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This Is For The Young Folks

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llany people undoubtedly think that the matter of committing matrimony is but ,an easy thing to accomplisb. All ome Jias to do i to secure the price of a license, go before tïie county clerk .and secure hls permit and tanen cali on the parson in order to complete the job. Those who are building their matrimonial castles on that fliimisy foundation, however, aire very maicJi mistaken. If the thlmg is piroperly done the wo'uld-be grooim who appües for a liicenise tp wed, miust have at hi.s tongue's end the faumi'ly genaology of hits intendi'd mnd musí aleo know lus oiwn pedigree beyond tlie peradventure oí 'a doubt . We ma-kehe statements herem eorataiïied ioir t.he piuir.poee of aiding tliose matrlmony as we are infornicd by tlte officials that very iniiity applicants appear in seareli of licenscs "who ai'e mot in the least qnaliiied aiisiver the questions which the law requires of tlicni. and oonsequently the applu-i i :;n is defectivo. The statute requires that the applicant give his aga n! last birthday. ïpsidiCJice, birtJ'.place, occupation. fatlier's nanie.aiiother's maiden name, and also 'niake tliu .saine statement in rolatkm to the wmnan he Is intending to marry. He must fuitber make oath accordiing tO' ihis best knowledge and belief there is no legal impediment to the coinsunimat-ion of thO mari'iage contract between the parties. As to what constitute legal tmpediments, tlie {ollowing from Howell's Annoitated Statutes covers the ground : Eiea-y raíale "niio .hall have atta inod the f uil age oí eighteen years, and evt-iy iem'ale shall have attaimed tlie full age of sixteen years, sliall be papable in lawoi contracting maiTiage, if otherwise competent. Xo man sliall anarry his mother, grandmother, daughter, granddaughber, su imo.ther, grandfather's wife, som's wife, grandson's Avife, wife's motliei-, wife'e grandmother, wife's daughter, wife's granddaughter, nor liis sister, brother's daughter, sister's daughter, iather's Bister oi" mother's Bister. Xo woanan eJiall mai-ry her father, grandfatliier, sou, grandson, stepfather, grandmiotlier's husband, daughter's husband, eranddaughter's husband, liuisband 's father, husband's son husband's grandson, nor her bróther, brother's son. sister's son, fatlier's brother, ov onother's brothei'. No marriage shall be contracted while either oif the parties has a farmer wife or husband living, unless the marriagö with euch former wife O'r lnusbanid shall have been dissolved. Xo L-nsane person or idiot shall be capable oí coaitracting marriage. All manriages lieretoíore contracted between white persons and those wholly or in part of African descent, arehexeby delaied valid and effectual in law for all purposes, and the issue oí such mai-riages shall be deemed and taken legitímate as to suoli issue and as to both. of the parents. Act No. 137, laws of 1887, relating to" divorces, pu-oliibits divorced persons from remarrying witdiin a certaiin period oí time, to be specified in the decree of divo,rce, but not to exceed two years.


Old News
Ann Arbor Courier