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On ihi' 29tli a oceuroed in tlie liiiiitc of ('lias. F. Avery. Saline, daniaglng .aijift nul floor. whicli the Washtonaw Mutual wllj pay fOT. The cihiimmey in the house of Pati lek Mrlniyio of Xorfhfiiel;!, sot so heftted from bnrninc; out, on Mondar last, üiat it burst ajMl difl soine consideirable damage. Ineured in tlie Waslituiaw Mutual. Tlie following Is a list of the oificers of the Ypsilanti Business Meu"s PrO'tectíve Assoeiatlom : Pres., Cieorge Ilarris ; vire pres., George Alban ; secretary, Guy Davis; treasvtrer, W. H. Sveet ; exeeutive coiinmittec. Harlow Wells and I). L. Davits ; attorney, John I'. Kirk. J. J. üaítii'v. a tailoT ol Chelsea, l'ound bis ntoek redueed in palue about $100 oaie morning lat wed;. A formcr employé was found with a part of the goods in hls possession. Taken befoire Justice Tumbull for ;m official tion he sai:l thai he bad bO'iiiglit the goods. Brother Xeal of the Northville Record, is going to stei down and out of the editorial chair - that is one day, while the Iiadies' J.ibrary Assoelation of NortliTille isqueezes it and shows liini how mach bet i t e good paper eau b- made. It wiU be a 1 wrlvr page editiottl. let iliese "junket" trips be for i'ViT abandoned. Of course the legtelatlve mpinliors have dead loads of fumand it is ome grand round of p-leasure, but inasmuch as not a partirle of g-CKxl for the people ever resi lts fro.m tihese trips, they should le dispensed with.- Xortliville Record. Sonne of Clirl-ea'.s promineJit citizeins are getting quite agitated over t.lie subject oiï electric llgnts. Tlie "Braims'' and "Belly and Blrass" articles tliat have been illumiiniating the columns of Oielsea's papers fo' the ]iast few weeifi, WOllkl tanni oilt a battery of unlianit&d yoltae. Eev. II. M. Morey, of Ypsáiaanti, ís sendimg ooit cards asking the young men for tlie principal reasons why ycumg men don't go to ohurch. If the Ypetf boys are trnthful they Avill adcmywledge tliat it is more comfo'rtable iai tlie corner tete with their best girls, than it is in tlie straight bacfced pews. The new city lock-up at Ann Arbo.r iiscausiing the polieemen some trouble. Tranips m-ho have been locked up haie got the place so lousy that the night pólice liave beconie affected to such ;n extent that they are unable to sleep on their beats. - NortbylUe Record. Tlioise tramps can be traced straiiglit from Xorthville to A.nn Arbor. The Ann Arbor Oourier says the water has been shut off from the horse trough on E. Hnron et. in that city hecause "tlie aqua pura at nijflit and flooded some of the walks." We are surpirieed at t-his language, because vre thought it a cae oí "aqua impura" wlfch the Ann Arbor -water works.- Ypsilanti Coinraercial. AVJiat' that abonit "unto the pure ïill tliings air epure ; but unto them trliat are defiled and unbelievtag is öothlng pure ; but even the iniiiid and ooix-science is defiled." A little 'Hivdsoii girl wrote the followilng eomposition : "Boys are men that have mot got as b:g as thedr papas amd giirls are wonnen that will be ladies by and by. lian was made befare woman. AVlien God made Ada.m .lie BaM to himself, 'I can do better ií I try agaiin.' and he made Ere. God liked Eve so inucli better than Adani that there llave been more woimen tlian men. Boys are a trouble. Tliey wear out everything but soap. If I liad mjr way half the wortd would be guiris amd the i-est dolls. My papa, is so nk'e tliat I think he must liave been little girl when he "vas a lúttle boy. Man iras made and 011 tJie eeventh day he reeted. Womam was tlieii made and she has ne"ler re-sted." Tlue new Clielsea Conregational church was dedlcated last Thursday wibh an Imtereetlng program. Among tlioee who assistetl were Dr. Thomas HolmeiS, Rev. Frank Blomfield, and Bev. J. W. Bradsilvaw. Tliis society was ongamized Mari'ih 21, 1835, at the Presbyterinu church -f Srlvan. [t was uJKinged to the present (.'onfregatlotual society in 1849. In 1831 tli e firet church building was eirected. Tlie Chelsea Herald g-ives the following description of the new building : 'The in-w structure is built of brick and oniamentrd witli stone. Tlie windows are of the latest deedgns u stained glass. TliO Interior of the mildinK is a work of beauty. Tlie woodwork and Beate are tinished in hardwood and nuike a very ta,sty nppearance. Tlie waile have been frescoed in the latest pattern. The ground will be graded up in fine sh,ip and when e's-erything is completed the Coingi'egational tociety will have a place of worsliip that thcy may feel proud of. It mates valuable additiooi to the appeara.nce of our village."


Old News
Ann Arbor Courier