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Glen V. Jlill.s i.s delivering his new directorios to-day. ïhey are excellent ones. It is said tliat a thaw approaches froin the west. The magnifieent beauty of to-day would lead one to beliieve tlmt it is eo. Tlie Young Peoples' Society of Zion church will go to the homO of Mrs. Fiegel, in Pittsfield, to-night, on a sleigiu-ide. It is unnecessary to say that they will have a gooi time. The Y. 'M. C. A. Oveiling classes are starting out with every prospect of success. The varióme classes have a good attendance, better even than was expected. Uniese some one puts up $800,000 and redeeme the T., A. A. Si N. M. K. :.. the saine will be sold at public auctiO'ii to the highest bidder, at Manliattao .luiu-tiou. in about four weeks [rooi üiov. At the annual meeting of the stock holdeis of tlie Michigan Furniture Co. hield last e veiling, the followlng directora were re-elected : W. D. Harriiman, L. Gruiïer, Moees .Seabolt, C. E. Htecock, E. E. Beal, Paul Snauble and Martin Haller. Chau-ma.n Young appointed SupervIbots Oesterlin, Case, Ball, Dancer and Duncan a committee wibh power to act in representing the interests of the LtcTanl in tlie suit commenced by l'rosectuing Attorney Randall against the bondsmen oï the late county treasurer, Paul G. Suekey. Xlve Y. M. C. A. officers are preparing an interesting proigra.mme lor their anni'STersary exercises of next Sunday at the M. E. church. Thel Y. M. C. A. orchestra will furnish some special music for tlie occasion. Rev. W. H. Davis, of tlie First Congregatioaial church of Betroit, will deliver the amnual address. General Secretary Huil will have a place on the programme. All friends of the Y: M. C. A. shO'Uld be there. In the new appoirtionment of delegates to the republican county con■iention, wliich are apportioned ou the total vote for governor at the last election, there is a loss oí 2G, the precincts lossing being as follows : Ann Arbor city- 2d, öth and 6th wards, Augusta, Bridgewater, Lyndon, Jlancliester, Pittsfield, Salem, Saline, Scio, Sharon, Superior, "Webster, Yps-ilano city- lst, 2d, 3d, and 5th wards, eacli one ; Ann Arbo.r t-own, Ixdi, Ypsilaatit O'wn, and Ypsilanti town, and Ypsilanti city- 4th ward, eacli 2. No pi-ecinct in the county made a gain.


Old News
Ann Arbor Courier