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The a.nniverwiry oí the Y. M. O. A. will bc held om Kunday, Jan., 20th, at tlie M. E. church, ittstead oif upon the 13th as heretoíore amnounced. This chango has been causeo by the inabüity oí Bev. Mr. Da vis, oí Detroit, who is to deliveii" the anniversavy addrrss, to be present here on the 13th The Baptist, Methodist and English Ivutheran churches will all imite with the Y. M. C. A. o.n(thte occasion, not holding any aerviee Ín thelr oivn churches. It was thoiight lest to divide the hurohes, ajmI not hav, them all unite im this eervice because t-here is no clnirch edifice large enough t-o liold all the eongregations Next year the olther churches wiU uiite with tlie assocLation in this aani-vereaffy. The Y. M. C. A's aniiual report ■vill Boom be ont, ajad it will make a good eliowing, bet-ter tlian most people anti'cipate. It ■Avill show the average atte-ndance at the níeetmgs be between 70 and 80, and that a minilicr of young men have not only ui rn evidenee oí leading better livcs. ut in soune instancee have made p-ro'r-i(nu and taUí'ti steps to anite jvith sorne of the chuirln in the city. The estimated expenses of the soátóty in their new and liandsoime quartere, is $1,200. A moderate aniount. md e-peially so when compared with , the gOKXl Work tlie association is dong. It üias noit been to the oredit of this city that heretofore there has not beea a place where a man comld go and spend an evening, either in games, in reading, or in social conviersation. Kow thea'e is such a place and the nioire it is becoming laiown, the move it is appreciated, and the greator demands npon the society. On Th'ursday eAening of next week, whicli is tlie week of prayer, thei men md young. men oí the vnrious congregatioms wiH nnito with the Y". M. ü. A., and hoid Beiiice at theii' rooms, coifumencing at 7:30 o'clock. 'The adies of the yarlous congregatltons will unite with the Y. W. C. A., at tJieir rooms over tlie lst National 3aaik.


Old News
Ann Arbor Courier