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T.ook out for the 22d of February dilio.n oí the Daily Courier, 5,000 strong. Howard E. Coïfin, of HiU si., has e n recomnineded by Postmaster Iieaks as substitute carrier. Tickets for the Michigan Club Ban]iu-i can be obtaimed of J. E. Beal at bhe Courier office, tor $2 Oach. The M. C. E. !! gives a.n excursi ian rate of mu1 faire for bhe round trip to ; Detroft on Fèb. 20 and 21st, good to . return Feb. 23d. olil chjld of Mr. and Mrs. Edva.rd ;;,iu-oin. of PontUu; st., on tdie Xorthside, di d yesterday afternoon at lialfi:ist i' oVlook. Arhor L. O. T. M., will give ils i egular social on ïlaursrtay evening in Macoa.beO Hall. AH bees are invil cd. Supper froau 0 to 8. A erowd oí Epworth IjeagTierS went out to the county house Sunday afte.noon in Holmes' bob-sl&d, to hold religio-us services with the iinnaic.-. Mamma- '"Mamie, be just as qu:et us yo'ii oaa, for mamma has the nettraiglia da-eadfully to-day." Mamie- Mamma Ssn't it the same oíd 'ralgy' you have always had ?" Miiss Oertrude Hainiltom. ono of the teachers in the 4th ward schood, was maiTied lat Wedaiesday afternoon at 4:30 o'olook, to Mr. Artiuir Furlong, oí Pontiac.- Resi-ter. Henry lia liouülit the olil A. R. Hall blot-k on X. Miain st., and has opened a "Fair" therein. He expects to Imild over the store Boon, MabL'l, the twn and one-half moutlKS While in most of onr sister Éii ies the sendmg of Valentines is reported to have sreatly derl ned tliis year, it is a fact tliat here in Aun Arbor more a.nd better ones were sent than ever before. Th regular moathly social an 1 supper, giveo by fie ïadiea oí St. Andrew's pa.rl.s'i. will occur on Thursday evén'jig at Harris Hall. T!ie comgregatLon are all expected to be present. EepiresMitative Ke.mpf has Introduced a b:ll ;:i the lelslature piro-vidlng for c-hanes in bhe of the city of Aun Arbor ; and ateo a liill allbwLag the city to mabe a five year Hghtiaisy contract. A g-reat nam-ber of ctofcerns about the city are (Iry. and there are many plaees wihere the city water is ïrozen up, ooinsequeutly it is rathe.r a dangei'O'US time iov fires, anid it behoovs people to be careful. The lrtiislature wlll endeavw to en%ct a law foirbiddlng a saloon withn two miles of a.ny state education8,1 institutio'ii. The (studente at Ann Arbor vu) in a Tigorous kick. They ■laiiu 'that the state has no' legal rigJvt to go on record as favorlng the practice of öahorning.- Adrián Prees. Mr. Fraincds L. Vork, fornieily oE Ann Arboir, imv of Detroit, has sinee takinir UB his residence in Detroit, devoted pach Thursday to teaching in that city. He .has many warm friends i,nd iidmirers amouig the musical people of Ann Arpar, and as a teacher ia very Bucoessful. A recital by his pupuls. assieted by those of Mr. Bilbie's and Bertba HMl's, is conteanplated iai the near future.- The Song Journal, Feburary 10. sermón of Rev. Heniry Ta-tlock, at St. Anilrow's cburch Suttday morning, was trom the test : "I was glad when tht-y aid unto me, let us go int-o t!ie house of the tiord." It was full of good point.s and ideas rolative to the proposed free seat system, and made a very favorable im]). c.s;o.n upon the audienee. If the coaigi'egati'on of this pa-rlsh dooide to a-dopt tlii plan it will g"0 luto effect on tJie first of April next. Wllrt and Wade Doty, sons of ilv. and Mts. A. M. Doty of thiis city, are making quite a uccess ia busine; e i.n Detroit. Some two or three years ago they purcha.sed a drug store in that city, and now they are the owneis of three stores, one on Woodward a.vr.. (Mie on Warren ave., and one on ia nuil street. The many friends of these yo'iing gentlemen in Ann Arbor, will be pleased to hear of their successful ventures in a business way. Kepresentatiie Wildey introduced n i-esoiution Priday, in the legislatura requirimg a report to be furnisihe-d by the Uaiiversity authorities giving a list of the professors and their salaries together with a.n account of all the expend'.tureis of the Inetitution. This is all riíphit, and only Avlint has been done. Tliere never ha.s been tihe least clesire to covr up anything, and the bcok.3 and all the accounts are opon to the public. Gapt. Fisher and Corp. Binder, of Co. A, First Infantry, Ann Arbor were wiifch CViptalns Drumm and Lin coln yeterday, in reference to ijutting on a play, ".Scènes in Camp," whicl met wlth great favoir at Ann Arbor The matter will be referred to Cos D and H, Momday nigiht, and if the pro poal Is accepted the play will be giv en for itJie benefit of the companie? One hundred and twenty pt'ople ap pear in 'the play. - Jackson Citizen. In Saturday's Free Press is a notice of the filing of a bilí o complaint bj Isaac Crawford of Detroit, who ap peai-s as his own solicitor, asking the court to require his sou Elmer S ('rawford. and hi!s wife Estella A Crawford, to deed back to him a nal interest in an apartment house a the cor. of Fifth and Abbott sts., in tluit city. The Crawfo'rds wlll b rinnbernJ by mamy oí our citlzens, hartng been residents here many years. In the circuit court Monday a. m., a decree of divorce was graaited Geo. ('. (oodrich from his wife Iielle Goodricli, on the ground of extreme crueliy. In the case of the People vb. Alonzo Beckwtth,, cha,i-ged with forglag an oi-der for $7 which he passed on Gus l"Ln;e.rle, a merchant tallar of Ypsila.iit!, eentence was suspended on payment n' a fine of $56. The case mi Croaby vb. Crosby, a motion for T.limony was heard, and case continued until the first day of next term. Ivook out for him. An exchange say ihat il' a sniaoth-tongued fellow Dini's and waarts yon to lease a steani cooker, and asks y mi to aigm a paper ust ïot nerc fou-m's sake, don't parly witli the &cauup luit Just turn the dog looe. The íellow has been working this sanie and the paper signed turnmI OHit to b.; i sood bankable. note fw $345. I'ashiom dletates this that ladies ooetumes shall be extravagant.y diet'O'i-ated wtth buttoais. One oostnme in New York had twcnty solid gold button on it. A"estevn ladies iliould use silver to show thèlr patriotiism an;l loyalty to the white mei al. The middle tates like Mi -hiigan, for iaStance, wlu-re a majority of the people beli-eve in both gold and silver as inoney metáis, shotild make a. comb'jmatio-n of the tira, lietter effects ca.n be liad in the eombinatiOiii than in eitlier alone. In sober earnest, the Battle Creek, Moon nivrs its readers this item : "It Ls evident oaie robin does not make a pirimg. A number oí aeople watclied a .rob'iii in an apple tree in Billy Hali's lo'b the other morning. He was pe&kAng Bway at a frozeii apple, Beamtngly uneo:iisoious of the extreme coW." And to clincji the tliing and ïiot le outdone by any westemer, the Xortliville News has this : "A genuine robin, alive and kicking, was seea by a number of our citizens Tuesday. He saw liis sliadow and at once pulled out for the south." The Ypsilanti Sentinel cites a case in point : "To illustrate how little attention is given to how and where a. biisini'ss inan should do nis advertislnig, we Av-O'Uld draw the attentiom of our pafcvons to the lit ot reekloss pieoe of business done in this Une duriing the past week. A. man who knew liis business, st-rack sonie of the business nausee so foreibly that they had tOi yiield. His seheme was to post a íiic little ribbon in the most secluded phices in the hotels (the inside o-f all bed room doors) which was to oontain their ad1eirtisement. Some of "bhose who patronize thLs scheme were not men who elaimed to be advertisea's, but it wae astomishing to us to fi.nd thereon the advertisins; of sO'me of our leading firme. AVlio ever heard before of putting in advertisement whore a sfcranger in our city t-ould read tt 'while he sleeps.' Surely suc.h :iclvi'i-t:ci-s put tlii'ir liü,'hted eandle u nder the 'bushel." Oí nll the Valentines that carne, Not oiie liked lie a bit. They all wpre wordfd just the sanie, Aiidended: ' l'li-nse rcmit."


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Ann Arbor Courier