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Xittle drops of water Mak e no great display. But linie drops of printer's iuk Turn the trade our way. T!he Odd Fellows propose to give a, grand banquet at the RLnk, on the 14th of aiext month. Ann Arbor feete two mail carriers ; 'Chelsea guts two caanoo. ; Ypsilanti gets too breezy, altogether. The Comgregational society lias relected Olios. J. Keech and Noah W. Oheever trustees, tor three years. In the circuit court yasterday judgment was rendered ia favor of the Fmdlay Brewing Co., agairist Atram Polhemus et al., for $225 and costs. Ir. A. B. Prescott, Prof. F. w. Kelsey and Prof. F. C. Newcombe hare been choesen elders of the Presbyterian ohurch, with Heury T. Purfield deaoon. ITie examination of Ex-County Treasurer Paul G. Suekey, which was to haw teken place Friday a. m., before Justice Pond, ims been adjourn■ed for two weeks. Miss Mary Pyfer, aged 7?, years, died Fnday morning of paralysis. The iuneral services will be held at the iamily residence No. 36 S. Thayer st., on Sunday afternoon, at 3 o'clock. "Washtenaw ie entitled to. nineteen ■and not twenty-one deleg-ates in the next state convention. The cali in another column for a county convaatioo hm been properly changed. The f ello w with a f ast horse and nice cutter is the popular man, and is on a wit.h thei man who' never passes an iee cream shop -with a lady without her. Judge Klnne havlng eso much business on hand that lie could not give it proper atteaition, Jias resigned as one of the exeeutors of the Tucy W. S. Morgan estáte. Judge Babbitt lias accepted the resigmation. ueorgO Walap receñid a letter last Friday tlhat was malled in Berlin Germany, Jan. 5. 0Ss maks 13 days lbo get from Berlijn to Antwerp hen across the Atlantic ocean and tere in Ann A-rbor som 600 or 800 toües Inlaad. Ivouis J. Liesemer lias purcliased a eoflfrolling interest in Jils Old paper tihe Hausfreund-Post. Alfred Pau wm bold i balance of the interest an-d act as business manager. Mr. Ltesemer is too known to need aay worde of Introduction or commendation. TJie House at Washington, D. C, voted to give our hustling little neightoói- up ie road, Chelsea, the next two condiemned cannon at the disposal of the war department. These eanooo will be used for a soldiea-s' monument, Jimmie is the gun t-hat got them. ïaa't it a puzzle though, to knowhow some mea lire. Wáth no visible taeans of support tbey around Mie street, loaf in stores and barbear shops, from morning till late at night without doing a stitch of work. If the secret is not patented ■we would lite to Icnow what it is. The writer was told this morning that some of tho students in the lst "tvard school were fomming1 a secret society. iThO name chosen was not öisclosed, but ite objects are said to e of a purely social nature. Tliey lexpect to mako debut into soiety witlx a grand full dress party somewhere abont Feb. 22d. t The truancy law doesn't appear to guther in all the laas it should. Tlieie will be a Faculty Concert given in Frleze MemoTiul Hall, Thufsday ewnilniff, Jaa. 24, at 8 o'clock. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde C. Kerr, of E. ■William street, haye been called upon to part witlx thelr HttlO son, aged nine months. Mr. and Mrs. Wim. Eeslinger, oí Maccabee Hill, lost thelr Iníant son yesterday. Funeral services to-day, from .the home of Fred Esslimger. Mrs. Abbie O'Eeilly, of 12tli st., died Sunday, aiged 87 years. She was a sister of Miss Margaret Eurns whoise 4eath -vvas mentioned a short time since. Chas. L. Steveais, oí YpsUaaiti, and a niember of Ann Aïbor Commandery K. T., was elected attendent in the 3d veil, at the grand chapter's session of E. A. M., in Betroit Tuosday. The Woh-eriine C'ycler's fifth anrnial Masquerade Ball wlll take place at Liglit InfamtryS Hall, on Thursday eTOiiing, Jan. 31. Grand march at 8:30 sliarp. Miusic (by the Chequamegona. Invitation.s reiiuired. 'Diere were twenty-twO' in the sleigh load that went to the home of Jas. McLaren in Lima Frlday eve. It was a merry company and they had a merry tinne, even to over on the return home, which was reaehed at 4 o'clock a. ni. Ti)re is an electrical display in Eberbaeh & Co's window, fitted up by Albert C. Scliumacher, that draws quite a crowd each evening frora 7 to 8 o'clock. Liglitning is sent thTOuigh glass tubes and colored icals and passes and is quite astonishing in its effects. In the matter of A. Anna North, SaraJi H, Goodrich and Morrell Goodí rich vs. Elizabeth A. Lum, leñatee in i the will oi Merchant H. Goodrich, and Noah "W. Cheever and Josepli H. Vanee, executors of said will, an appeal lias been taken to the suprerae court. The sensational reporta in same of tiie newspapers abO'Ut the trouble in tlie Oouriefr office, its employes, is very amusing to those who know the truth about it. 'Die attempt of the Detroit Free Press for instanoe to mate political capital o-ut of it, is iery "p-hunny." P. TV. Sbute, the gentleman who ís working up tlie new opera, lious project is very sanguine oí success. Tliere appear to be eeveral offers of locatioras, but the most promising one is om N. Fourtli aw., between E. Huroin and E. Ann sts., on -vha.t Is lono'wn s the Goodrich poroperty. reskied Independence L,ake, died last Friday at 11 p. m. of paralysis. Mr. Snydea" was 90 years of age, and had üved in this county eince an early day. Mr. Snyder had been to "Wliitmore Lake durimg the day, and appeared to be in Kis usuaJ health, but after arriving home he was taken stek and soon expired. At tlie annual meetkig of the Poiiti■ cal Equality club held Thursday in McMUlan hall, the following officers ' were elected : Honorary pa-esident, ' Mirs. Isreal Hall ; pa-esident, Mrs. B. ' A. Hinsdale ; vice presidents, ] Masdames. W. D. HaiTimaai, Walter C Perry, E. Pardon, tH. K. Wliite ; corresponding eecretary, Mrs. Soule ; recoirding eecretary, Mrs. Ida C. Finney ' and ,Mírs. Qias. B. Millón. i A Practical Talk undier the auspi! ces oi the Y. M. C. A.,' is to be glven ' on Tuesday evening next, at the Association rooms, commencing at 7:30 p. m. Br. G. C. Huberto, f itjiO UniTwsity, will tfliea speak on "The Structure oí taiO Body." As thls is a subject witli which the lecturer is perfectly familiar, he will make it not only entertaining but instructive as well. The admissiom is free to everybody. Young men, eepecially, are urged to attend. We don't ï'ecall any reading circles in oar eohool days but we well remember tlie "half crcles"that stooa in front of the teacher'e desk to read. Amd liow they did read ! The one who could rattle 'er off at the fastest rate ajid had the most pea-fect monotone was surO to have the highest mark. And so tliey read in circles now ? TVell, may be tliey get twlce as much fun out of it as we used to out of the old half-circle, but will güarajitee they can't read. twice as fast.- Dexter !Deader. If the Ann Arbor Courier would give The Sentinel proper credit for news items (as it seems to other papers) it would have fewer sins of omission to answer for at the time the bones of that skeleton are gathered.- Ypsilanti Sentinal. Tlie Courier neyer has takeu au item from the Sentinel without giving proper credit. And the Courier honestly believes that it is sinued against in this respect far more than it sins, even witli the Sentinel. Many items, original with the Courier, are noticed in our exchanges without credit, and not infrequently redited to other papers. But we never ïave kicked: I ■ The El Astro Club went to Whitmore Lake Saturday night and indulged in a hop. Mr. McGregor, of Detroit wlll ltavie cliarg-e of the Epworth League meeting next Sunday night. The gift social of the Y. W. C. A. ] Saturday eveaiaxg -was quite a cess. Gov. Iübh ha.s wrftten that he cannot attend the Light Infantry ball on the evenïng of Jan. 24th. ■ Eddi'e Lapier, a boy eleven years old, was killed in a boy's club room in Detroit Sunday night, shot to death. The "VVoimans' Chrietiau Temperance Uutoh hold next regular meeting Tliursday aiterno-on, Jan. 24, at 3 o'clock, at McMillaji Hall. Postinaster Beakes and JDeputy AVatts are TOry buey re-arranging the routes of the mail carriers, and iind that they hare a difficult job to do satislactorily. Tlie B. Y. P. U. of this city vlslted tlie B. Y. P. U. of Ypsüanti Saturday night oai runners., and had a giorious time. Tliey reached Ajnn Arbor before 12 o'clock, all ii-glit. The nest emtertaiainient in ünity Club course wül be givea next Monday erenimg by .the Caledonian Society. Miuch of the piTOigramme will be givem by people fronn London, Ont. Wm. j. Miller aias been appointed as one of the new maü can-iers, and commenced gomg the Tounds on an initiation trip Monday. THe public wlll congratúlate both Postmaster Beakes and Mr. Miller on this appointment. Deputy "Watts asserts tliat there were nioire letters written in Ann last Sunday tlian ever before on añy Sunday ever known. At least the carriers came in Monday loa ded as heavUy as they usually are in going out. On S'tinday evening next, Kev. J. H. Hallisay, oí Detroit Cathedral, formerly oí Boston, Mass., will lecture in: St. OUioimas' cliurch, for his subject : "Jeeus Christ, the Light of the AVorld." This üistinguished divine is an able and eloquent lecturer. There is some talk of the repaiblicans oí the thiird ward nominating Geo. Allmend'inger foir alderman at the spriing election - Times. There is ;lso some talk of renominating Frank Wbod while the name of Deputy Sheriff Zenas Sweet is aisoi mentioned. The politica! talk has George S. Willits who gave Senator Cullom such a scare iai Illinois in respect to nis seat in the senate, is a Michigan boy. He was born in Monroe, is a eon of Edwin Wollets, lst assistant secretary of Agricultura under Pres. Harison. He gradúate! from the Ut. departinent irn 1878. The Cougregatiomil church was crowded last Sunday, tlie program of the Young Mens Sunday Evening Club being an especially good one. Prof. Kempf's Lyra chorus of thirty voices furnislied the music. To say that their work was appreciated is to put it very lightly. The congregation was unanimous in praise of their music. Rev. C. M. Cobern, of the M. E. church preachid a fifteen minute sermón. Uobert H. Mann, brother of Miss Miss Florence Manu, -vlio has been clerk in the UnivOrsity Hospital office, for the past three years, died at Sai Francisco om Jan. 19, The deceased had been to Honolulú eral inonths for his health, and retumed to San Francisco the day preyious to hia denth. He was a nephew of Josepli ClarE, superintendent of the hospital. The remains were forwarded to hos fomier home at Laaeing. The Detroit Male Quajrtette, one of the finest quartettes in the country, accompainfed by an iuipersonator, and a blind pianist, will appear in Ann Arbör in tho mear futui-e, under the auspilces of thO Y. M. C. A. The piajitet is quite a prodigy, although blind, plays by note. That is he has hiis rnusic printed in raised type, amd rt-hen commLts it to memory. Tlie entertainment this company gives is spoken of eveTywhere in the highest terms. There was sorae excitement on one of the hills last Friday night. A party of coasters was enjoying the flne coftsting, most of the number beiug students. Sotne boys thought it would be nice to see the party slid through a sea of flaines and setting a box they saturated it with coal oil. It was placed at a bend in the street where it would not be seen by the coasters and when they started from the top of the hill the box} was lighted. It was in a mass of flames wlien the coasters came along, and not seeing it until they came to the turn, they were unable to steer out and the sled went straight into the flre. The head ones on the sled rolled off in time to avoid any bad burns and the others being further back on the sled were uot iujured as the fire was underjttheui. Tlie boys took after the impractical jokers and only several pairs of large legs saved a free fight. C. G. Wrentmore will address the Engineering society next Friday evening, Jan. 25, on "The Launhardt- Weyrauch Method of Dimensioning." The suit against Geo. Barrow for assault and batterry, brought by S. Baumgardner, has been again adjourned in Justice Gibson's Court, for one week. M. F. Clements in the name of the people coinplained of Nathan Pierce for assault in Justice Gibson's Court, and the case lias been adjourned. Both are ííortliside parties. Hou. Jas. M. Dunn, of Milwaukee, wjll deliver an address upon "Success in Business and the Itelation of tlio Liquor Traffic to it," at the Unitarian church, Sunday Jan. 27th, at 3 ó'clock p. m. The speaker announces this to be absolutely non-partisan. Lieut. W. F. Armstrons-, of the Light Infanto-, gaTC a spread to the boys MoiMlay iiiglit aiter aclieai.sal in the araioa-y. Tlie entertainment which is scheduled fo the nights of Feb. 11 and 12, promtees to ba a great sucoess. One oif tlue features of the show -will be a foot ball game. AceoTding rto the action of the Ann Arbor Typograpliieal Union this office is what is called an "open office," ome in which uniooi men are allowed to -n-ork. Wonder if it will occ'ur ito some parties who have taken paims to herald the contrary statement abroad, to have the fairness to correct it. Owiaug to the activity of the fieree Kabiboinokka toffether with Kabeyum as Hiawatha called them, coonbined with the other elemente last nig-ht, it was thought best to postpone the lecture of Mr. Beal before the Inland League to some morO favorable evening. Some Tvay Monday cvenings have been unpleasant ones nearly all this sèason. The Y. W. C. A. will glvie a Rodal at their rooms, over the lst National bank, on Friday eveming-. a short programme will be airaojged for the ewaiing, and Tight refreshments wlU be serred. Everybody ie invited,, and eacli onO attending is requested to bring a slip of paper wifcli their; name and addiiese tlwreon. Just ibetore th-e last electrón Martin Scliaïitz "was giren $5 by Eugene Helber, of the Washtenaw Post to bet witli ,a certain paa-ty th'at Mr. Suekey would not ibe elected county treasurer. T3ie money was put up in Jaliin Burg's hands. After electioo Helber direct-ed Schantz to go and get the onojiey, which he ddd bat after tuimíng over to Mr. Helber his original $5 lie refused to turn over the wfcher $5, but kept it hinxs&lf. Helber torought suit before Justiee Gibso'n' ïo recover tlie other $5. Each was repi-esented by able attomeys. Justiee Gibson has decided tlia.t the money "belongs to Helber and Scinantz must give it up. Whether it will be appealed, or gchantz will rest om hie hant, is yet to be found out.


Old News
Ann Arbor Courier