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S3g3S tfKoH ■g?üoH !!M MARCH SALE OF New Spring Dress Goods Never have such. varieties been shown and such Low Prices Offered. 50 Pieces, all-wool Pprges and Henriettas, Sering Sliades, the 39c qualityat 2óc a yard. 20 Piet-es Hrettv Spring, I)ouble-Fold afc 25c a va id. 45-incli Wool Checks and Mixtures, wortli 50c, at 39c a yard. 40-irich, all wool, Jsavy Blue and Black Storm Serges, the new price, at 32e a yard. 35 Pieces, all wool, Novelty Dress Goods, the 65c kind, now :!0c a yard. Lovely Satín Finish Henriettas, the 75c qnaíity, the new price 50c a yard. 50-inch, all wool Serges, last season'g price $1.00, the new price 50c a yard. 50-inch, all wool Storm Serge, wonld be cheap at 75c, now 50c a yard. High Art Novelty Dress Goods, in Silk Mixtures, French and English S ui fringa, Checks, Plaids, and Crepons, this lot of elegant Dress Goods we place on sale at 50c a yard. 20 Pieces Fancy Swivel Silks, the 50c kind, at 3Öc a yard. 30 Pieces Colored Kai-Kai Wash Silks at 35c a yard. Black Dress Goods. A BEAT SALE AXD GUKAT SEASOX FOK BLACK (iOODS. SX-inch. all wool. Black Serges and Hcnriettas, worth 39c, at 25e a yard. 1(1. i ncli. Black Figured JIuhairs, a Big Bargain at 85c a yard. 4O-laeh, all wool, Black Storm Serges, the new pricc, 'A-t' a yard. 45-inrh, all wool. Black Henriettas, were 75c, new pric.e 39c a yard. 50-lncli, all wool. Black Serges, last seagon's prioe $ 1 .00. now 50c a yard. 46-inch Fine Black Imperial Serges, a Bargain at 50c a yard. 40-inch Silk Warp Henriettas, the $1.25 qnallty, now 75c a yard. 48-incli, all wool. Black Storm Serge, regular 75c quality. at 50c a yard. 40-incli Black Flgured Serges, Mohair finish, at 50c a yard. 45-inch Black Figured Slcclian Jlohairs, wort $1.00, at 65c a yard. 46-lnch Black Silk Finish Henriettas, Fignred Momies, Fignred Serges. Fisrured Crepons, Black Fabrica, worth p to $1.00, the new price 66c a yard. BLACK ('UEPOXS are the np-to-date rage. W have them. the only large and representatire collection in Ann Arbor. Spring's Daintest Dress Trimmings now open. Kid Glove Sale. 50 Dozen "Etelka"' 5 Hook Fostr Kid Clores, in Black and New Spring Shades. the best $1.00 (Jlove in Ann Arbor. For this sale 79c a pair. 5 Dozen Ladies' Flannelette rappers. For this sale $1.25 cacli. 10 Kozen New Sprine ( nlico Wrappers, full sleeyes lineit Wslsts, l'retty Styles, nould be cheap al $1.26. Fur this sale !)Sc eaeh. SÉirer ad Ik moL'i r?sg ggaa gssaa GOODYEAR'ÍDfiUG STORE. The Awfnl Agony of tootbache is yenerallv he result of neglect of the teeth. Be warned n time aiui avoid thls danger by the use of ome sooil Tootb Powiier, Tooth Wash or 'ooth Soap. We keep all thedifferentmakes. ur stock of Tooth Brushes is the largestlo hecity; and lf you tl mi one that the Bristles uil out we will give you another for ït. g WE WILL NOT BE UNDERSOLD. GODDYEAR'S DRUG STORE,


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