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Maj. A. Frank Hutchins

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The Great Band Leader Tells His Wife's Wonderful Cure By Dr. Greene's Nervura Blood and Nerve Remedy. Mrs. Hutchins adds her own Forceful Words about This Grand V ' " """Sér -ï BAND MASTEK, MAJOR A. I'UANK HUTCHINS. As Sousa naturally filis the place of Gilmore so the mantle of the great cornetist, Árbuckle, feil upon liis pupil, Major A. Frank Hutchins, the leader and director of the American Screw Co's Band and Orchestraof Providente, R. I. Mr. Arbuekle said : "I knovv of 110 man who can produce a better tone and effect on the cornet than Hutchins." In hotli orchestra and band, Mr. Hutchins is distinctively a leader, and next to Sousa, undoubtedly occupies to-day the most prominent position in this country. As a niusician and teacher he stands unrivalled. In a recent interview at his home, 184 Charles St., Providence, R. I., Mr. Hutcmns said : "it is genemlly known that when my wifc carne here she was very poorly oti' with nervous prostration. To-day she is the picture of health, and I must say we owe it to that splendid medicine, Dr. Greene's Nervura blood and uerve remedy. "I know of several others who have been eured within a short time by Dr. Greene's Nervura blood and nerve remedy, and the quicker people afteted witli any nervous difficulty cominence to take this great medicine, the quicker will they be cured. "But let my wife teil her experience, wbich everyone, who knows her, knowa is true in every particular." Mra. Hutchins said : "I consider it my duty to state that I was permanently cured of nervous prostration by using three bottles of Dr. Greene's Nervura blood and nerve remedy. I doctorad for two years ormore witli several eminent physicians without re'ceiving any permanent benefit. "My husband insisted that I should stop employing a physiciaii at once, and commence taking the Nervura. "Itlmprovedmy health at once, it quieted my nerves ; I slept well ; began o have an appetite; gradually grew tronger, and aïter using three bottles eclared niyself perfectly well. "I give my consent to publish this, nd I trust it may be the means of inacing others to try this most valuable nd reliable remedy." Prominent and well-known people everywhere use and recommend Dr. Greêne's Nervura blood and nerve remedyl Physicians prescribe it, and advise the sifk to use it, for it is sure to give health and strength to those who ar'1 weak, nervoos and debilitated. It cures beadache, neuralgia, rheuroatism, insomnia, nérvous debility, dyspepsia, constipation, femalecoroplaints, and liver and kidnev diseases. It builds up the blond, invigorates the tired brain, sirengtbens the weak and shatteréd nerves. In fact, it makes those wlio use it well and strong. Wliy waste time in trying uncertain and untried remedies, when here is a MRS. A. FRANK HCTCHISS. phypician's prescription, a discovery made by the most successful living specialist in curing nervous and chronic diseases, Dr. tíreene, of :!■" West 14th St., New York City. If you take this medicine you can consider youself ander Dr. Greene'a direct professional care, and yon can consult liim or write to him about your ('ase, l'reely and without chai ge. Tlii.s is a guarantee thatthis remedy will cure, possessed by no other medicine in the world.


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