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Ko%?& eï'o'Jï KoM ■g;;oji MARCH SALE OF New Spring Dress Goods Never have such varieties been shown and such Low Prices OiFered. 50 Pieces, all-wool Serges and Henriettas, Spring Shades, the 39c quality at 25c a vard. 20 Pieces Pretty Spring, Double-Fold at 25c a yard. 45-incli Wool Checks and Mixtures, worth 50c, at 39c a yard. 40-inch, all wool, Navy Blue and Black Storm Serges, the new price, at 32c a yard. 35 Pieces, all wool, Xovelty Dress Goods, the 65c kind, now 39c a yard. Lovely Satin Finish Henriettas, the 75c quality, the new price 50c a yard. 50-inch, all wool Serges, last season's price $1.00, the new price 50c a yard. 50-inch, all wool Storm Serge, would be cheap at 75c, now 50c a yard. High Art Nbvelty Dress Goods, in Silk Mixtures, French and English Suitings, Checks, Plaids, and Crepons, this lot of elegant Dress Goods we place on sale at 50c a yard. 20 Pieces Fancy Swivel Silks, the 50c kind, at 39c a yard. 30 Pieces Colorëd Kai-Kai Wash Silks at 35c a yard. Black Dress Goods. A (JKEAT SALE AXD GUEAT SKASOX FOR BLACK (JOODS. 38-inoh, all wool, Blaok Serges and Henriettas, worth 3íc, at '2.)C a yard. 40-ineh, Black Figured Mohairs, a Big Bargain at 35o a yard. 40-lnrh, all wool, Black Storm Serges, the new priee, 32c a yard. ."i-hirh. all wool. Black Henriettas, were Jóc, new price S9c a yard. lO-inrh. all wool. Black Serges, last season'n price $1.00, now 50c a yard. tCi-incli Fine Black Imperial Serges, a Bargain at 50c a yard. -inch Silk Warp Henriettas, the $1.25 qnallty, now 75c a ya.rd. 48-lnch, all wool. Black Storm Serge, regular 75e quality. at 50c a yard. 40-iiu-h Klack ngured Serges, Mohair finish, xl 50c a yard. 15-lncb Black Figured Sieelian Mohairs, worfk $1.00, at 65c a yard. 46-lnch Black Silk Finish Henriettas, Figurct il mu i"., Ki lmi ri'il Serges, Figured Crepons, BUrk Fabrica, wortk up to $1.00, the new pricc 65r a yard. BLACK CREPONS are the up-to-date rape. W have tliem. the only large and representatire collectiou in Ann Arlior. Spriiig's Daintest Dress Trimmings noiv open. Kid Glove Sale. dO Dozen " F.telka " g Hook Foster Kid Gloves, in Black and New Spring Shades, the best $1.00 (■litve in Ann Arbor. For this saïe 79c a pair. j Dozen Lidien' Flannelette Wrappers. For this salo Í1. 26 eiich. 0 lozcn "en" Spring Calieo Wrappers, full sleeves lined Waists, Pretty Styles. wonld be cheap a( $1.25. Fur this sale !)'■ each. Mo?i ;.3&sa sj-Tr-5 gKo GOGDYEARS DRUG STORE. The Awful Agony of toot hnche is generally the result of neglect of the teeth. Be warned in time and avoid thls langer by the use of some good Tooth Powder, Tooth Wash or Tooth Soap. We keep all the different makes. Our stock of Tnoth Brushes is the largest in uie cuy; auu 11 you nna one imíil me liristles pull 'out we wlll give you another font. WE WILL NOT BE UNDERSOLD. GOQDYEAR'S DRUG STORE,


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