M. C. A. rooms over Tinker's store on Monday, Jan. 7, at 3 p. ni. A full attendánce is requested. The old colored woman, Mrs. Robinson, who wandered away from her home was found down the river about a mile or so. She was benumbed with the cold and scratched with briars and bushes, and altogetlier in a sad plight. A inunber of new oast, thirteen in all, have been a-eceived by the Ann Arbor Art Sdiool, from Heamecke & Co., of Milwaukee. The nujnber 04 6tUdcnts in the schooX is so large now that it has become necessary to dide the class. "A Voter" iin tJiO last Argus makes a savage raid on those teachers of the public schools who use tobáceo. It is not a very good eaampla to eet before young boys, thiat's true, pecially if the smoking is done on the piublic Btreets. The Ladies' Gharitabie Unioin met Thursday aiternoon and transacted thelr usual routine business. A large rtumber of families weire reported in nieed, lar more than usual, we are told, and" the needs oif the Union are many and pressing. The Manchester Knterprise read all it's contemporaries a caudal lecture for stating that there were cases of smallpox in Manchester last fall. Friday the supervisors allowed bilis to the extent of $1,463.02 to pay for clothing, goods, 'etc, destroyed, and for physicians services. A card. from Dr. Elmer E. Hagler, oi Springfield, 111., to a friend in, the city, announced the arrival oí a son, and lieir at nis home, on Dec. 24th. Many wiU remember tlie Dr. who for several years was Dr. Carrow's assietant. He is vea-y successful In nis profesaran, and has a large practice, we onderstand. Messrs. Greenwood and Gilmore will arrange foir 15 days to Jackson-ville, Pla., In their private car, City oí Ann Artwr, df eigMeen persons will pledige theniselves to go. The car will start írom Ann Arbor on Feb. 5. The cost, including transportation, meals and uleepüng accoimmodations foir eotitre trip will be about $62.50 per passenger. Send thein your name and go down and try the balmy air of the land of flowers. C5oM, erisp winter weatlier of the last week tem days, has set asido ony feao-s oue migtot have had that okl whiter was foo'ling axound and mig-ht skip us entirely. There is no doubt but we Bliall ha-e euitable weather in which to gather the ice erop and to thoroiughly test the capacity of new furnaces and sto-es, as well as to try the comfort of new warm coats aind wraps beiore -tthe cowslips and dandelions bloom again. If any one s mot now prepaired for winter it were better ttiat he prepare at once, or it will be necessary. Secretary Greeninan, oí Fraternity IiOdge F. & A. M., ï-eceived a letter a day or two since trom a gentleman vho Avas at ome time well known in Ann Arbor, Ben. 3. Knowlton. He will be remembered as being bookkeeper foir the .Weil Bros. when they cariried on an extensive tannery here. AVhen they removed to Chicago, he went with them, aod now he hails f rom Sea-ttle, Wasüi., where he carries on an extensive business as an expert accountant. He was formerly auditor of the C. K. & S. "W. K'y, and is the aiuthOiT of a book entitled "Expert's Assietamt." A n-umber oí the old boys heire in Ann Arbor will be glad leam of hiim once more. Chas. Dwyer, whoee name was signe dto the complaint made against Mr. S'uekey, otojects to shoulderiing all the responsibility of iiaving the late treasuror arrested. He lias a paper signied by "tihe fotllowiaig bondsmen, directiing' liim to proceed : Christian Maa-tin, JoJin Heinzanann, Jacob Laubengayer, "VVm. Herz, Gottlob Luick, Bmamuel Luick, Herman Hardinghaiise, J. Laubengayer, Albert lUaess, Michael Srteeb, T. F. Hutzel. AVe are iinfönaed tliat twemty-one of the bondsmen altogether are in favor of the prooeedimgs taken. Mr. Dwyer claims tO' be as lentent and good natui-ed as amy man, and desires to have it kno'wn that hO Is not acting alom Oor without thO eanction of the maiority of the men who signed Mr. Suekey's bond. Miss Daisy Hollister, young daug-hter of Mire. Edward Hollister, of Maynard st., liad an abócese form on the cords of the neck, by reaaon of taking cold, a few week's since, and it beoamO so bad tliat aai operation liad to be performed to save her life. Tüiis was done a few days skioe by Dr. Lynds, assisted by other physiciams. OTie patiënt is weü, alad will probably recover all right. It was a very daiigwous and delicate opOration. The n-ew oificers of the Lyra Macn■uerchor ' are Robert Gwtnner, president ; Jofcn Eibler, vice president ; E. R. Wagner, secretary ; Eobert Staebler treasurer. The society is in good shape finaacially, and it feit so well over ttiat fact that the salai-y of tlíe director, Prof. Keuben H. Kempf, was elevated a notch. or so. On tlie 25th of January the Lyra's will give a coincert, for wlüch the memteps are now practicing. The Majestic Exhibit now being conducted at the store of the Eberbach Hardware Co. is attracting throngs daily, and its well worth j'our inspection. The factory representatives have one of these celebrated Ranges set up and are baking biscuits and serving delicious coffee to all who cali. The Majestic being almost wholly made of malleable iron and steel is non-breakable and will last a lifetime, its economy in fuel is remarkable, requiring but half that used in other stoves and ranges. Special iuduoements are offered to buyers while the salesmen are here, and tliat the Eberbach Hardware Co. will sell a great many during this novel exhibit is evidencedby thelarge crowds who throng thé store daily. Don't fail to see this wonderful Range.


Old News
Ann Arbor Courier