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He beeame a social favorito ín Tlie little western town. Until he turned his treu-i s 11 - And tben they turned 1 md -vn. - Iudiai' ol Jouruál. The K's T. will give an party on the evening of April 16. The ladies made upwards of $150 out of their 22d of JFeb. edition. A. Levy has opened up a shoe shop in the Kitsou block on N. Main st. The wild jjeese are not yet flying nortli, but the crows are here - mornings. They have got down twenty feet va tJie ground with their new well at the water works, and are still digg-ing. Samuel G. Miller, of this city, has a, farm in Kansas 22 miles long and no grasshoppers. The new addition to the Cook House will be cofhmeaced as soon as the ground will perniit the laying of the foundation. Ypsilanti is again excited over a reported case of small pox iound there. The proper off Leíais have taken proper means ior its supiwessionk The famous"Col. Rob&rt G. Ingersoll is to epeak at tlie opera house in this city om the evening of Harch 18, haviing for his eubieef "Tlie Bible." Tlie arth has not thawed out suffióeatly yet to make inaple sugar, and yet nOw niaple sugar is plentiiul in the Wiarket. Imported, of course. The killing off of the flocks öf sheep begims to teil om the niutton niarket. The price for dressed carcasses is now 3 1-2 cents against 2 1-2 cents lo,st year. Miss Clara Bell, who was injured at Ann Arboir some time since, is much iinproved and has resumed her studies at the Univwsity. - Jackson Daily Citizen. The last (meeting of the state bóárd of pharmacy idemonstrated to eeveral applfcants that it is useless to try to take the examiinafion. without having had practical experionce. We are requested to state by Prof. Stanley, that he has eecured Ysaye, the lamons vioúinist, Jlonday ovenIng, Slarch 25 th. This will be glad news for all lovers of the violin, the eweetest musical instrument in the ■vvorld. Wm. E. Stocking sa.ys that. the legislature is getting down to business, and that under the leadership of Speaker Gordon, will force egislaWom ■thvough and adjourn at an early date. At the bext social to be givea at the ■!!. E. church, amioing other notable persons who will act as waltere will be the mayor amd hls wife. Their mamy freimds propose to keep th-em busy that evening. Miss Kate Crawfo-rd, who ]ias Ixmii teaching in the Simmons School' at St. Louis, SIo., íor a nunibor of years is now attending the medical áepártment of the Univei-sdty. Miss Crawford was a former Ann Arbor girl and the first colcured gtal we believe, to gradúate at 'the Ann Arbor High School. There i? many :i slip 'Tuixt tlm cup mul the lip- So the poets satírica] íiik; And tlic woild also sees Tlmt there'a many a freeze Twixt Maruh and the geuuiue spring. Tlie store of J. C. and W. W. Watts is being redecorated and improved internally. Jlr. Keiitschlor Avoi-ks for Mr. Godfrey oí tlie BobsíDrd place, east of tho city, feil oflf a load qf hay on tli e rircr road yest-erelay p. m., and had liis collar bone broken. The social glvem by Mr. and Airs. D. F. Scbair-er at their home on. S. DiWtóoiD st., Frtday eve., for the Wofnaji'e Auxiliary of the Y. M. C. A., was au exceedingly ple-asant affair, netting the lad;es $10.25. Drs. W. F. Brealoey held a poet niürtem on the. body of the lato P. L. Bodmer Friday evtn:.iig. He was asslsted by Drs. Doek, Kapp, AVcisbngr, Yutzy and ethers. Tliey found death resulted fromi what is called ini medical phase pariearditis. The oirgans of the heart were found badly diseased and ftitty degeneration had set in. The wonder among the Doctors was that Mr. Bodmer had held out as long as he did. Taylór, a i)-oai:nent {armer of the ccKinty, resident óf Dexter towmsliip, died on Sunday last, aged 71 j-eare. He was boni ia England in 1824, and caono to thi.i coiuntry with hls parents in 1841, settliusr first n üaadilla; lie went to Cali foniia in 1831. Return ing in 1S55 ha bought a farïn of 2-iO acres in Dexter 'where be has resLded ever since He leaves a widow, two sous ank f o ur dausyhters to mourin his loss. The alleged picture of the unfortu nato yoiuiig man, A. E. Keitli In las niight's Evening News, was a ini.srep resem tatloii that should not have beei allowod. Tlie fact is tliere is no ])ic ture of Mr. Keitli in existem.ce, lie liav img had no photographs taken since lie was a young lad. Under the circum stances the publishing of these pic tures is in extremely bad taste, even ü the portraits given were trom the origináis, which in the case of the young man certainly was not. The ladies' edition oí the Ann Arbor Courier, excellent otlierivise, was spoiled by the foolish fad of uiting it in red and blue. In more than forty yeai-s oï experienee iii the printing business we have never found a colored Enk that would distribute evenly and woik clearly in newspapcr letter press. For job work they can be liaadled, that is wfiat they are deslgned for. Pine black ink, and careful press wo'i'k, would have made the Courier far more picasant to the reader, ajid just as patrLotic- Ypsilajitl Sentinel. Assessor O'Hearn has been mak'.ng sonie estimates, and has ascertained tHiat if tbe new tax law now bef oire the leffislature passes, it wlll take a cool million dollars froin off the tax rolls oí this city, a.nd raise the ra te irooi $1.40 to about 2.90 on $1000. That is, if a. man pays $14 taxes now on $1,000 assessment, h will ha.-o to pay $29 on the saimo jiroperty if this new law passes. It will be a nice thiing íor capitalists who have their money in mortgages, BtV,s, lionds, etc, but pi-etty tough oai the people wjio own lio;uses 'and taxable property. Spring is the time of year whea everyoaie has a house cleanjng streak and fixiiig up propemsit-y. It caugdit Mr. A. J. Sawyer at hfe oííicethe other day, arad he had sonne new book cases made running the entire length oí the south side of his office. Each shclf comtains 180 boots and there are eix sbelves, and not a vacant place. Thea there are soine 200 o-ther books in other cases, and about 500 more vols. at hos home, makiaig a total of 1,700 vols., or thereabouts. Soime of them are very valuable, P'arker's Criminal Repoirts are probably In no ofcher Hbrary ia the fiity. ïlien he has tlie American and English Railroad Cases, several vols., all oí tlie New York Reporte including tlio caitlre systcni, fro'in the ea-rly term report of 1700, to t-he latest, constltutlng ever 500 vols. He also has the Maine Reporta and tho Michigan Reporte all complete, -vith a list of other wörks tliat no oue o:n eartli but a l.-nvycr could keep track of any way. And what is peculiar a.l)out his books is the fact that they show tliat they are us&d, in fact many of them really need to go to a bindery aaid be repaired. Tlids, no doubt accounts for the gentleman's success .n his profession. When he has a case he gocs to tho bottom of it, and is prepared 'neloro lie goe3 to the ccrart room to fig'ht until the lasb ditcln is reaclicd. Price, tho jnillionaire Baking Powder man, writc ;is follows : "Scml ne a doaen boxes of Gesslers Magic U'adaclic AVafers. I wo'iild not be withoiut thOm for all the world: They iré the best cure for I íave ever found nnü leave no bad ifler efíeets. If yonj liare a lieadache yoru cannot affrod to le without licm.'" Tliey fire giiaranteed to cure or your money refunded. A. E. Muranery, your druggist. will tell you there a.Ve nomo halí so good. Price ■ed'uced ot 25 cents pea1 box. The (des of March aro wlth uk, iiut lts breezes bife and stlni;And still oíd Fatlier VVlnter Li utrera in tlie lap of Spring. Th missiun oï St. Thomas' church will eoinmence April üi st. The members of Co. A -vill give an Easter party at thiêto arinory. Ann Arbnr Comununlery v. II éxernplify the temple degree at Uowell mi tlie l'Jth. A young. son has recently made his debut in the home of Christ Frank on west Liberty street. George Tilden was given a fiye year's sentenee in the circuit court this p. in., for burglarizing a store in Mooieville last December. The new law work of Prof E. F. Johnson, on Bills and Notes, is nor ready foir the markct. The Fruit and Flower Mission annonnoe nn exhibition to be given at an early date, of rare cliina.' Miss Carrie Hammond and sister Minnie have gane to Saugatuck to aagage in the millinery business. The large boiler at the Ann Arbor Oigan Co's works wiU be in position abü'Ut AYcdnesday. Tlie Ann Arbor Orga.n Co. shipped 29 organs last week, the best sliipment ttoey have made in. inany a day. ïhe School of Music faculty concerts for this semester wil] be given on the following dates : Mareh 14, April 11, May 9 and 23 and June G. The Lyra Maennerchorsurprised Prof. Kempf last Friday by presenting him with a musió stand. Prof. Kempf celebrated his thirty-sixth birthday on that day. An important meeting of the Swaliian XInterstuetzungs Verein is called by the secretary, Win. F. Vogel, for March 19, when a change in the constitution ill be discilssed and other important business attended to. Prof. J. C. Knowlton wül lecture upoM "Criininal Jurisprudence oí the Jews in tli-e Time of Christ," before the University Bible Class, at the M. E. church next Sunday bood. Gustavus Adoipihus, the youngest ïOii oí Mr. and ilrs. John Jetter, of Ann Arboir town, died yesterday mornüig and funeral wül held Tuesday afteinO'On, from ths resMence, Rev. Max Hein officiating. On Saturday evenlng several relat'es of Dr. Frank Tandawarker, asserabled at his lióme cot. N. Fifth ave. and Catharine ut., in honoir of his birthday. The eveaiing was very pleaeamtly passed. Tliere were sorne eigliteen or twenty present. A Western Union time clock bas been placed in the central telephone office here, wliich is regulated from the National Observatory, at Washington, D. C, and all telephone subscribers can be furnished the exact time by calling for it. The large audience that had assembled at the court house this morning was woefully disappointed. The SackettDancer case that had called them tliere was settled by the litigants and they were denied the exqusite and thrilling pleasnre of listening to whatever nastiness might be brought in evidence. AiKlLtor-General Turner lias submitted to the legiislatare a statement showüig the ñames and salaries oí all persons on tlie pay roll of the state Unhersity at Ann Arbor. Their number lis 241 and tlie totol pay roll for 1894 was $250,944.54.- Jacksan Citizein. Tliere's no use of holding aa tion in Ann Arbor tliis spring. The Register has alrea-dy declared who will be the mext mayor and clerk. Better install them at o-nce, and divide tlie expenses of election. araong the newspapors of tliat city. It would save i gootl deal of worry, too. - Alrian Press. Mr. and Mrs. Boss Granger will give a most artistic and attractive productiom of "Cinderella," at the , ra lio'iise soime time in May. Special scenery and li andsome cost-umos coupled with the fact that the little people wlio will take part are aniong the voi'y cleverest ín the city, insure a.n entertainment worthy of good patronage. Eev. Dr. Cobei-n began a series of sermona Sunday eve., the general subject of wliich is : "H I Had My Life to Lic Over Agaia." His reinarks were based oc answers to questions sent out somc time ago, asklng what ehanges tlie responden ts woiuld make f tliey liad theèr Uves to live over ngaiB. Dr. Cobern sald that tbe msweis ■were all well-written and gave ïood for tliought, even to the man ■uiio answered tliat hO would hink iio beer ; only whisky ; would amolre only cigarettes, would attend dancing sclrool and ehureu socials, i,nd gave these threo rules of life : Don't other folks. ; ask no qucsions, and mind your own business. Th iirst question was la regard to hange in companion&hips. Some aid they would make no ohanges. Nearly all said tliey would drop evil ompan'ons and keep good ones. Mosfc of tliiem said they would avoid smokng and drinking. "A littlefann well tillc], A Hule cellar well filled, A littJecwífe well willed.' Wbat ould yon wish a inau better than lliat? fhe last is not í lio least by any meiins, but Ii0w can a wifp be well willeii f slic he ilie victini of thpsé distivs-iuw- malarios that make ber ufe a Imnlcn? Let ber take .Dr. P'ierce's Favoritc Preacription and onrê'all painful irrêgèlarities, uterine disorders, nllaminatioii and ulceration, prolapsus and kindren weakuesses. It is a boon anda blesaing to woinen. Thousands are in thé bloom of health through using ir, wben otberwise Ehey would be under the sofl. Are vua a .sufi'erer? Use it, or soine day we mav read A little wife self willed. Kosewooil cofRi) early filled, Spite of doctor well skilled.


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Ann Arbor Courier