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County And Vicinity

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Ttoe O. B. i-1, oï -Miliui, are to trade tlieir oriia.u for a piano. Tihe Masmis of Derter will glve a grand ball al the opera house In that vülaye mi Feb. 22d. Aloozo Ta.vis. of Lima, lias rented h:s farm to Theodore Kaab, who wil! i e i luereon in a. few days. Juetóce Siannaril. of Dexter, .- - 1 1 1 fdiir lriiuin lo the couuiy }a,U for 30 days each. last Tliursday. foir laicemy. It is claiiiii'il th-at tlie begtaning of the L'Oth ivniury ,'ii-iy see i new passenger liouae huilt in tliis village iiv tihe Shore Co., but we almos! itoubt it. - Manchester EtaterpriBe. DeuDis G. Van Buren, assistant in the matheinatúal departmemt af the Normal School, Ypsllanti. 18 a candúdate for a ooumty cotnmissloner o! schools on the tlcmoeratic ticket. The Manchester Ba-pttets wil! have a. social on Thursday Feb. 21, at tlie residt-nre oí ,T. E. Teeter. 'We presume that a teeter will be a real novelty tü somc of the older people. Mesera EMgar and HarrUon I'ht'lns of WeUstei' sold on Wedni'sday of tliis week t.iieir -ilok of la.mbs to Staebler & Boy don. Tlvey averaged 111 2-8 Can yoiii beat that ?- Dexter Ixadcr. The story comes from a. relia ble sonivr that ui Eatoii Raplds woman receatly gnw birth to' tripleta- three boys- and named the ftrst Pete, the sci ii ui Repeat, and the third lleiieater.- FO'w-lervtlle Observer. Ypsilanti expeots vOry expectantly toget in automatir teU]'.ione sy.sten:. Ypsilanti aatohave.t. and the papers íMito.haip abont it till they can tellapliOine from a dinner horn.- Adrián Press. .Vn agent tried to 'et up enough eaithusia.sin and capital in Dexter to bu'.ld a canning factory, but aeeonlin- to tlie Leader, failed. That pa]' r tïnki iliai althoug'h some new industries are aieeded there, a ca'nning facloiy is not iüvm! 'il. Wliy not try a dheese t'actory ? TJie Saline Faimer's club has adopted iresolutLons requeeting die legis ke tne pure fooil liw more thOii-oug-h ia its workings, make 1 sa appropriations, to opposfi of salaries, juni t o, ahoüsli the cm-ampmMit oí state troops. The Majiinc.stcr delegiateg to the repul:l:caa oounty couvention cut quite a. dash. They wemt to. the county seat in two slelg-h lo tils, and on thp horscs that drew nnc sleiigh were striings of old-fashioned Boston 1 11-, whk-li have been owncd in the Boblso.n famMy for the paet century.- Enterprise. The li'ttle village oí Maybee, down om ie T. & A. A., is, just boominü; taiese daye : "The Msehigian Stone & Sui])Iy oompany, wiitb big qua.rries Maybee, will soon put in a se ven gtung st-one saw mili, a large stoaie platter, t'liree stone chanrllers and ano'thier derrick. Work wiU at once be commenced on '25 new cottagies and a large boarding house. The compamy luns gpent $150,000 in the past two years, amd has shipped 7,000 cars oí stone. The force at the quanry will be increased to 200 men in the spring." Th!s sensible paragraph is elipped trom the Dexter Leader : "The mam who tent in love witli his town is diastltute of that public spirit whiph is charaeteristic of every genuine Amcrica.n. He live-s without enjoytag lite and alter his final journey to the ceaaetery is liis meniOTy not. ]inij; chjirisliod nave by a few faithful souls wlmsc love blinded -theni to iiis s'liis])ii"Ks. One should alivays ïx-sri-ve a considerable place n hls affedtkxne for tlie town of which he is a resident. He sluould be intei-ested in its progress, fertile in expedienta to benefit it and ttooroughly convinced tüLat it is the best town in the wfti-M. Tliis is the reason so many of our western towns hve sucli an growtli. The peopie want to Avin material success, but tliey are wise enaug-h to know that town must mafce its own way if they are to eucceed." ís mamage a failure ? "Ve 1, that'.s a question a couple oí Pittsíord farmers and thedr wives are trying to. settle. Botíi were at the Oongregationul chureh, each wLth his better half, and after services they proceeded to get their ooinveyance.-;. It was a dark niight, and one of them drove up, helped .his wife into the sleigh, tueked the robes in nlcely, and tillen without entering into conveirsatiou, wtoisked off towai-d home. Of course, it wasn't the way they used to do years ago, but that was lefore marriage. There was no need of talk now, and the air ivas frosty, too. After they had proceeded a lrttle way, the lady disco vered that she was with tlie wrong man. With a whoop, a kiek and a jump, Bhe vacated that cutter, and took a back track for the chureh, at a pace that would have dome credit to Maude fc?. The deserted eseoirt drove back, and further mixing up of the families was pi-eiented. Here■aftei-, tliere's got to be two good lanterns eaorried in Ptttslord, when these parties drivie out evenings, with their respective life partners, either man knows whether to laugh or to get mad.- Adrián Press. But wasn't she a fool tliough, to walk back V Mary hd a llttle hen Wlth feiithers wliile as snow, The ureacber paid a visil; ihen The chieken bad t" K , - Minne polls Journal.


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