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Hood's Sarsaparilla

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Triere is but ONE and. only One True Bioocl Purifler Prominently III fel IC? i WJ J .. Today and that One Is These letters teil of Wonderful Cures by Purified Blood. Theworiahasnever We thought her doomed to permanent f ailed to afford much relief . A few months Vellous cures accomplished by any blindness. She suffered intense pain and ago I commenoed takrng Hooa sbarsaparmedidue bat Hood's SarsapariDa. kept her head buried in the pillow, most rilla and the trouble. " The secret of its success is that it is of the time. If light was admitted to the peared. Mes. H W. Bushï,ell, Lyon the best blood purifier ever prodnced. room she would cry as if burned with a Brook, Oxford, New York. It is overall iorms Of scrofula, hotiron. As 8he was badly run doivn we Bïood Poison. galt rheum and all Other blood diseases. thought before continuing the treatment (T j dv.: hi- Itwoul(j Tt is the oillv medicine of which can we would try to buüc! up her system and I became poisonett v, uu . y. a wouia taffSmBSSïpS; renewherstrength. We began giving her breout , WJ LJ rich red blood Ilead these letters: Hood's Sarsaparilla. She began to ttTres LLLpL - - Saved Hef S:2"ht Improve R?tp:t!!y and form Bcabs. Il it had not been íor a J and by the time she had finished taking neighbor recommending Hood's SaisapaAnother Wonder Performed bv the first bottle we wereableto remove the rilla tome I do not think ■ vroald boalive OZ% "sarsaoa iUa dage. and found that she could bear day I used two bottles ]n,t fall andlhree Hood s Sarsaparilla. the light and that the sight was returning, to nis spring and it has cured me. " My little girl Hazel is now four yearg much tQ our delight_ she took several Feancis A. Payetth, Mishawaka, Ind. old. Two yearsag, she had the grip. Af ter bottleg and then was a9 well as ever. Itis . Babv Eoy Cured. raie7 hióreyor rmtthr8r Ld?; - a - siDce' her eyes „ have her eyes bandaged and stay in a dark Are Permanently Cured. Sarsaparilla lor my little boy, three year room. Thefamïly doctor andan oculist She can see perfectly, has had nosigns o. ofage) wilo has been troubled witn eczema did everything possible. She did not imany further trouble and is in every respect very badly. It has entirely cured him, prove and even grew worse. At last after perfectly healthy. We have great faith m tnerefore I recommend it to all mothera sixmonths he gave us the discouraging Hood's Sarsaparilla." W. H. whohavecMldrensuffering f rom eczema." opinión that the cornea of one eye was defield, 1496 Hastings St., Detroit, Mich. Mpg_ pBTBR a. Johnson, Cranbury Stastroyed galt Rheum Cured. tion, New Jersey. And Sight Entlrely Cone. ' Three winters ago salt rheum broke Hood's Sarsaparilla is sold by all drugThat it was doubtful if Bhe would ever be out on my hands and beeame very gists. fl; six for f5. Prepared only by able to see any with the other, as the sight BOme, making large sores. I saw sev,rel C. I. Hood & Co, Lowell, Mass. It poswas rapidly being destroyed in that also. doctors and tried various remedies, but all sesses curative powers Hood's Purifies Peculiar Sarsaparilla The Blood To ltself Do not be induced to buy any other. Insist upon having Hood's Sarsaparilla.


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