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Of all sad words of wife or cook These probably are worst, To man witli sleuder pocketbook : "The water pipes have burst." A. H. Holmes, .the liveryman, has added a íLne new hack to lm outfit. Accordinjr to an oíd adage the winter is just half gone. "Half the wheat and half the hay." On Feb. 21 a fare oí eme and onethird tor the round trip will be made to La'jising. The man who allows the snow to cumúlate on Iks sidewalk, Is adjudged by the. public a weary willie. That pa-op het who was going to have tuis a mild winter - where, oh, where ás he ? Ask the coal dealer. The plumbers have had all they could do the past few weeks to thaw out and patoh up frozen and bursted pipes. People who have not yet paid their taxes shonkl remeniber that the days for paying the same are getting fewer, and fewer, and there is no further extensión to be had. There is a poirtion of Ypsilanti that is trying to secede fremn its corporate limits. No seoesh allowable in this couintry, don't cher know. Ypsilamti has got to invest In another pump for the city's water works. Oh, it's niee fo.r a corporatioai to be in business for itself . Senator Masón has introduced a bilí atneading the charter of the city of Aun Arbor. Just what these amendmits ave is aiot stated in the paper this morning. AVe notice by our exchanges that a mvmber of Masons and Stars trom different pfld-ts of the coamty are planning to attend tlie finst aunual reception oí 'the Eastcrn Si ars in this city, Fcb. 20th. The democratie state convention will meet at Saginaw on TJuiralay, Feb. 28th, and AVashteaiaw will be allowed nineteen delegiates. The convention for this county will be held here on Tuesday, Feb. 26th. Tlie Courier hias reeeived from Hon. Jiimes Goanna.n, a oopy of the income tax laws. Maaiy people think they A&1% ssaxun '}jioda.i o 9ami %u op are subject to tdie tax, but everyone with an income of o-wr $3,500 must make a report. Tlie bamquet and dance of the Odd Fello'ws at the ii-imk Thursday evening, was a brilliant affaiir and attended by about 300 people. Tlie rink was handfiomely üecoirated, music by the .Minnis' Society oa-chestra, and e-erythlng went tnen-y as a marriage bell. At the meeting of the Michigan Aseociatton of Farmers' Mutual Insurance Companies at Lansing, W. E. Stocking of this city, was made a member of the executive committee, and it was decided to hold the next annual meeting here in Ann Arbor. The local Y. M. C. A. will semd quite a crowd to Northville Feb. 22, to attend the Detroit District Conference of that association. W. C. Huil and V. ,B. Fhillip are on the prosiramme for papers on various lines of Y. M. C. A. work. The rep'Ublieans present the name of a clean, brtght. acti-e yoaing man, thoroughly qnnlüiod in every way for tlie office ót Cammissioner öf Schools, a,nd ask you-P suffrage for him. Tlnat he will be ehosen to fill the position no one doubts for a moment. A young man giving the name of Fred Cole, got hila.rious on the streets last nig-lit and was run in by Offficer Banfield. Tliis moa-ning he paid $2 ftne and $4.50 cots, at the vequest of Justice rond, and agreed to be good to hlmself he-reafter and never do so any more. A piece of "furniture" slipped out of ; form on a Ooi-dou press while the saine was in motion, at toe Arstui office a day or so ago, and Uie reeult vas that the press was HO' badly smaslKHl that it was rendei-ed use■--s Coneequeintly tlie Argus has ordered a new pii-ess. Never mind the blizzard; You're ieeliug prime ! Might as well freeze in winter As frv iu summer time. Thie Aatn Light Infantry made alKHit $350 out of their two entertamments. Goo-d for boys. Tliey deserved the success all rlglit. E. F. Mills & Co. are making; some e.hanjye-s in the interior of tlieir stove that will couivenience' the salesmen and custouners ■in eeveral departments. If you have mot gaven your subsorijptiom for the Y. M. C. A.„ you Khould d)O' ao at once. ThO work tliLa ori; ,1,11: zal ii vn is do ing is wortliy of yoair support. August Nisste sevei'cd his connectiidin with & Millón on Saturday, to take .thO majiaig-emein.t oï Walter 'Miack's iitoii-e iin Manchester. Since comiing to thfe city Mr. Xissle ha.s made ma.ny fiiiends wlio will regret to tove hiim leave hare. D. CramiT and Wm. Stiegelmair llave imrchased a stock of groceries tor 'fcheir new combination grooery a.nd market 011 W. Huron st. Tlicy expêct to 'le excelled by no dealers 11 the city when they get started, and vll -h-ave everythimg new and nice. The Ann Arbor Denvocrat is now uuder Jhe guiding hand, editarially and locally, of Edward H. Waples, who ta.kes the place vacated by E. Cora Del'ny. We Avelcome Mr. Waples t-o the ra.nks of the Ann Arbor Press Club, and believe he will find it pleasant to be a member tihereof. The dealer who holds his advwrtisement until good" times come, may find to his soiTow, when the rush comes, t-hat his neighbor who made hls1 wares public duriwg tlie depressioai, has got the people interested in his direction and his advertisement is too lale. Persistent advertising brings success if judiciously applied. A coimmittee consisting of Rev. Henry Tatloi-.k, oï this city, Hon. Samuel Post, of Ypgilanti, and Gen. "Withingtom, of Jaokson, a-re to wreetle with the membeis of the legislature over the bill proposing to tax church erty. TJne Arg-us advises the legisla t ure to takO to tTiie woods. - Argus. Wrong advtoe. to the committee. That's the best thiiig. Their advice wold be .tbe proper thing wad only the pixj-per thing. This item is one wje will not vouch for, but as it is going tha rounds of tihe press, it must le all rigüt : "It is said that a wonian, residing not a great way off, naaned her twin girls G-asoliMe and Kerosene, and t-hey are a set of fime girls. It ís intima Wd that sparking in that immediate niighbO':hood wlU b3 a dungerous pastiime. It Ss related that a man Naptiha proposed to one of the gLrls, fout Jvas not 'benzine' since.'' Tule slilppery ïna.iiufactiu'ed stone walk were not made rligiht, is too much cement was placed oin top without samd belmg .mixed in. A good way to partially obvíate this ia to spirimkle plenty of loose sand on the walkt?. Tliis will not only take away theitr teniporary smoothness and consequent (langer, but rm time portions of the sand will get ground in and will affoird n. piroper footieg. Why co'iild not the board of public wOFks see to this ? The expense would be very little amd the benefit great. There was one Oncou raging feature n 'the last re-publioan convention. There were more young men present than usual, and everal of thein got up and talfced. That's. business. The old heads who are chronic convention delegates must remember tliat if the pai'ty ís S'uocessful, tliat the boys must be mtereistetl and hromgiht out to coaiventions. You can not convert a ynimg man iba your way of thinking by keep'mg liiim in the background all the time. You can not recruit the ra.nks of the rs-publican party fi-oan the old lieads. It is the boys that are wanted. I'ut ome of the boys on as delegates and enconrage them to come to r-oavention--. Our city marshaJ is om the raad to lastiaig iami'. Jias had a snit brought lagainst Mm by oue James A. Limen, who va arreste! on a caaxge of burglar.x'ng 'the istoire of .Tolm Y. Sheehiin, and was detained in jail irom De;1. 81 ita Jan. 2. He alleges that the time he caught cold and was anade very sick ; that his house was searchcd, duriug which proreedings ii; ïumiture was marred and injured, that hls reputation as well as fiiús health was greatly damaged by fchie a.ffaiu-, amd that it will take alxut $5,000 to make things all square aga.'.ai. As evea-yt.hing done nü every move made by Officer Banfield was onder the direction of the pi-osccuting attorney, he feels that he is iproperly protected. To look into the faces of 40 to 50 young childiren under tlie drill of a teaclier is one of the most impressive scènes in life. In lact it is life's )eflectUiè opening in which we see in antiiciipation the trials and burdens of responsiibillty that will be the lot of the children befoire u who shall reach manhood and womanhood. How enduring t.he plans have lieen laid - and how efficiënt the means to obtain an education. Tihis is the crowniíxg glory of Americ-a's civilization. TTnder the foltering care of the Michigan legislature, the state educational system is one of the most perfect in the world." Those are the words of the editor of the I'ontlac Daily Oazeïte after he had taken a trip around visiting sohools. A tliing every parent ouglit to do. A (prominent business man, who haa had considerable experience in city affaii-8, said yestea-day : "The proposed charter are not desirable. Xo inember of the council would tliink of TOtlng himsielf p-ay, a,nd leaving the memtere bi the city boards without compcnsat'on ; thiat would be too selflsh altogether. Tlien to abolish the present board f public works, and make that board consist of aldeiinein. would lie opening up a way to constant jangling and bickeriugs. amd it would be the cause of bitter personal feuds, with no one free and ready to ■work in tho interest s of the city havtng no friends to reward, enemiee to pay off, or no axes to grind. It will 1 a. great niistake to m.'iki' H'.iese changes tliat have leen asked for 'simply out of personal feelng." When the winter closes - Wheu the icebergs go- There'll be tons o' roses For every pound o' snow. A nine pound boy arrlved at th home of Thomas Godkln Thursda nigïit. Among the list of Michigan p-en sioes published to-da.y, is a reissu for Jolwi R. Wyckoff, Ann Arbor. Prof. E. H. Mengel, of the Untwi slty, wlll fill the pujfrit of the Eln lLsli Lujtheran church during Ke,v. Tet row's absence. 'Wliy cam not the Ann Arbor Prefl Club be Tiia-de a Uve. wWe a wake 01 giarúzattoo 1" was the question of il still actinsï president, tO' tlie wriLe yesterday. It can be. AH it need is a leadOr wlio will develop some plaai to niake the meetings ing-. 'Ilie May Festival Journal whic] mis bo' successful last yeur, will b LSifUied asaim tiiis year. Au editioi of 40,000 copie wlll bü sent bioad cast the state. J. H. Prentte has chaa-ge of the ffidveirtísing and ox pects to vfait varióos parta of th state next week on tliks business. Three young men giviug the name of Tho's. Moore, John Iexter. and Jaimes AV'OO'd, were before Justlc Po,nid yestorday ooi a charge of being drank and dlsorderly. The two i'oi-in er $2 fine a.nd $3 costs each aind the latter agreed ta do the same but had iaiiled to do so at. noon to da,v. Tlie names given are fktitious no doubt. Tlie amounts the mail carriers a the Ann office will re ceUe In back pay is ae follows : Jame O'Kame $631, Geoi-ge Blam $031, W L. Baxter $571, Cíhiris. T. Donnelly $571, FraiLk O'Hearn $317, JO'sepi A Polbamus $316, Earl Ware $303 Asa Allen $295, Wm. F. Armstronk $275, Alfred A. Fru.ha.uf $42. TJie Pointiac -Baily Gazette, in it report of tibe 6th amnual banquet o the Lmcoln Club, of that city, has tinte paragraph : "Hou E. P. Allen of Ypsilanti, ivas introduced, who delivered an eloquent address upon the diameter a.nd official acts of Abrahan Lincoln. He toughed upon present politica! issues In a masterly manner Hls peroration to the martyr presi dient iva. n. grand suimraary of tJie events oí his from 1801 to 1805." The people of our owa city who a,i-e burdieined with incomes'kept busj .ii-i iöw figuring out the questions on Uincle Sam's blanke that they have received. All merchamts, manufactninears, corpora.fioms and firrms, as well as private individuáis, must pay attent ion to thiis on or bafore the firsi Mo'udny ín, and if it is not attended to, then the collector lor the ([i-uit is cmpowered'cuid directed to make a levy iai the smn he thinks right. If any one has an income of $3,500, he should write to the colr of Intern al Revenue, Detroit, and O'btain the necessary blanfcs. Samuel Graham, a youug man from Ypsüamti, is in jail on conïession of Oha. Walker l'or ïire to buildings im that city some time ago. Frora the confeaskin of this young man It seems thiit two others were implicated, and the ntunerons Fires tiiat occuiired on thO Oast sLde of the city -ere of :aicendiary orlgln, set by theui. Tlie three nataas sive.a are Samuei Grahiam, Airehle Han-ison and Chas. Walker, all of the fire department. Graham had hls hearing Justi'ce Beach, at Ypsilanti Wednesday, and was bo'und over to the circuit court for trial, bonds being fixed at 500. "Do yo-u see that horse Mr. Soandwo is dri ing ? nsked a gentlema.n yeterday. be sure," was the repiy. "Well, that (man ought to lestiLpped down to nla undershirt and coiupellMl lbo 'drive thi-ougli tliis atmo-pliere im that way, aiid ,ee liow he would like it. He has clippecl ïiis norse, taken off its ove.rcoat, and it suffers from he cold the sume as a om would utripped of his elothcs. It iis a. wiclsed and crue-1 tliing to do. and I Klio'uld lLke to eee every man wli o dO'&s that thiiiiig compelled to strip oif his cloithes and ba put on a par with his horse." Perhaps thls good citizen may foe piretty cori ■(■. -l in lii estímate of the case. But not being a lioa-seman, we don't know muoli a bout it. The Somg Journal for February is fully iip .to. the hfeh standard Mr. Wileox 'hs glven the periódica] since talv'ng hold of it. The contents are very Ontertaining to Misical people and it seems as tliough nothing had beein left -undone to add to its wortJi and desirability. TJiis issue wlll be of especial intereöt to Ann Arbor readers iro.m the fact that it con taina an excelleint jortrait of Miss Charlotte E. .Taffe and of Mr. Herman A. Ze:tz. boith of the University School of Music, to.get:her Avith a short biograpliical rfietdli oí each. Then the mueic of the nunvber, eonsistins of two songs and two inistruimental pieces is worth the Bubscriptiom price. One piece, emtltled "Noelette," is componed by Rossestter G. Cole, of this city. No persoin interested in nvusic can afford to1 be without the Soaig Journal. A well luiown gentleman of our cily, liavimg soane business to transact at the M. C. freigrht depot Wedneaday las(, dïove down theire, and in lieu of sometliriaig better, tied his hoi-se tu. a. fre:iht car stamding on the track. While iie was in the office the yard eaigine backed np and hitched oji to the car to whicli his oqulne was t'ed, and started oif. Tiie horse kiept up witli the car eomi little distancie down the track until the situatkwi was noticed by sonie men who were st ■■a;nd:,ng e;u', whoi sdignalled the engineer Eo. 9top and the horse was releaséd froun his meandering hltching post. The gentleman who hltched liis horee to the car, is noyouth, but a. ma,n of mature, and acknnwlediges that n. man is never too oíd to learn. Xo. matter liow tempting a hitohimg a frelght car may le bereafter, he will never ag-aln use it for that purpos?, and is ve-ry thankful that be escapad this timo without injury to his lioi-se and cutter. Her cheeks are llke the red. red rose, With carmine tiuis imbued; The only difTerence is this : The rose oan't be reaewed. Look out for the 22d of February edltion oï the Daily Courier, 5,000 strong. There nre now but three of the original o.rganizers of the Congregational church oí this city now in existence, Sr. and Mrs. Calvin Bliss, and A. K. Hall. The lectures om the Ba UI win foundation, before the Hobart Guild, wlll be delivered this year by Kev. X. S. Rulisou, D. D., assistant bishop of Central Pennsylvania, the sanio to cojiimence on (the last of February. The Yps'lanti whist playera, aíter mopping the eaitli with a company from Ann Arbor, put rooster fcathers in their capa and fftrutted about challenging the world. Tliey found a club at Masón ready t'.iein, and went np there last Saturday night, and eanie home minus their feathers. The Mason boys everlastkigly scooped them. Au original pension lias been aliowed Miij. Arckibald 6. Dewey, pnya.ble ti' hls widow S'Uisa.n A. íewey. Maj. Dewey ivas the father of Prol. Jolin Dewey, now of Cliicago UniTiersity. He was an officer in a Yermcnt regiment, and died lieve in Ann Arbor while hls claim was pending, and the same 'has been completed by his ividow, tJirougli the agency of W. K. Childs, in this city. Tlie aimujal eonventton of the Washtenaw Cou.nty Sunday School Associo-tion will be held In the Congregational cilnuirch, in Chelsea, Monday evein'aig, Maren 11. A fine program wUl soon be issued. Report-s of schools should be sent soon to Eer. H. AI. Morey, Ypsilanti. Contributions Bhowld be snt to Mrs. Beman, treasuirer, in Ann Arbor. Two delégate r-'iio uld ba chosen from each Sunday school. Chas. M. Walker, tlie young man who made the confession in regard to setting fire to buildings in Tpsila-nti, was arrosted yesterday, and placed in ja il her-e to keep company witli Samuel (iraliani, whose incarcei-atkKi was noticed yesterday. Tlie O'thei' fellow implieated, named Harrison, has skipjjed. or at least his wliereabouts are not tanown. All (luee of them were members of the Ylisilanti lire dopartmcnt. under pay. ïhe city lock-up Just now is saving tiip city aaid county a gTe&t many dollar.-. Tlie trampe who prowl about are put i;n there to sleep nights wirliout any arresta bsdng made or warrants iesued. In the morning if they saw a certain quantlty of wood they are giien bhéir breakfast, if not they are ordered out of town A'ithout any meal. Wliere a tramp is arrestted and put i,n jail, the fees anidunt to about SU.ríO, wiiii-h has to be paiid by th.e ooirnty, the saving is iiuite apparent. The committee of th elegislature on the NO'Vmal School m-rived in Ypsilanti Fiiday nigJit. They were give-n a. supper at the Hawkins house, with the .magnates of the city, and in the eveming at 8 o.'clock tJiey were tendered a public reception at the gymnasium wlik-h was attemded by all the good look:jig ladie-s of tile city. Tlie (.Cüicentrated democratie party of the lfgislatuiv, Do.iovan. of Bay l a niember oi the committee, and created a very favorable impresaion, indeed. Today will b3 dpent in examining the school and ascertaLning the needs thereof. Tlie committee consista of Senators Chittemden, and Iiarum. (Senator Sueldan -not being able to be present) and Kepresentatives Campbell, üonovan. Rice, Rogner and Kimmis.


Old News
Ann Arbor Courier