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TRIV'AL TOPICS. "Our engagement s quite a secret, you know." "So everybc-dy tells me." Blobbs-Is the policeman on your beat square? Slobbs- I don'i know. He's never round. Wiggles - I know just what to tako ior sea-sickness. Waggles, eagerly - Do you? What is it? Wiggles- Ai ocean steamer. "Where's the other one?" asked Aunt Manclay, af ter looking at the Aubrey Beardsley picture. "The other one?" asked her niece. "Yes. Where's the 'after takin'?" Kawler Inn - I say, doctor iell me what the difference between the grip and a cold really is. Dr. Pillem, in a conüdential tone - ïhe doctors fees. People don't cali a physician for a cold. Teacher - Tommy may define the word "heroïne." Tommy - A heroine is a woman that's always cryin' au' marries the biggest fooi in the play, just because he's got a little dood mustache. Buyer, who has hastily snapped up a bargain - By the way, you advertised that you had good reasons for selling. I forgot to ask what tbsy were. Seller, grimly - You'll find 'em out fast enough. Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder World's Pair Medal and Diploma. Estáte ov Lucy W. S. Morgan. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Wash3 tenaw. ss. At a sessiou of the Probate }ourt for the County of Washtenaw, holden at lie Probate Office iii the city of Ano Arbor, on 'riday. the lst day of February. in the year ne tíiousand eight hundred and ninety-five. Present J. Willard Kabbitt.Judfseof Probate, in the matter of the estáte of Lucy V. S lorian, deceased, Lucy D. 8. Parker, exeeurix of the last will and testameat of Kranklln j. Parker, deceased, lately oue of the execnors of the last will and testament of said juey W. S. Morgan, deceased. comes into court and" representa that she is uow prepared to ender the final account of said Prankliu I. 'arker as sucn exeoutor. Thereupou it is otdered, that Tuesday, the th day oí March, next, at teu o'rlock in he forenoon, be assisned forexaminiuK and illowing sueh account, and that the devisees. eeatees and heirs-at-law of said deceased, and ill other persons inturested in said estáte, are required to appear at a session of said court, ten to be holden at the Probate Office, in tlie City of Aun Albor, in said County, and show :ause, íf any there be why the said account should not'be allowed. And it is further aerea, mat saia executrix rit; huiicc lu the persons interested in said estáte, of the peniency oí said account, and the hearing thereof. jy eauslng a copy of this order to be pnblishec ni the Aun Arho'r Courier. anewspnperprinted and clrculatiiig in said County. two slve weeks previous to said day of hearing. [A true copy.] J. WILLARD BABBITT, Judge of Probate. W. G. Doty, Probate Rescister. Estáte of IIauvey Coenwell, Deceased STATE OF MICHIGAN, County oí Washteuaw, ss. At a session of the Probate Court lor tne County of Washtenaw. holden at the Probate Office in the City of Ann Arbor, on Saturdav. the ninth day of February, in the year one thousand eight hundredandninety-five. Present, J. Willard Babbitt, Judge of ProIn'the matter of the estáte of Harvey well, deceased. Ou reading aud filing the petition, duly venfled, of Alfred Graber, praying that a certain instrument now on tilo in tliis conrt, purporting to be the last will and testament of said deceased. muy be admitted to probate, and that adminlstratlon of said estáte may be granted to himself and Wirt Cornwell, the executors in said will uamed, or to some other suitableperson. Thereupon it is ordered, that Monday, the eleventb day of March next, at teu o'clock in the forenoon.'be assigned for tbe hearing of said petition. and that the devisees, legatees and heirs-at-law of said deeeased aud all other persous iuterested iu said estáte, are required to appear at a session of said Court, then to be holdeu at the Probate Oilice in the city of Ann Arbor, and show cause, if auy there be, ivliv the prayer of the petitioner sbould uot be granted. And it is further ordered. that sfiid petitioner giye notice to the persous interested iu said pstati', of the peudency of said petition, and the hearing thereof. by causing a copy of this order to be published in the Ann Arbor Courier, a newspaper printed and circulating in said county, three sueéessive weeks previous to said day of hearing. BABBITT (A true copy.) Judge of Probate. Wm. G. Doty, Probate Register. Xotice ïo Crbditors. STATE OF MICHIGAN, County oL Wasbtenaw, ss. Kotice is hereby given, that by an order of tbe Probate Court tor the County of nshtenaw, made on the 24th day of December, A. D. 1894 six months from tbat date were allowed forcreditors to present their claims against the estáte of Jerome A. Freemau, late of said County, deceased, and that all creditors of said deceased are required to present their claims tosaid Probate Court, at the Probate Office in the citv of Anu Arbor, for exammation and allowance. on or before the 24th day of June uext, and that such claims wil] be heard before said Court. ou the 25th day of March.andou theü4th day of June next, at ten o'clock in the foreuoou of each of said died, Ann Arbor. Dee. M, A.D. ,4. Jiidge of Probate. Chancery Notice. State of Michigan, Covkty of Washtexaw. ss. To Circuit Court of Washtenaw county. IX CHANCERY. Claba Lampkin ) Order of Publication VSê v for Non-resideut DeLawkence Lampkin. ) fendaut. Suit pending in the Circuit Court for the County of Washtenaw, in chancery, at the city af Aun Arbor. on the 31st day ot uecemoer, 1894 It satisfactorily appearing to this court by affldavit on bill, thtit the defendant, Lawrence Lampkin, is not a resident of this state, but resides in the state of Nebraska, on motion of A. G. Kingsbury, complainant s solicitor. it is ordered that the said defendaut, Lawrence Lampkin, cause his appearance to be entered herein, within five (5) months from date of this order, and in case of nis appearance that he cause his answer to complainant's bill of complaint to be flled, and a copv thereof to be served on said complainaufs solicitor withiu twenty (20) days after service on him of a copy of said bill. and notice of this order; and that in default thereof said bill be taken as coufessed by the said non-resident defendaut. And it is further ordered, that within twenty (2U) days after the date hereof, the said complaiuant cause notice of this order to be published in Ibe Courier, a newspaper printed. published, and circulatingin said couuty. and that said publica tion be continued therein for at least once in each week for seveu (7) weeks in succession or that she cause a copy of this order to be personally served on said non-resident defendant, ut least twenty (SU) dnys before the above time prescribed for his appearance. A. G. Kisgsiu-rv. Circuit Judge. Cor.iphuuant's Solicitor. Countersigned ArthurBrows, Register. 156 Real Estáte for Sale. STATE OF MICHIGAN, I COUNTY OF WaSIITENAW f - In the matter of the estáte of Heury Tower, deceasert. Nolice is hereby giveu that in pursuance oí an order granted tu the undersigned exeeutorof the last wlll aud testament of said deeeased, by the Hou. Judge of Probate for the County of Washtenuw, on the 29th day of Jannary, A. D., 1895,tbere wlll be sold at Public Vendue, to the lüghest bidder at the dwelling house on the rtrst parcel of land liereinafter mentioned. In the townshlp of Lodl, in the County of Washtenaw, in said staie, on Tuesday, the nineteenth day of March, A. D., 1895, at ten o'clock in the forenoon of that day (subject to all enoumbrances by mortgaite or otherwise existine at the time of the sale.thefollowingdescrlbed Real Estáte, wit: First Parcel- The east half of the nortneastquaner of section 26; alsoall that part of the northwest quarter ol section 25, which lies west of the highway, excepting that portion thereof owñed by the Presbyterian Chnrch Society. Second Parcel- Twenty acres off from the east side oí the southeast quarter ot said section 26. Thirri Parcel- The east twenty acres ol the west half of the northeast quarter of section 35 All in the towuship of Lodi, Washtenaw County, Michigan. SERENO BASSETT, Executor of the LastWill and Testament of Henry Tower, Deceased. COMMISSIONEKS' IÍOTICE. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, Countyofj Washte The undersined having been appointed by the Frobate court ior saia uouiny, ummisioners to receive, examine and adjust all claims and demands of all.persons against the estáte of Daniel Kei' rstead. late of said county ed,hereby pive notice that six months froni date are allowed, by order of said Probate Court, for creditors to present their claims against the estáte of said deeeased, and that they will meet at the oflice of W.K. Childs in the city of Ann Arbor, in said County on the eleventh day of March, and on the tentn day of June next, at ten o'clock, a. m. of each of said days. to receive, examine and adjust said claims. Dated December 10, 1894. fRs;llKKAKÑrVK' Í Conimissloners NDREW E. GIBSON, ATTORNEY AT LAW - And- Justice of the Peace. Office, No. 10 Huron Street, L-Opposite south door of Court House.


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Ann Arbor Courier