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An Alderman Cured

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Dr. Greene's Nervura is the Best and 'Surest Spring Medicine. Mr. Crouch and Editor J. C. Gere, in the Daily Hampshire Gazette, Give this Wonder ful Remedy a Glowing Tribute. The editorial columns of the Northampton (Mass.) Daily Gazette of Dec. 28th, give the particulars of the remardable cure by Dr. Greene's Nervura blood and nerve remedy, of Alderman Charles S. Crouch, one of Northampton's ablest and best-known statesinen. Editor J. C. Gere, of this leading newspaper, personally investigated the facts of this wonderful cure, and bis widely-read editorials tates the details of the cure exactly as they occurred, giving Hon. Mr. Crouch's own words. Following is the editorial in full: Learning that a great cure had been effected in Alderman Chas. S. Crouch, of Northampton, Mass., by Dr. Greene's Nervura blood and nerve remedy, a reporter took ■ occasion to cali on Mr. Crouch and talk with him about it, and ainong the thousunds of testimoniáis given to this world-renowned medicine, none will be more vvidely real or give gieater weight than this one coming froin so noted a man as Alderman Crouch. Mr. Crouch is one of the plain, oldfashioned kind of mei), outspoken, and ahvays means just what he says. In conversation vith Mr. Crouch, he said : Last spring I did not feel in my usual healtli ; feit as tired in tlie morning as wlien I retired ; had no energy nor anibition to go about a day's work ; no appetite with wbich to regain strength or energy. In this condition I worked along froin week to week'thinking that after a while matters wonld right themselves and I would feel like myself again. But to the contrary. I grew worse. "Knowing tliat Dr. Greene's Nervnra was not a patent medicine, lmt a medicine put up froni a prescription discovered ly the doctor in his private prae;iee, I resolved to try it. The flrst bottle helped me so much that I purchasêd inother one, and even a third bottle, when, to my great joy, I found myself I is well as ever I was in my life; and iivthermore, have remained so." In further conversation he said : " Dr. Greene's Nervura is a great nedicine. There is no bumbug' about t! It was made to cure, and it does cure ! No one need be af raid to use it." Day by day he praises this wonderful nedicine to his friends and neighbor.s, is the one sure way to regain tlieir lealtli. His wife, also used Dr. Greene's vura blood and nerve reinedy to great advautagte, and, Iike lier husband. lias been cured and novv enjoys lier old time health. Mr. Crouch has always bpen an active man in town and city affairs. In old tqwn-meeting days he was always on band to help with liis eloquent oratory the pressing time, and since Northampton bas been a city he has served for several years in its government, and at the last election he receiyed the largest vote for alderman he ever had. He is a contractor, and during the , past few years has built sonie of the flnest houses in the city. Both Mr. and Mrs. Crouch give Dr. Greene the praise of giving thein a medicine that will cure and keep them well. The word of tbis widely-known city government official, Alderman Crouch, should have the most convincing weight with the public, but when we have added to this the fact that the Nortbampton Daily Hampsbire Gazette, a newspaper of the high est standing, ronches edito. ially for the truth oï eve.y wo.d, nd its editor States that he has petrsoinally inviestigated all the facts of the marvedlouis cure, there should be no. hesitation by the people to use this great mediaal discO'Veiry, this won dertul curer of disease, Dr. Greene's Nervura bloed and nerve reinedy. It is a íact, no1 longer to bei doubted that this l-emedy cures - that it makes tliose . who usO it' and well- that it is the eurest and most certóln cure for disease known at thO present day. It is the Tiery best of all spiflng medioime, and kshould be teken now by all wliiO' are weak, iierwjus and run down, to streiijftluMi thie neirves and invigorate the blood. It is net a patent medicine, but the prescriptioni of the tnost succe.ssl'ul living' specialist in cuiring nervous and ohroaiic diseases, Dr. Greene, of 35 W. 14th Bt, New York City. He has the l&rjgest practice in the world, and this grand medical discoivery is the result of hls wist i'xperieinee. The great reputation of Dr. Greene is. a guarantee tlit this medicine will cure, a,nd tibe fact that: he can be consulted by n.nyoine at aif tittae frée of charge, IK-rsoinally or by letter, 0'Ve-s absolute nssiiraiuf! oí tlie beraeficial action of this womdiprful medicine. AI.DHiriAS S. OROUCH.


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