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The Pioneer Press Company

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I I IT'S'JUOUS TO STOP SUD■rj=. =5x yv vaíñpí DENLY and don't be imposed upon (l il íVlí ' I by buying a rfmedy iluA requives you I '- Jlll Jt S tii do so, as it i" nothing more thatt a SscJf =í' A J iL substitute. Jn ilic guddtn stoppage of tobáceo you must liare sorne sítmSrjTSv TF5 ulant, and in most all cases, the ef(l II g ■fcc "f ''ie stimulant, be it opium, J_L ü morphine, or other opiates, leaves a ------ far vnrse habit conTf Tf" A ( sv' í" traeted. Ask your (i 11 !=? t II íí II II druggist "bout IÍÁCO rl)lwVV l) rtüpurely - í&zSA iV ' 5! í' vegetable. Yon do I ■ l O.) Y' ÍO Stop MSing tobáceo with B CUBO. It will notify yon "'hen to stop and your des i-re f or tobáceo willcease. Your system will be asfreefrom nicotine as . the dn i before yon took yóur first chew or smoke. An iron ciad writien guarantee to absolutely cure the tolmera habit in all its forras, or money refunded. Price $1.00 per box or S boxes {30 days treatment and guaranteed cun . $2.60. Wor sale by all drvggüt or will be sent by mail upon receipi oprice. SEND SIX TWO CENT STAMPS POR SAMPLE BOX. Bookletslflnd proofs free. Eureka % mical & M'f'g Co., La Crosse, Wis, Offlce of C. W. HORNIOK, Supt., St. raul, Minnesota, bepc. 7, 1894. Eureka Chemieal and MTg Co., La O rosse. Wis. Dear SIrs- I have heen a toiiacen firml for many years. and dtiring the past íwo reara have Bmoïed flfteen to twenty cipars regularly every day. My whole nervoua system became affected, until my pbysician told me I must give np the uv of tobáceo for the time. being at least. I trled the Bo-callcd 'Keely Care, Ko-Tb-B&c." and varióos other remedies, bul without success. until I accid6Dally learnéd of your "Baeo-Curo," Three weeks ago to-day I commenced using j'our preparation. and to-day I conslde.r myself completely curcd; lam in perfect health, and the horrible cravíng for tobáceo, whieh every Invetérate smoker fully apprecUtes. has completely left me. I conslder your "Baco Curo1' simply wonde rf ui, and can fully recommend it. Vours truly, C. W. Hoknick.


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Ann Arbor Courier