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Walter S. Hicks luis removed to Detroit Mira. Iíev. E. W. Moore is conf inepto her bed with the la grippe. Walter H. Nicliols, of Geddes ave., is on a trip to Galesburg, 111 . Mpb. Judge Cheever is entertainlng Mis-s Jsste Ti'itle, of Sycamore, 111. George Dygert is the guest of W. H. L. Mc Courtie, at Jackion. H'einry A Stedmbach spent Sunday j with hls paréate in Chelsea. Miss. Mary Pollock leavee lor Toledo to-da.y, for penim.neiiit residence. Miss C. C. FoUinier, of Jaclcson, tended the JunJor Hop last evening-. ] O. ly. Still, of Clinton, hits boen visIting Ann Arbar fi'lendis during the week. Chafe. Ederlee, of Battle Creek, is in the city for a time,, reoeiving treatment. Mlae Lillie Guiilock, of Chicago, is visiting Mre. D. J. Ixyomis of E. Catliarine st. Mr. W. J. Fleming, of Jackson. is the guest of Aun Arbor fi-Lends for a-, few days. Mrs. Dr. Heartley, who has been very ïil with rheuunatism, is slowly coiivnlesoieg. Mr. C. H. Bemiett, of Plymouth, was the g-uest of Sire. Giles 13. Lee over Sunday. Francés Owen, of Bowagiac, is th guest oï M'iss Florence ituiTet t, for a few da)}-s. Albert Webeop who has been visiting friendi in this city lias returnedi home to Jackson. Mis-s Matte TlefcaOT, of H. Ingalls st., is touKkicting a clase in elocution at Caseopolis. , Miss Butli Carpenter lias been appointed to Jlis sGerbrude Hamllton's place in tlie -1 ili ward school. Wm. Salyer, the Hui-oai st. groÉer, is lyhvi wry IU with chronic troubles at his Ikiiik' om Eliaabeth st. Very popular. Eed, "White and Blue. Mjss Lillie (onidon lias returned froin Haracock, where she has been for sevoral weetas with lieir father. The Miases Howard, on S. Ingalls st., very pleasantly entertalned a party ol friends Friday evening. Mis. Jahin Burg bas returned frota ■Washington, I). C, where she hae been toar a coupile of monfclis. Mrs. H. J. Ivillilea, of Milwaukeei returned home yesterday, after a visit to her niother Mrs. Dr. Heartley. Mire. McLaren, of Lima, spent Sun(Jay with (her daughter Miss Nellie McLarem of the Ann Arbor Abstract Co's office. , Mrs. M. L. Perriüie left for St. Paul, .Miiin.. Monday u. m., where she will visit her sister, Mra. J. E. Ricketts, who Í8 véry sick. Dr. McLachlaai returned froim Cleveland to-da.y. where he went to atttsnd the Homeopathie Medical Assoeiation meeting. On Friday eveiiing next tlie meml:i'is of "fche Kpwarth League will give a reeeption to. the HJg-h School Iepart.rn.ent of the Eeagiie. MÜB8 MabeJ Quiiek, a junioir in tJie high school, from Mantetique, has giveu up heff studies here and g'O'ne home om account of sicknese. Miss Mainie Divine has returned from Washington, D. C, where she has been tlie'g'uest oí her aunt, Mrs. M. ÏV. HaTrington. C. C. Parker, of Amn Arbor, is in the city on business for a wee-k or ten Ctaye. His friends win find him at the Keefer House.- Hillsdiale College Herald. Iiev. Dr. Camelen M. Ccvbern left Friday for Appletoin, Wis., where he is t deliver a eourse of lectures tihat will detain iiimi thcre for two weeks. Miss Pauline Nagel, at the home of her pareaits on W. Fifth st., had a blrthday party Thturaday eve. It was a e y pleas:nt a fair, enjoyed by abut tweomty of her frieuds. Hss Suiji Whed'O'ii pleasantly entertainod n few yonufig people at her p;iM'iit.' on Xortli State street last 'Ilmi-sday eveaiüng. The form of ammusemeint was naturally enouigh a. valentino piirty. Miss Imogene Bogea-s returned Friday fror.n a stay ol Kcvcral inonthfi at lier home in Rome Italy. She -i(nsed the Atlantic oai the steanier Xoinna.iiJa, in eompany with Mise I'.a.iloy, fonnen-ly of the School of Musie. Miss Kokovm is a daushter of the late Ramdoilph Eogers, the stuipton-.


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