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IN 1895. The Simpletons, a new novel by Thoraa Hardy, wlll be begun in the December num ber, 1894, and conttnued to November, 1895 Whoever may be one's íavorite amone Eng llsh novellsts, it will be conceded by all crit ics that Thomas Hardy stands foremost'as a master artist in flction, and The Simpletons may be expected to arouse enthusiasm no inferior in degree to that which has markec Trllby - the most successful story of the year Another leading feature will be the Person al Recollections of Joan of Arc, by the Sleur Louis de Conte, Her Page and Secretary, under which guise the most popu lar of living American magazine writers wil present the story of the Maid ol ürleans. In the January number will appear a profu&ely illlisirated paper on Charleston and the Carolinas, the flrst of series of Southern Papers. Northern África is attracting more attention than at any other time since it was the seatof empires. The next volume of HAR PER'S MAGAZINE will contain four illustrated articles on this región, and three o them will depict. present life there. Julián Ralph will prepare for the magazine a series ol eight stories, depicting typical phases of Chinese Life and Manners. Besides tbe long stories there will begin in tbe January number the flrst chapters of A Three-Part Novelette, by Kichard Harding Davis- the lougest work yet attempted by this writer. Complete short stories by popular writers will continue to be a feature of the magazine. Senil for UlustratPd Prospectus. The volumes of the Magazine begin with the Number for June and December of each year. When no time is mentioned, subscriptions will begin with the Number current at the time of reccipt of order. Cloth case for binding, 50 cents each- by muil. postpaid. Title-page and Index sent on upplication, Remi'ttance should be made by Post-oflice Money Order or Draft, toavoid chance of loss Xewspapers are nol to copy this advertisement without the express order of Harper L Brolla rs. HARPER'S PERIODICALS. Harper's Magazine, - one year, $4 00 Harper's Weekly, - " - 4 00 Harper's Bazar, - " - 4 00 Harper's Young People, - " - 2 00 Postage Free to all subscribers in the United, States, Canada and Mexico. jddress HARPER & BROTHERS, P. 0, Box, 959 N. Y. City. Fapps Bazai. IN 1895. Elegant and exclusive designs for Out-door and In-door Toilettes, drawn from Wobth models by Sandoz and Chapus, are an Important feature. These appear every week, accompanied by minute descriptious and details. Our Paris Letter, by Katharine de Forest, is a weekly Transcript of the latest styles and caprices in the mode. Under the head of New York Fashions, pluin directions and ful 1 partlculftrs are given as to shapes, fabnes, trimmings and accessories of thecostumes of well dressed women. Children's Clothing receives practical attention. A fortnightly Pattêrn-sheet Supplement enables readers to cut and make their own gowns. The woman who takes HARPER'S BAZAR is prepared lor every occasion in life, ceremonious or informal, where beautiful dress is requislte. An American Serial, Doctor Warrick's Daughters, by Kebecca Hardimg Davis, a fitrong novel of American life, partly laid in Pennsylvania and partly in Ihe far South, ■will occupy the last half of the year. My Ijiidy Nobody, an intensely exciting novel, by Maakten MAautens, author ol ' Qod's Fooi," " The Greater Glory," etc, will begin the year. Essay and Social Chats. To this department Spectator will contribute lier charming papers on "WhatWeareDoing" in New York Society. Answers tó Correspondeuts. Questions receive the personal attention of the editor, and are answered at the earllest possible dale after their receipt. Send for llhistratrri Prospectus. The Volume of Ule BAZA.R begin with the ilrst Number for Januai y ot each year. Wheu ' no time is mentioued, subscriptions will begin with tne number current at the time of the receipt of order , Cloth Cases Cor eacb volume, suitable for biuding, will be sent by mail, postpaid, on I receiptof l.Ü0each. Title-page and Index sent , on applicntion. Remittance should be made by Post-ofDce Alouey Order or Draft, to avoid chance of loss. Uewspapers are not to copi this advertisement 1 without the express arder of Harper , & Brothers. ( HARPER'S PERIODICALS. Harper's Magazine, one year, -$4 00 Harper's Weekly, - " - 4 00 ! Harper Bazar, - " - 4 00 ' Harper's Young People, " - - 2 00 Postage Free to all subscribas ín the United States, Canada, andliexico, ' Address HARPER & BROTHERS, P. 0, Box 959, N, Y. City. { Harpas WTy. IN 1895. HARPER'S WEEKLY isapiotorial history of the times. It presents every important event prompt]}-, accurrately ?.nd exhaus tively In Hlustration and descrlptive text o the highest order. The manner in which, during 1894, it has treated the Chicago Railway Strikes and the China-Japanese War, and the amount of light it was able to throw on Korea the instant attention was directed to that littleknown country, are examples of its almost boundless resources. Julián Ralph, the -distinguislied writer and correspondent, has been sent to the seat of war, and there joined by C. D. Weldon, the well-known American artist, and formany years resident in Japan who has heen engaged to co-operate with Mr. Ralph in sending to HARPEH'S WEEKLY xclnsive information and Hlustration. During 1895 every vital question will be discassed wíth vigor and without prejudice in the editorial columns, and also in special articles by the highest authoiitles in each departmeut. Portraits of the men and women who are raaking history, and powerful and and caustic political cartoons, will continue to be characteristtc features ïhis Busy World, with its keen and kindlycomnaent on the lesser doings of the day, will remaln a regular deparlment. Fiction. There wíll be two powerful seríais, both handsomely illustrated- The Red Cockade. a Btirrlng romance of olden days by Stanley J. Weyman, anda novel of New York, entitled The Sou of Hls Father, by Brander Matehews - several novelettes, and many short stories by popular writers. Send for Illustrated Prospectus. The Volumes of the Weekly begin with the flrst Number for January of each year. When no timéis mentioned, subscriptions will begin with the Number current at time of receipt of order. Cloth Cases for each volume, suitable for binding, will be sent by mail, postpaid, on receipt of $1 00 each. Title-page and Index sent on upplication. Remittances should be made by Post-offlce Money Order or Draft, to avoid chance oí loss. Newepapers are not to copy tkis advertlsement without the expresa order of Hakper & Brothers. HARPER'S PERIODICALS. Harper's Magazine, one year -$4 00 Harper'sWeekly, - " - 4 00 Harper's Bazar, - " - 4 00 Harper's Young People, " - 2 00 Postage Pree to all subscrïbers in[the United States, Canada or Mexico. Address HARPER & BROTHERS, P. 0. Box 969 N. Y. City, WtN AND WflMFN itand profltaWe ■"kil HI1U IIUmLll work by addressing _ the Conirexvili.e Mfg. Co., üIanville, K. I., mfgrs. of Normandie Plushes. Send 12 cents for samples, particulars, and secure agency. Mentlon this paper.


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