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4O And Still Another. Amn Arbor, Feb'y 1, 1895. Editor Courier :- I aun glad to see your columns open so as to g-et thei ' opinión of votei-s in the 3d ward, ad to who would be a .good mam for , derman. I have aio objections to , sucli men as Harkims or Burclifield, i though áí they wül not accept it, why not gi-ve it to Geo. Allmendinger, a worthy citizen. Xominajte such men aaid then we eau rely on a good clean administration. Wlth. unclean men wliat ca-n we expect ? Yoiurs, M. J. M.IKTIN. John P. Bauer, traveling salesman for Gem City Stove Co., Dayton, Ohio, says: "I will continue to recommend Adironda, Wlieeler's Ileart and Nerve Curs, for I know it will do all that is claimed for it." Sold by John Moore. :r Él P BiUSHRiDlinHCUSTATHWlHtÜWlïüiïJJÜNtlU'iia íí THE AMEfitCAH TnjAttD CMWHY SUCCESStR # ABSOLUTELY PURE THE OLD REUABLE SWEET CAPORAL CICARETTE Has stood the Test of Time MORE SOLD THAN ALL OTHER BRANDS COMBINED ASKyourHorseshoer tk FOR THE . PP winter use It ABSOLUTELY prevents slipping,' and insures perfect safety and comfort to horse and driver. Shod with the " Nererslip " your horse's f eet are always in good condition - kept so by not having to constautly remove the Bhoes for sbarpening. The CALKS are REMOVABLE, Steel-Centered andSELF-SHARPENING When worn out new Calks can be easily InBerted without removing simes, saving an immense amount of time usually lost at the blacksmith shop. On receipt of postal -will mail free our descriptive circularcontainingprices of Calked Shoes, ready to be nailed on, for trial, offered tbis winter at very low prices. HEAVY HARDWARE CO., Toledo, Ohio. DEALERS IX Blacksmiths1 and Wagon túxi Sisfplies Sold Agente for Waslitenaw County. 9O DOLLARS ■V PER M0NTH In Your Own Locality made easily and honorably, without capital, during your spare liours. Any man, woman, boy, or girl can do the work handily, without experience. Talking unnecessary. Nothing like it for moneymaking ever offered before. Ourworkers j always prosper. No time wasted in i learning the business. We teach you in j a night how to succeed from the hour. You can make a trial without pense to yourself. We start you, furnish everything needed to carry on the j ness successfully, and guarantee you ' against failure if you but follow our ( simple, plain instructions. Reader, if j you are in need of ready money, ana j want to know all about the best paying business before the public, send us your address, and we will mail you a document giving you all the particulars. TRUE & CO., Box 400, Augusta, Maine. Both the method and results when J Syrup of Figs is taken ; it is pleasant { and refreshing to the taste, and acts j gently yet promptly on the Kidneys, i Liver and Bowels, cleanses the sysj tem eifectually, dispels colds, head aches and fevers and cures habitual J constipation. Syrup of Figs is the only remedy of its kind ever proi duced, pieasiug to the taste and ac ceptable to the stomach, prompt in i its action and truly beneficial in its effects, prepared only from the most S healthy and agreeable substances, its Í many excellent qualities commend it í to all and have made it the most ' popular remedy known. Syrup of Figs is for sale in 50c and 1 bottles by ali leading drug{ giste. Any reliable druggist who ' may not have it on hand will pro{ cure it promptly for any one who i wishes to try it. Do not accept anv substitute. CALIFORNIA FG SYRUP CO. SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. LOUISVILLE. Kï. NEW YORK. N.ï. JFRflWKLIN H0USË1 Corner Bates and Larned sts., only a block. from Woodward and Jefferson ayes. DETROIT, MICH. The house has been thoraughly renovated and is in the heart of the city, convenient to all car lines, depots and boat landings. Ter Day. 881.50. ■ H. H. JAMES. Nerve jfo Bíood Sr É& IÊGl!'pLurÜSr Sen1 r lÊrSèBSL. Jm deBcriptive L flfr fflSM r-y pumphlet. 6 Kr si.sopT schenectadv. N.Y= "wANTElT Men towork forus whodeslre tomake money this fall and winter during slack times. Excellent chance. Liberal pay. If you have spare time, out of work, or looking for a paying business write me at once. Fred. E. Young, Nurseryman ROCHESTER N. Y. Onlike the Dutch Prooess Ífio Malies Ote Ciiemicals are used in the preparation of f.Bto&Co.'ü Breakfast Gocoa, which is absolutely pure and soluble. It has more than threc times ihe si'rcngth of Cocoa mied with Starch, Arrowroot or Sugar, and Í3 far more economical, casting less than one cent a cup. It is delicious, nourishing, and easilt DIGESTED. Sold by Crocers everywhore. W. Baker & Go. DorchesteiMass. pASTHMA?! SSCHIFFMANN'SAslhmaCureR HNever fails to give instant relief in the worst S (Soases, and clTevts cures whei-o utlicr l'-iil. B E Trial i'aekagp l'UEE of Drnggists or hj Mail. B Addrats DR. B. SOHIFFMANN, 8t . PanU Minn. W CAN I OBTATN A PATENT? Fora prompt answer and an honest opinión, write to IUUJnN fcCO., whohavehadnearlyflftyyears' expericnce in the patent business. Communications strictly confldential. A Handbook of Information conceraing Patents and how to obtain them sent f ree. Also a catalogue of mechanical and scien tifie books sent free. Patenta taken tbrougb. Munn & Co. receiv& snecial noticeintbe Scïeiitific American, and thus are brousht widely bef ore the public without cost to the inventor. This splendid paper, issued weekly, elegantly illustrated, bas by far the largest circulatiou of any scientific work in the world. S3 a year. Specimen copies sent free. Building Etïition.monthly, $2.50 a year. Bingle copies, 25 cents. Every number containB beautiful plates, in colors, and photographs Of new houses, with plans, eiiabline builders to show the atest designe and secure contraéis. Address MUNN & CO., New Tohk, 3Ö1 Beoadwat. OE2L DIEFFEN3ACH'& PRCTAGON CAPSULES, Sure Cure for Weak Men, as provea by reportsof leadingphy. sicians. State age in orderinf?. Frice. 81. Catalogue Free. áffc & Sil A. safe and speedy Ib ct Ib cure íor Oeet, SW Strlcture and all tinnatural discharges. PriceSS. REEKSPECIFICSr.'SS Wand Skin JtílRease, SerofrIoyi Sores andSyphllltSc AífecUoiis, with utmercury. Price, WS. Order írom rHEPERUDRUG&GKEMiCALGO. LS. 18 Wiscofisin Stroet, IÍILWAÜKEE, WIS. At the expense of little '7)$) t mor-.oy and his spare jz$jèN$T time obtain a fair work-ájS5kklBW { stüdyathömeI THROUGH THE i SPRAGUE UNIVERSITY OF CORRESPONDENCE INSTRUCT1ON, Comprisingthe leadiog correspondence schools in theworld. SUBJECTS TAUGHT. I II UI The Sc11001 of La prepares pupils for admission J lUYl to the bar, by an extended, thorough course. Has f over 1,600 students in every part of the country, f inlIDUAl ICM This scho1 journalistic j JUUilNRLIolll d"1! '"era'y WO lm the j Dflfil ICCDIMP This Kho1 is condurted by t PUUftttrlllU „L'ep'ingin'ïnirtia. t CUnOT UlUn This school tcachesshort-handby ! .nlln I il n II II the best systcm, and from the 1. "'""" """" ginning to the best expert work. PDCCI nnrl I ATIM This school f bHthK ana lauw as .tssaa; í ti on to the most advanced work in the classics. The above schools teach by the J ence method only, and recoguize 110 rivals iv f their respective ilelds. L a Address, stating in r RJÏ f close ten cents in 5 jJ8b %1 f '- ■■ Vlr ' y' stamps for catalogue. 5 jgMo03i ■. J.' ..' i ( '■L} Each school bas sep 5 ftBÍ.-JIÍK5fÍJ'f ■ ' J' CoTNER-jR" i SijBEKrjij DETROIT, MICH. { 1 Sffll j!y'"' Tclephone Bldg. i m ■ Veekly War Illustrations 1861-66 two 9 vols. folio,Sl6.50, payable 82.00 month■ ■ ly. Heliveredbyexpressprepaid. Send I ■ forillustrated circulars. Al salesmen ■ ■ wanted. STANLEY BRADLEYPUB.CO. I S EAST 16TH ST..N.Y..U.S.A.


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Ann Arbor Courier