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Attorney General Fred A. Maynard betng asked to interpret the new amendment to the eonstitution adopted by the people at. last fall'a election, has defined and cxplained the sanie as follows : In substance the case is that no male imhabitnnt oí fo-reign birth noiv in this Btate can rote until he hall become a citizen of the United States, which requires five years' previous residence. If, Jiowever, any foreigner bae reeided 'itere tivo years and slx months prevtoue to ov. 1, 1894, wMch woold be May 8, 1892, ajid bcfore May 8, Í892, bad deolared nis intentions of becoming a Citizen be can yot. Otherwise no foieigner ca.n vot in Michigan wbo bas not j-eslded In the Tnited States the five years aeceesary to acquire citizenship. All citizens w!m haw not residid in the United State five yeai-s or dld not reside hre .previous to May 8, 1S92, and did mot givc notice of tlieir intention to become citizens previ +rt tivot liint.p. pninnot hereaftrr vote in Michigan, wlvetlier they voted herO before or mot. All such male fcnhabiinnt-s over 21 years of age ave disfvaiH-liisecl by the constitution as it staiute at (present. The attonney general adds that, votimgbi'inga privilege, not a rigtlit, the people can by a constitutional aniendment take it-aWay trom or confer it upo.n any clase of persons. It s stated that President Wm. Ball of the State Agricultura! Society, is orably inclined towara ene propusiuun to unite the state fair and the West Michigan fair. Mayor Fisher of Grand Rapids, fonnerly proposed the union to Mr. Ball and the latter writes that he ms appointed a committee to meet the ;ócal fair men tliere on Feb. 11 and consider the details. Last week Ex. Gov. Russell of Massachusetts, delivered a lecture in Ann Arbor on "The individual in government." Simplified to a sencence it was "Grover Cleveland as president of the United States, and myself as governor of Massachusetts." Twogreat uals in governmem, sure.- Auruu icoo. It is enough to make a plantation mule smile to read of the presentation in the United States senate of a memorial from the defeated democratie candidate for Governor in Sonth Caraoliua complaining that he has been cheated out of the office he tried to get by the crimes of the bold, bad Populista. Wben South Carolina democrats begin to howl and whine about election frauds, to use the elegant and courteous expressions which they taught the countrv when it was the republicans of the Palmetto State who coinplained of injiistice, there is ground for renewed belief in the adage that time at last makes all things even. The present legislature should bear in mind tlieir motto of "short session." It should be borne in mind that a short session means the fewest possible days between the convening of the body and its final adjournnient. Short session does not mean the fewest. number of hours spent in work each day or the fewest number of days in session each week. The Record finds no fault thus far, but it is a good timenow to commence thinking about the matter.- Northville Kecord. The Fenton Independent is responsibleforthis; "When you come to talk about revivals," said an old Birminghamer, "there's to my notion, too many Wild Bill evangelists now-a-days. I don't dislike to see a preacher pound his pulpit Sunday so that a carpenter has a job every Monday morning, but tlinea wild-pvAfl pnwbnv nreanïiftrs that teil how bad they have been, they cause me to be weary. When one oL these long liaired ducks get up and claims he has killed his aunt and licked his mother before he was couverted, it seems to me that he hasn't got so far away from his natural hellery butthat it would bo Tery convenient for him to baekslide into it again." Koah Brooks contributes this interestincr bit of üoliticid historv to the ary Scriljner as to the origin of the word "Whig" as applied to the foriner partj' so called : "It was in February, 18:!4, that James Watson Webb, of the New York Courier and Enquirer, hit upon the title of Whig for the National Hepublican party brought hito existenoe by the administration of John Quincy Adams and led by Henry Clay. The name suggested, as Webb averred, by the fact that the party was pledged to resist ar bitrary governmeut, as the English Wliigs resisted royalist tyrants. It was sougiii, mougu uiisueceHsiuuy, iu uiauu the Democratic-Republicans with the odious uauie of Tories. 'The Tories,' said Clay, 'were the supporters of executive power, of royal prerogative, of the maxim that the king eau do no wroug;' the Whigs, lie added, 'were the champions of liberty, the friends of the people.' AVhat more appropriate distinction than this could be made between the Jackaoo nieu and the followers of the Great Comnaoner?' " Ex-Gov. Ashley oí Ohio, for a number of a resident of this city, has niapped out a new county, taking part toom Muskoson. Newaj-go, Kent and Montcalm, wliich Jie proposes to oaJJ Zadi Chandler cotunty, and thinks this legislature can do nothing more appropriate. About one hundred Miclngnn families have purchased land and settled in a couple of' counties in Alabama and Mississippi. 'J'here are a large number l'rom Ohio there also. President Cleveland has succeeded in bull-dozing, wheedling and eoaxing the democratie members of the ü. S. Seinde into passing a resolution approving of his contemptible, unpatriotic, unAmerican, and un-nianly Mawaiian ''policy." Robert Burns, the famous Scotch poet, was born Jan. 2oth, 1759, and died July 21, 1796, when only 37 years o!d, y et in that brief space of time he wrote himself into fame, and will never be forgotten as long as the Anglo Saxon race exists. It is stated that a judge down in Georgia becoming disgusted witb American citizens, etc, coming into court under the influence of "budge," sewed the lowing notice on them: "I wish to put everybody on notice that if they come into this court room while I am sitting on this bench dronk they had better look out." The legislatura will please let our congressional district alone. This part of Wayne county does not, care to be kicked around all over the state at the will of every legislative body. It has for a decade been the tail wagged by the dog. Now it is rather the tail that wags the dog. We' re just getting acquainted.- Northville Record. Mrs. Mary A. Li ver more has retired from the platform. At the age of 73 she gives up active labora which have been continous for over half a century. In all forms, whether temperance, sanitary, or relating to snffrage, she has ranked among the wisest and ablest of Arnerica's women and has earned the rest which sliould iiow come to her. A noted scientist asserts but probably not from personal observation, that the earth is Blowing up at the rate of twenty seconds per century. We shall never live to see it stop, of course, but when ittioes stop, and everything is lowea to arop. woere win 11 uiup to? Then the famous hole in the sky that the late Senator Boutwell, of Massachusetts, told about in the Andy Johnson impeachment trial, will be in lively demand, for no one can conceive of dropping into novvhere. Mayor Pingree's enemies, including and headed by several prominent corporación iawyers, packed the public meeting of citizens called by him in Detroit Saturday night, and prevented anything but a racket. The racket, however, was great. The mayor faced his enemies heroically Cor an hour and a half, and with all their crowd of volunteer and paid clacquers they did not have power enough in the whole lot to make the mayor sit down for an instant. He proved self of the sort of mettle Ihat never gives up the ship, He tired out the crowd. It: is a noteworthy fact that the export of gold has kept pace witfa the deficit in our exports, and that the net amount of gold exported is practically equal to the balance of trade against us. This is a simple process ot trade. No gift of prophecy was needed to simply repeating itself. We have had the same experience before. During the years from 1846 to 1860 the balance of trade against us was $420,000,000, and our exports of gold 8430,000,000. ïhe then recently discovered gold mines in California enabled us to keep up this losing transaction for years. At present there is nothing to protect us from sueh folly.


Old News
Ann Arbor Courier