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wWf I - iö'i aKÖUMDWHICUS.IMUItfHttJllUlSïltHJUNil'JllIt Mild íXtbaFine; P THE AMERICAN TOBACCO COWPAKY. SDCCESSOtt. # ABSOLUTELY PURE THE OLD REUABLE SWEET CAPORAL CICARETTE Has stood the Test of Time MORE SOLD THAN ALL OTHER BRANDS COMB1NED [ASKWJRHORSESHOER W POINTER USE. It ABSOLUTELY prevenís slipping-, and insures perfect eafety and comfort to horse and driver. Shod with the " Nereralip " your horse's f eet are always in good condition - kept so by not having to constantly remove the shoes for sharpening. The CALKS are REMOVABLE, Steel-Centered andSELF-SHARPENING When worn out new Calks can be easily Inserted without removing shoes, saving an immense amount of time usually lost at the I blacksmith shop. On receipt of postal will mail f ree our descriptive circular containing prices of Calked Shoes, ready to be nailed on, for trial, offered j this winter at very low prices. HEAVY HARDWARE CO.. Toledo, Obio. DEALERS IN Slacksniths' aai Wagon Itkm' Supplics Sold Agentsioi' Washtenaw County. 120 DOLLARS BV PER M0NTK In Your Own Locality made easily and lionorably, without capital, during your spare hours. Any maa, ■voman, boy, or girl can do the work handjly, without experience. Talking unuecessary. Nothing like it for moneymaking ever offered bcfore. Oiirworkers always prosper. No time wasted In learning the business. We teach you in a nigbt how to succeed from the first hour. You can make a trial without expense to yourself. We start you, furnish everything needed to carry on the business successfully, and guarantee you against failure if you but follow our simple, plain instructions. Reader, if you are in need of ready money, ana want to know all about the best paying business before the public, send us your address, and we will mail you a document giving you all the particulars. TRUE & CO., Box 400, Augusta, Maine. OPE EJiJOYS Both the method and results when Syrup of Figs is taken ; it is pleasant and refreshing to the taste, and acts gently yet pronaptly on the Kidneys, Liver and Bowels, cleanses the system eöectually, dispels colds, headaches and fevers and cures habitual constipation. Syrup of Figs is the only remedy of its kind ever produced, pleasing to the taste and acceptable to the stomach, prompt in its action and truly beneficial in its effects, prepared only from the most healthy and agreeable substances, its many excellent qualities commend it to all and have made it the most popular remeciy Known. Syrup of Figs is for sale in 50c ' and $1 bottles by alï leading ! gists. Any reliable druggist who ! may not have it on hand will procure it promptly for any one who wishes to try it. Do not accept anv substitute. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. ÍOUISVIUE. Ki. NEW VORK. N.t. FRflNKLIN HOÚSEl Córner Bates and Lamed sts., only a block from Woodward and Jefftrson ares. DETROIT, MICH. Thehouse has becn thorouglily renovated and is in the heart of the city, convenient to all car lincs, depots and bot landings. Per Dar, Sl.SO. H. H. JAMES. Office for Rent, yery desirable lor doctor'8 or lawyer's office. Location best in tho city. Enquire at Courier Office. Nerve $fc Blood J K?Jv%&nLJi descriptiva ffyüW Mr pumpblet. e Por s'i.50. schenectadv. N.Y. Iwanted" IMen to work for us who desire to mak e money this fall and winter during slack times. Excellent chanco. Lioeral pay. If yon have spare time, ont of work, or looking for a pay Ing busi9 ness write me at once. I Fred. E. Young, Nurseryman ROCHESTBR N. Y. Onlike the Dutch Prooess É. lío Állalies JROte Ciiemicals r;: ; ., are used in the al t 1 llffl preparation of m , Ji 1 m HUI! W. Ente 4 W Breakfast Gocoa, which is absolutely pure and soluble. It has more than three times the stvength of Cocoa mied with Starch, Arrowroot or Sugar, and 13 far more economical, costing less than one cent a cup. It is delicious, nourishing, and easilt digksted. Sold by Crocers everywhoro. W. Baker &COuDorchester. Mass. ISCHSF'FMANN'S Aslhma Curei HNever fails to give instaat relief in the worst B 3 cases, and effeet curte whero othcr (':iU. m fï Trial l'aekag FltEE of Drus or ky Huil. H Addrass DB. R. SOHIFFMANM, Bt. rnl, ffllnn. B TTfflCUlT ilt 'l"ff"'l-'r:'' '-■ yWt5WM CAN I OBTAIN A PATENT? Fora promDt answer and an honest opinión, WTite to MUNN ifc CO., who have had nearlvflfty yeara' experience In the patent business. Communications su-ictly eonfldential. A Ilandbook of Information concernins Patenta and bow to ODtain them sent f ree. Also a catalogue of mechanical and soientiflc books sent free. Patenta taken through Munn & Co. recelve special noticein the Scien tifie American, and til ub are brought widely bef ore the public without coat to the inventor. This splendid paper, issued weekly, elegantly Illustrated, has by lar the largest circulation of any scientiflc work in the world. $3ayear. Specimen copies sent free. Building Bdïtion. monthly, 82.60 a year. Single copies, ÍÍ5 cents. Every number contains beautiful platea, in colors, and photographs of new housea, with plans, enabllng builders to show the latest designs and secure contracts. Addresa MÜ3SN & CO., KEW YoitK, 361 Broadwat. OEÜL DIEFFENBACH'S r ÍS. PROTAGON CAPSULESt ""VWV Sure Cure for 'refc Men, as Ji& aivtt provedbyreportsof leadingphyKlCfl %sicians. State age in ordering. RÜ iBi YÍ J'rico, 1. Catalogue Fice. ÍSÍI-' M V A O ÍS A safe and speedy I 'yM'BS fh SS cure for Oleet, i f Xs IH. &! Sti-Icture and all H Honnatural discharges. Pricea. OREEKSPECIFICSïe„8„aü and SUin Siseases, Scrofíoofü Sores andS.v'vïiïïïtïc AíFeetiou, with outmercury. Price, sfes. Order from THE PERO DRUG & CHEMICAL CO. 53. 189 Wisconsin Street, MILWAUKEE, WI3. ' At the expense of little S Lw20j i ! moí'ty and his spare ASBWTT $ time obtain a fair work"KÍv l'sTJUDYAf HOMeI THBOUGH THE SPRAGUE UNIVERSITY OF CORRESPONDENCE INSTRUCTION, i Comprising the leading correspondence schools intheworld. $ SUBJECTS TAUGHT. á I Allí The School of Law prepares pupiís for admission J I II Y■ to the bar, by an extended, thorough course. Has f f UOfll over l6oo students in every part of the country. 1 iniinil A I IOII Thií school teaches journalistic j ! JuUnNILIoiTl ad"auönTp:y work ftom t"e fou" i ! a n f! 1 1 C r n I U f Tl'is school is conducted by HlillK-KttriNu ofthcahlest teachers of { U"U" Itl-LI IHU book-keeping n America. { 'fíinnT IIAUn This school teachebKhort-handby S 'NnllK t-riftitU the S , OHUIII IIWHO ginning tile best expert work. J i pflrrl ! I 1TIU This school teaches t llntrn 311 LA I lli 'ation' composiUon and j ■ ti on to the most advanced work in tl.e classics. 1 The nbove schools teach by fhe ! ence niethod only, and recog:ii.e no rivals h i their respective nelds. - Address, stating in 5 "5x -M 3 which school yon are 5 '4 JwT] ' interested, and J SÉ ''J i ' close ten cents in ? .-' '" 'y stdinpr for catalogue. S f rffa!'v-', - -rj Each school has sep J í 4t4i! 'J-ti.Yf i arate catalogue. J. COTNER, JR., J J ■' V' ■ "i -''I ' ! DETFiOIT, KIICH. ííati S!#==VIl_=Sf-!" Teleplione D!ds. I LI ÏJ Reprint Frank Leslie's Hlustrated I I Weekly War Illustrations 1Rf!1-65, two ■ I vols. fqlio,$16.50, payable $2.00 ■ I ly. Deliveredbyexpressprepaid. Send ■ I for illustrated cit'culars. Al salesmen 9 I wauted. I STANLEY BEADLEYPUB.CO. I S EAST 16TH ST., N.Y.. U.S.A. J


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