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Edward Treadwell Passes Away

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At abO'Ut 4 o'olock THwiPSÖay aftornooin the spirit of Edwnrd Treadwell 1-eft lts earthly tabernacle and passed out iaito that unknown land termed the Hereafter. Mr. Treadwell had been ior many yenrs a prominent ertizen and one whose everyday life had led him tobe esteeoned and respected. He carne to this county in 1845, frorn Cayuga county, New Yoïk, where hO was born in 1823. At first he settled upon a fami about two miles north of this cdfby, removing a few jrears later to one at Dixboiro, wliere he lived for twel' years. Then he came t-o this city to live, and pairchosed the residnce Xo. 49 E. Huron st., in which he has reside d ever since. After remolng to the city he oarried on an agricultural implement business a number of years in coonpany with Jas. Osbora, after dropping oait of whieh he engaged in bo active pursuits, sünply attending to 3iis farms and fiaanoes, which occupied all his time. Mr. Treadwell had been one of the directors of the lst National Bank of thijs city, almiost since its establieihimeint. He was also foir a number of years a member oí the vestrv of St. Andrew's parlsh, acting as treasurer thereof np to two years ago, when he was ch-osem senior wardien to succeed tlie late Jolim M. "Wheeler. The omly political office ever held by Mr. Treadwell was that of supervisor of Ann Arbor town one year. During the term of Hoai. AVin. G. Doty's office as mayor, Mr. Treadwell was tendered tlie poeition of member of tlie Board of Public Works bilt declined tlie position. Mr. Treadwell leaves no fainily aside from nis widow, aaid was considered ed well to do, financially. Tlie funeral of tt-he late Edward Treadwell occuirred Sunday p. m. A short service was held at the residience on E. Huron st., at half-past 2 o'clock, and at 3 o'clock the regular Episcopal burial service was held at St. Andrew's churcli, where the deceased liad worshipped eo maey c;irs, and wliose aleles were so familiar to nis tre.ul. A lartte number of friends g-athered at the cliurch itO' pay their last respects to oaie who had been a friendly man with every one Avliile in Ufe. The remains were taken to Forest Hill (■(nicteiy and deposited in the vault. The honorary pall bearers were: W. D. Harriman, Philip Bach, B. M. Thompson, E. D. KLnne, Dr. C. B. Nancrede, ï. Clements, Wm. Wagner, Han-isom Scrale, Noali W. Cheever, Dr. W. B. Sinith, Dr. Fleming Carrow, Chas. S. Denison. Acti-e pall bearers : Moses Seabolt, H. J. Brown, Geo. II. Pond, Geo. W. Patterson, S. W. Harkson, L,. Gruner. Profe. Fraiui.s W. Kelsey aaid F. C. Newcombe will be apdained as new elders at ttoO Prenbytei-ian cliut-cli next Sunday morninjjf. Xext Motaday e-Teniog J. y. Sbeehan will read a paper befoire Unity Club. It "will be i. recital oí li is. experlence last summer iu Enrope. One weck froan mext Momday evcning-, Iiev. John W. Langley oí Cleveland, formerly a professor in the rnivcrsiry will speak. Mrs. Holnu-s, on E. Huron st. has beem doing something which will mate .ma.ny rise up and cali bar lilcssed. Altliuugh in feeble liealth, she has coUectea and shilpped to Xebraska uid Kansas, oiglit barrels of good lotlihig tor the -low many more sudi angels of merey can Ann Vrbor of ? Ome of oair readers hands us this : 'The writer of this item was long ■('■iis ago i business man in this city ind au in the Couier, the .lúe of which advertising was made manifest in the following way : A new n-and of Japan .tea carne iipon the market aaid the wrirter commenced to advertise and eell it, and in one year he realized a profit of $150 from the sale of liis tea."


Old News
Ann Arbor Courier