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He returned tbe pouud of sugar. And sadly shook his head. "I do not want the earth," was all He to the grocer said. Geo. Maultbatch, of Norfhfteld has been granted an original pension. Eugene K. Frueaufl has secured a position on the staff of the Bay City Tribune. Mus. Woodbridge, wldow of Lieut. ■Woodbridige of the U. S. army, hasreceived a pension. The American house is to have a new passenger elevator. An improvement the hotel guests will appreciate. The Prohibs. nave called a county convention at the court house on "Wednesday, Feb. 13', at 1 o'clock p. ni. The next talle in the Y. M. C. A. course will be on Feb. 19, by E. F. Mills, whose subject will be "Character Building.'' The Ann Arbor C'oinmandery received mamy coniplinients for ite fine arpearance In the Maonic parade at Detroit Wednesday. Joeeph Sül, son of Hon. John M. B. Sill, minister to Corea, will enter the medical department oí the U. oí M. the coming semester. Miss Berblia E. Kuebler was quietly maiTietl to Mr. William Vogel, Tuesday evenimg at tJie liome of her párente, Mr. and Mrs. Jolin Kuebler, of 22 S. Second et. Mr. E. Laubengayer acted as best man, and Misa Pauline Kuebler as bridesmaid. In the article in Monday's paper relatlve to the coal sifter manufactured by Mr. Coon, oí "Washtenaw ave., the ï-etail price should have been $3.50 irustead of $3 'as stated. The rror was an accidental one. A pronikient man of tJie city who erred on the jury at the late session of the circuit court, and earnd l$34.20 thereby, feit m charitably inclined over the event, that he sent a cbeck for the amount to Mt. PhDip Bach as a present to the La dies' Charitable Union. Which was a very worthy deed. The winter of the southern oonvocatiom of diocese of Michigan will be held at St. Paui's church, Jackskmi, on Thureday, Jan. lst. Among the papers to be delivered before the meeting is one by Dr. C. B. Nancrede of t-his city, upon Missionary service. Eacfa. parisli is entitled. to three lay delégate, ajid eacli organized misslon to eme lay delégate. A petition is in ciroulation for the N. División st. lateral sewer. It is to start iin on E. Ann st., just west of State st., run west to N. Divisioin st., thence north to Detroit st., and from tliere to the main sewer. This passes a thickly populated district, the portion on E. Ann st., being the most thiekly populated of any residence portión oí the city, probably, and the lateral is very much needed. i Ladies who regret the failure of theiir houseplants to thrive will do well to reiad thta,, written by a lady who succeeds with plants in the house: "The teimperature of a room for plajits to tlo well, sliould bo about 70 deg-rees in the da.y time and 55 at niglit. Rooms are kept too warm for both plante and Imanan Inmates. Provide some method oí evaporating water in the room to moisten the air. The new school building at Ypsilanti wül be dedioated Feb. 5. Frank Heath is now in the employ o A. J. Mummery, the druggist. The extra"vag&nza "Miikado" will be presemted by local talent soon. So said. Tlie Aim Arbor Riiles will hold their annual masked carnival on the evening oí Feb. 22d. J. R. Sage of Aun Arbor, opened a singlng school at Hudson Monday e-inning1.- Dexter Leader. The telephome coimpany was congratulatiing itself Saturday a. m. that its wires are all rigihit after the storm. No damage at all was done. The Odd Fellows' grand banquet at the Rimk Tliursday eyaiing Feb. 14. They expect a Talemtine. The Harugari lodige now boa-sts of 112 niembers. Tlie JLadies' unioo of the lode consista of twenty members. They have commenced to draw stoue for the new Bethlehem church, to be erected on S. Fourtli avenue, next tothe parsonage of that churcli. Tlie Aam Arbor Y. M. C. A. is tt year old and figurhig on a $25,000 buildwig.- Detroit Evening News. Just building castles, yo'U know. Th Aun ArbOT Organ Company will soon be able to boast that the sun never sets o'n theiir oi-gans. Three of them are now en route to Urica. Mir. aod Mrs. Murray "White, on the River road, were the recipients of a surprise party Wedaiesday evening. A sleigh load coming froin Ann Arbor. The T. A. A. & N. M. raiload sold a total of 1871 tickets during the month of December, which number was away aliead of the corresponding month of 1893. The Ann Arbor Swabian Unterstuetzungs-Verein will give a grand ball in the hall of the order on the evening of Jan. 31. All friends are imvitd tin n+t&inrt Prof A. B. Hinsdale, of this city, and Supt. M. A. Whltney and President K. G. Boone, of Ypsilanti are mernbers of a committee of ten to present a model course of study to the next meeting of the State Teacher's Association. Chelsea's Arbelter UnterstuetzungsVerein has elected the following officere for '95 : Joisepili Schatz, president ; Matthew Alber, vice president ; August Jveuburger, recording eecretary ; Israel Vog-el, coarespomding eecretary ; Jacob Hepíer, treasurer; Charley Karcher, standard .bearer ; Heiairioh Schinidt, Verein pliysician. Tbere is complaint in the 6th ward ttiat the (school house of the ward is inadequate to the deonands made upon it by the 6th waird youngsters, and the latteT are beilng sent to. other warde. Tlie Hausfreumd-Post suggests amother fechool Jiouse on HUI street, near Holmes' llvery barns. Ás the school district owne one of the fiinest locations in that part of the city, at the corner of HJ11 st and Forest aiTe., there wo'uld be no trouble about loont ion. "Conducting the newspaper business as ihe Courier people do, it is certaiuly very inopportune for thein to talk of any necessity for cutting wages, etc."- Register. Tlie trouble is our neighbors are Joing all the talking, and evidently having all the trouble. Tlie Courier miuds its own business, pays its worlunen promptly, settling its bilis when due, md will continue to do so af ter some of its green-eyed detractors are buried beaeath the debris of tbeir own wrecked ortunes. In the end it is that way of conducting business that wins. Wind nay bluster for a time, but soon blows ltself out. "Why don't the street car authorities haag out a sign on thei car that goes to Ypsilamti bo tiuat people can see it ?" This qtie6tion is asked a dozen times a day. It would seein as thooig-h it would be au advantage to the street car people themselves, for we aioticed maoy times that peoplo who have been waiting for the car would go out and stop three oir four ca-rs before they would get üie one tliey wanted. It would seem as tlwugh a nlgn "Ypsllanü" risible to the uaked eye, displayed on the motor making the Ypsilanti connection would bO a good tJiing lor patrons aaid patronized alike. "Illuetrioiis No'ble, teil your good wiie, damghter, o ireoime other danghter, Unit on Feto, lst, Moelem Temple exteinds an Arab's g-reetiaig, and requests the pleasure oí her oompany at the Lig-ht Intanti-y Airanoo-y, (Detroit) at 8 o'clock p.. m., at whicli hoiur the Great Shrine Ball of the; .c;eon will come off." So reads an inlitatiom seint to each oL --'- 1,178 members Oif tJie ,Mytic Shrine in this state, a mumber oí whoin reside in Ann Arboir. The invitatiom iurther says : "None but members of the order will be iadmitted, and the word will be taken at tlie door. Meanbeats wfll wear their good clothes, Fez a nl jewelry. Members of tlie order acoompuniied by one lady, frce. Tickets for extra ladfes two dollars eacJi." It is tiioug-ht that a nuimber will attnd f rom this city, witli 'at least ome lady. These cold blasts are Masting the average coal pile. George Dana, phairmic '95, can lierealter be fo-und at & Co 8 counter. TJie time lor the collection of taxes has 'been extended. There are about $15,000 yet unpaid on thie treasurer's books. Thie Water Works Oo., have started digging a new well. It will be twenty fee in diameter, with a steel case and brick walls. It will be a great iimprovement. Tlie tliArd child oí the Hume íamlly, im Pittsfield, died Thiuireday, oí diphtlieria, and was buried in the Pittsfield cenietery. Tlie child's name was Stuart, aged 4 yeaa-s and 4 montlus. The Y. M. C. A. kitchen isf being furnislied, but ii you have anything in the line of kitchen utensils to donat tbereto, they will be accepted witl thanks. We have subscribed for the new daily Aan Arbor Courier and it's jus aboaat the brightest piece of furniture that floats into the Record office. - Xorthville Record. Miss Emma E. Bower of this city, has been appointed one of the delegates trom the L. O. T. M. of the world, t-o the mational council of women, w-hich is fa be held in Washington, D. C, cammencing Feb. 15. N. D. Carbón, of Ann Arbor, who Ls a caaididate ior the nomination of county echool commissioner on the republican ticket, was in to-wn Wednesday looking after hls interests in tli,at line.- Mila-n Leader. Poistmaster Beakes lias made a raid on the smaal boys tluat hang about thie P. O. corridors. They have got to Iks an unutterable nuisance. The oif'ueers are empowered to arrest any caught lo.iitering about that place. The spectator's gallery at the gymnasium is not a very large concern, but it is filled a good aliare of the time wben the boys are practicing. This is especially ti-ue of the hour froin 5 to 6 o'clock p. in. The way in which the electric cars push tbrough the storm and make good time notwithstandlng the snow anxl drifts, is quite astonishing to the people here who have been int the habit of setiag a tlight storm stall tbe cars. The attempt to break jaü by the shrewd bi.rd.s in Sheriff .Tudson's care. lias caiised considerable comment and wonderment among out people, for they were told when this Jail was erected that it was utterly amd absolutely impossible foir a prisoner to cut or dig his way out of it. But it eeems tihat nothiaig is impossible in tiluit line. Reports to the state board of faealbh show that influenza, bronchitis, neuralgia, rlieumatism and tonsilitis in order named, caused most sickness In Michigan during the week ending January 19. Consumption reported at 227 places, scarlet fevr 64, diphtheria 43, typhodd f ever 27, meastes 11 and small pox at 6 places. This is the flrst week in which influenza has been the leading disease, causing more sickness ïlvan any other disease. The telephome exchange Friilay called up all irt subscribers and told about thiis appi-oaching storm. The Imfonmatlon was received froni the Miohiiigan station of the weather bureau at Lansing, and comes directly from there. The enterprise of Supt. Keech in this respect, ought to be and we believe is appreciated by ite sutecribers. Tlie infonmation sent O'Ut yesterday of this approaching storm must have been very vaJuable to many people contemplating a joui ney, for imstance. Wii a lively realizatiom of the neceesity oi more stringent laws for the extermination of peach yellows, prominent fruit growers of all sections of the state will endeavor to have a new yellows law passed by the present legislature, the law now in force liavimg leen found too faulty to admit of lte being patóhed up by amendmexrts. ThO yellows made fearful iairoads ora the big oreshards ol this section last year and the eommisioners lound themselves o -rless to stay the invasión, owing to the defecte of the law. A certain business man who has spent coinsiiide'ra.ble momey in advertising and who never bites on the fake advertising' schesnes, said to-day that if a pei-son would drive for flv& miles out in the cotontry in either direction he would fimd tJiat 80 peir cent. of the fimns whose advertisements appear on the Ixirns and fences were now out of bu'siniess. He says tliat In his opinión a firai that tlurows ite money away in this iaanner cannot last long. Thi,s Rcntleman is one of the largest advertLsers in the city, but you neiOr find his name on fences olr in anything but o, newspaper. Tliis he claims is the only legitímate way to advertise and he says that years of experience have taught him this one fact, although it co(st him moaiey to find it out. Board fences, posts and barne may anewer for patent nostrums but legitímate business finas never vnü prosper that way. Ifc coste the city of Detroit $24.08 per capita per year to edúcate the pupils in her public schools. Quite a number of Ann Arbor people expect to attend the Mystic Shrine grand ball in Detroit this week Friday Lewis RobLsoa was up before Justice Pond tliLs afternoon on a charge pireferred by Officer Bweet for being a drunkard and itippler, and was given two days in the county jail. Iïev. T. W. Young of the lsb Baptist ehurch, has In preparation a series of special sermona on practical subjects tor yoiuig people, to be delivered on Sunday evenings. If yo'U have been contemplating glvimg anytning to the Y. M. C. A. kitchen ït would be a. most d&sirable time no-, for t.hat portion of the rooms is entirely without proper ntensüs. At the first a, meeting of the professional miisicians of Detroit last Friday, Julius X. Syler was chosen treLisurer, and Frederick Mills, formerly of tliO Univensjty School of Music, chairmam of ithe esecutivO coinmittee. "Great guns : Gosii !" was the exprcssion wihich eeoaped the lipa of a young Iiady this moa-ning on stepping out in one of the snow banke acoumu:ated by last niig-ht's storm. ïliat probably tlioroaighly expressed it, from lier staaidpoint. The year 1895 coaitains 52 Sundays. TJie legal Jiolidays come as foliowe : New Year's on Tuesday; Washltogton'a birthday, Friday ; Memorial day, Iinirsday; Fourth of July, Hhiursday ; Labor day, Monday; Tlianksgivins; day, Tlnursday ; Christmas on Wednesfday. , In t.hie circuit court Haturday a. m. it was ordered that the names of Geo. Bell, AlphoBz Baker and Edgar F. Cliase be stricken froiu the list of claimants for the $750 reward offered for ie Dexter Savings Bank robbery. which leaves the contest now narrowed down to Jí. C. Peterson and Chas. Stebbins. Tlie Aain Arbor Organ Co. has received Word from their London, Eng. agency that the beautiful sample organ that was made by thOm and shipped some weeks ago, reaclied its destination in that city, all smashed up, not being able to giw out a note. The fault was probably in packkin, together with a rough voyage. This is bad news, as that organ was expected to help the connpany to make many sales among the Englishmen. A cigarette is slow poison, dead pure. and sure death, while a cigar is aid to contain acetic, iomic, bytric, valeric and paoponic acids, prussic acid, ci-osote, carlobic acid, aminonia, isulphurett-e hydrogen, poridine, viridine, picolihe, and rubidine, to Bay nothing of cabbageine and burdockine acid. ,No wonder a cigar will make il small boy sick. He never received ko juuch for hls money before in his life.


Old News
Ann Arbor Courier