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The question askcd is ''Was ifc at any time possibis to have noininated Jndge KUuie ?" It certainly was. Both Judges Moore and Van Zile, the leaders o the tfcrst ballot, conceded Jndge Kinne's marked fitness for he place nd feared that he would -win. Had tlie Lenawee and Jackson tramty delegates stood trae, he would 'ave had over 80 votes at flrst. Ifany others Iïa3 agreed to come on Jflie third and fourth ballots if he aiiowed strength, but the disaffection ia our own district discouraged them, ao they drifted elsewhere. TVayne county had promised to come Int they Btuck to A'an Zile one or n-o ballots too long, by wliich time itlte Moore feeling had obtalned such a 3nomentum as to be sweepiing1 every■öumg before it. Tlien it was Mooro r McAlvay, and they went to the SStter. Somc excuse for thus jumpiing over a 3ext door neighbor and going away accross the state for a candidate, must e found. Tlierefare they laid it to Capt. Allen's speech against the yelliag of the galleries, which were full if tpeople shoutlng for Moore and Van !ZEIe, who hoped thereby to Jtad stampede the convention lor their ispective eandidates. These demonairatioins were extremely out of ori- and improper, when consideraüion was taken that there was to be ■ eelectlon for the high office of a jusice of the supreme court and not of eheriff or hangman. Tlie galleries werited tlie stern rebuke of Mr. Allen. But the impetuous young men of ■ Wayne dielegation, either through i&cEng guilty theioselves of the charge, r seekimg an excuse, gave that as x Billy ï-ason forgolng for a candifete from tlie sime piari of the state Stom whence he knew the two regents irere about to be chosen. Had the district been united and tte Kimne torces showed the gains the McAlvay columns did, Wayne and anany otlner couaties stood ready to ome to our man. In all probability 'h would have won out, for the f riends ai Judges Buck, Kelly, Ball, Churchill aoid Van. Zile preferred Kinne to JSoore. TMs fight illustrates, as did the one at. Lansing six weeks aga, that men are more treacherous in politics than in anytháng else. But it is mostly the small, shoa-t sighted politicians ■who thiink they caa afford to be ncertaiin. For instance, in the near tature Jackson county is going to ome to Wa&htenaw county for help. Vhat a. bad precedent she has establislied about not standing together ! However, tliere is this pleasant ing to makO a note of, that is the Btaundiness of Monroe's delegation. They resisted even the tremendous jwessure of fhat last ballot, and voted solidly every time {or Judge Kinae. ITieLr iidelity put all Washtenaw ■under obligations which will not be forgotten for a long time. Their delegation was made up of eucli sterling men as Gen. Spaulding, llarry Conant, Bnrt Parker and Harry L,ockwood, whose names our people will remember. The canvas ivas one Judge Kinne may well feel proud of, botli because of the ■enthusi.asm united Washtenaw and Momroe showed, but for the exprcsslons of high regard he&rd on every band. One of the best eomplimemts t him was ttoat tin; railroad influenoee were against him. It again sliows the peo pie they have a truc friend on the bencli of the 22d judicial district, and tíiey will see to it, that Judge Kinne is yet oalled higber to Ove suipreme court. He made friemds cvrrywhere by hls manly course, in n-fasing to adopt tlie melliod& of politdeians to attato the nominátlon. The general law for the incorpora.tio of villages has been pnsse-d and siRiied by Gov. Rich,, and is now a law. The once respected and wise Ex-Senato-r Lyman Trumbull, of IlHuois. has accepted the populist nomination for mayor of Cliicago. L!ke two good children Mexico and Gautemala liare settled their dispute and will not figdit. It is better for bo-th that they should not. Senator Shaw has introduced a resolution looking to the incorporattam of the Michigan Press Association and to give them a site for a building on Mackinac Island A logisla.tive club has been aimed at the M. C. R. E. by Eeprsentative ■Yagnar. He proposes to liave the road pay a specific tax according to lts earnings. The repuU'cans carried Philadelphia Tuesday by o-ver 50,000 niajority, defeating -Gov. Pattison, whose popularity, tlie demócrata thought, wO'Uld v.a.rry him through. Democratie congre-sinen have been busy calliing each other liare for the past week. That is a useless waste of breath. The people d'uscovered that before the last electiion. There have been 1,113 bilis intro duced in tJie House, and 517 in the Senate, ecllpsing any record ever made. The people could etaaid it all ngh if oinly about 25 out of the 1,630 were acted on. The prohibitionists held their convcntioiii at Lansing Thursday, and nominated Myron H. Walker ,oï Grand Rapids, for assoclate justice of the supreme court ; and Prof. Delvan B. Reed, of Hillsdalè, and Noah AV. Cheever, of Ann Arbor, as reg-ents. Accoa"ding to to-day's Detroit Free Pres-s, there are some pretty g-ood looking men and women belonging to the Michigan Press Association. That paper Lives the pictures of thirteen of the haindsoanest of thein who are ín attendiance upon the meeting no-w in session at Detroit. The Eed Jacket Tribune Aroi .1, Xo. 2, publtehed at lied Jacket, Calumet P. O., L. S., is the nam el of a new candidate for public favor in. tliat towin. Itisia six-colunin. quarto, and gives evidance of being well edited and arttetically put together. James H. Martin is thO editor. The fact that Claus Spreckles, the eugar kiing of Hawadi, was silently backiing the recent upirising in that republic, must put to shanio the democratie cuckoos in the senate who clakned that the planters of Hawaii were seekimg alliance witih this nation simply for the benefit of the tariftï on thelr product. This man Spreckles has been a rank Queen Lili loyalist from the fiirst, as bad as Grover himself. Judge Kinne did not receive the nomination for justice of the supreme court at Detroit last Thursday. While the people of this judicial circuit would have b&en pleased on his acacco'unt, to ha"e had hlm promoted, yet they are rejoiced to know that he is to remata as judge of this circuit As a ciircu'it judge 1 has superior in this great commonwealth, as a justice of the supremO court he would have had no superior. AVhat is the state's loss is the gain of the people of this district ; a fact they fully appreciatc. Joseph B. Moorc, republican nominee for aesociate justice oí the supreme court, is the present judge of the Lapeer circuit, and a man thoroughly qualified to fill Üie position upon the supreme bonch. He has been a very successful lawyer and a very satisfactory judge. He has the ability, the traimüig, and a judicial turn of mind that "vill give him a fine standing ■hen he comes to step upon the supreme bemcli. He wiil not be at the foot by any nuumer of means. "Whüe we in this circuit ehould have been pleased to have had the convention recognize the capable and sturdy judge of our circuit, thte Hon. E. D. Kiinne, yet we all feel so glad to have him reniain vith us, that Judge Moore can rely upon the full republican vote of this section of the state. The Ypsilaaiti Sentinel accusing other editors of betng "billious," is a rare sample of Satan rebuking sin. There is no greater growler over anything ajid evrything than the Sentinel man himself. J. K. DeLamar, the "Monte Cristo," of Jrlaho, is a native of Holland, He is small in stature, with large features and red Iiair, and has heen a sailor, a workruan in a glue factory, a bartender and a butcher. He is now a millionaire and lias given up his other jobs. Shaking Grass is dend ! Of course ne would expect tlia.t all gi-ass would be dead this BOrt of weather, but this especial Grass was au Iiulian and lie had slept with that name (55 years, and to add to tlie nionieintousness of the occasion he was surrounded by White Cloud, amd nioumed by his squaw Ixiughtag Liainet. It is pa-edicted by tliose who make a study oí tíie bufitoeee, that, owing to tJie great rush to market of young and tinto. Stock, in the western states, on account of iuard and laek of food, will result in a great ialling off of boüi hogs aud cattle another seasoa, and that it is more tlian, ])i-obable that beef amd poirk will touch $7 ano.kher fall. It s quite a.inusing to no tice in the accounts of democratie conventions published in the Detroit Free Press these headings : ''It was Harmonious," "The Delegates were UnLnatructed," -'Black Cotuity Delegates wil! g-o to the state convention imfettered," etc. You unders.tand there is such a, scramble for nominations on the democratie ticket this year. Frederick Douglass, the aio'ted colored statesima-n, wli-o in former days kimdLed thO north with his eloquent appeals for tlie freedom of his race, died at his home in "Washington, B. C, Feb. 20, very suddenly, ofheart truble. He was boinn in Maryland in 1817, liis mother being a negro slave and his fat-hor a slave owner. He was tlie gratest man his race ever produced. The House at Lam-simg yesterday, passed the Senate Health Bill for Detroit, whlch takes away from Mayor Piingree t-he appoinitiig of a henlth comniissioner, and puts it in the hands of the goTOmor. Thiis does away wilfch aai alleged inco'mpetent health otitoer, and ends, in a queetionable mainner, a and bitter fight betweeai P'ingTee and his enemies. The editoir of the Webberville News assures people of 5iis docility and liuraane quallties in this way : "There are Bcallawags and Ülsho.nest printers in omr rajilia as well as in other tradies, but tliis 'shooild not cause people to give the cold shoulder to a good thüig wh-ea they get it. Come In and set aoquainted Wlth us, we are not built like a g-iraffe or a hynea and will not bite. Ion't be afraid to subscribe fox the News." The republicams of New York City are themselves either foolg or tana-ves. Instead of goüig about the adniiaistration of the affairs of tbat city in. au intelligent and lionest majiner, they a,r& quaiTeling1 over the loaves amd fishee. They are disgracirtg the republican party oí the natio'n by tlieir petty ajid childlsli quarrels. If tlie demócrata liad desired to "put up a }ot" olí tliieir emeimies they could have not conceived anything more effectual. The bilí proposing to retire teachers on partial pay, after they have grown oíd in the service, is a just only it should not be confined to cities of 50,000 and over, but apply to all places. There should be soine methods devised of raisng a fund for that purpose. ïhere is no class to whom the nation is so much ndebted as to the teachers. Ou thera depeuds the rearing of their children, the formation of the minds that shall guide the nation. But few teachers re ceive sufficient pay so that they can layaside a sufficient amount of inoney to ceep them in oíd age. The Couriek )elieves that teachers are as deserving of pensions as soldiers, for they give heir uves to the good of the nation, the same as do the soldiers. Anexchange remarles : "Forrnarried woinen only. It is a fact that tliere is ïardly a married man, excepting editors, whodoes not habituallycarry in his lockets the picture of an attractive young woman who is not bis wiie. We viólate no confidence when we say her name is Miss Anna Wilde Williams, of Pliiladel)hia, and that her picture ornament the silver dollar which we all use." Glad to learn who that womau is. She is f ar f rom attractive. A more ordinary looking female it would be ïard to find. The artist who selected her as a model must have been wild. and no mistake. We do not believe she is an American for she does not look like one, and to put any other nationality on our circulating medium is an insult to American beauty. John P. Bauer, traveling salesman for Gem City Stove Co., Dayton, Ohio, says: "I will continue to recommend Adironda, Wheeler's Heart and Nerve Cura, for I know it will do all that is claimed for it." Sold by John Moore.


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Ann Arbor Courier