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A Queer Remedy

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As there is considerable small pos abo'ut the country just now, and schools in vario us cities and villages have been closed ' as a precaution againfst its spread, anytihing relatirtg H0' the disease and its treatment is of interest. The 'following fetory of a queer way tliey have of treatiingv tlie disease down in Mexico, is not new, but is told in a, very entertaining manner : Át a prominent hotel a few days agOi was a gentleman hailing frora New Mexico. He üuwl been on the frontiier since boyhood, and was regaling several tfriends with. choice bits of personal a-eiríiniscence, eagerly listeined to by 'his audience. Finally, attention to tiie pitted condition of his face, "vhich showed the i'avages of tJiat üread sconrge smallpox, he Vaaid : "Yes', I 3ial a (lose of itj is Socorro, long about '81 ; everyone gets the smallpox down there from force of example. You hardly ever see a MexLcaa ivho is not soarred, and yet they never go out of their way to avoid it. TherO is a peculiar superstition held by Mexicans regarding t hi' disease ; with. them it is associated Avitli their religious creed. It is tJiis : Should one of theni die oï smallpox, tliere is ao grief manifested by his relatives, as the cause of death ie regarded (aa one of open sesame to tlifi kiingdom come, the pilgrlm avoi-ding any tiresome wait in purgatory or otlier Btations on tlio route. "WJiy, they take thelr children wlirre it is, go that "Uiey will calcli it when tlic same as American ïnothcrs hanclle the chickenpox or mieasles problem, "I have a sister wlio was taken down wit,li tlu; black smallpox: when sho was but, 14 yeiirs old. ïhe Ajnerican doctors did cvorything they could butj fijially decided the case was hopelcss. It was then,. that the HexLoan Maria, asked if she could tiry her hand. She. explained the ri'inedy, a.nd 'we yavc assent. Y'hat do you suppose slie did ? She went O'Ut aaid 'hunted around until slie g'Ot a black rooster. One Avith a "white featjuer ■svouldn't do ; it would spoil t)he charni. Thle rooster was decapitlated in the Bick room and the. warm blood used t'o ibatlie my sister. Impirovement began at once, and to this. day I dooi'ti know whether it waSthe black rooster 'wliieU wliich s:ved my sister or the dropping of the caso


Old News
Ann Arbor Courier