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The 47th. Annual

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The managers of the AVashtenaw Co. Affricultiiral and Horticultural Society hav issued a little eiglit-page circular announcing sonie tiiings in referace to the next fair wliich ought to he known tliis early, and to remind tho peoplO of the county that it is none too Boon to commenoe preparations for the next annual cxlnbition to k g-Lven by tlie society, ou Sept. 24, 25, 26 and 2T, 1895. A special feature of the coming lair wlll be the district schools of the i'oimty, and tliat our readers may obtaim a clear idea of -ivhat is jwoposcd we quote thO loUówImg : "The people, generally epeaklng, ;re acquainted with tho state iustitutions of leaming whkh are situated in their midst. They know almost nothing of the graded and district schools. The school commissioncr and the fair society are eag&r that the people inay know what the livttcr ere doiim". In order that they may mabe this iortioo of their work attractlT and enlertaining, as well as a source oí iníorniation, they liare instituted severa 1 contests. "The competition for each prize offered iaa the rhetorical contesfc will be comfin&d to one pupil Irom each competing school. All premiums so obtaimed Btoall belons to the school from which the winner comes. Entiles íot these prizes must be made on or before September 24, tlie first flay of the fair. "The Society will íeel it a lavor 5f ■tem 6clio)ls, wliich won flags at the l:ist fair, Iwlng thoir flags on school day. Tliey ought, aJso, to enter ïor prizes this year. Tlie Society is eager to see a district library established in each ecliool ia the county, and is ready to glve any school ■wishing a Hbrairy help to obtain it. "Any enterprising (school board wlll Ijo anxious to have its school appear at as great au advantage as poflstble. "Teachers wlll picase report at the Secretary's office as soon as they arrive on the grounds. They wffl there file with. him the rolls ol their pupils, havimg the names of the pupils present at thO !air checked. AÍ8O these rolls ehould giw the number of the district, township, director's name and postoffice address, and name and address of teacher." The iollowing, relative to the school departraent, which wlll be under the supervisión of M. J. Cavanaugh, conimissioner of schools, will be of est throughout tho school circies 01 the co'unty : Sufficieat space in "Floral Hall" will be set apart for educational exhiblt. Tlie exhibit of last lall was highly gratifylng and additional space ivül be devoted to it tliis yoar. The plan is to place beiore the people specimens of tliO work that is beüig done in our BtvlLOols aaid to stimulate an interest in tlie common schools. It ia. htvneA that every t&acher wlll leel a personal interest in tlils matter and see rto it fchat evcry school in the county is representad. Directioins : - 1. Examination Wolrk and diagrams ehould be upon paper 10x12 inches. 2. Maps BhO'Uld ls upon Bristol hoard or heavy drawing paper, Bize 11x14 iinches or 22x28 inches. 3. Drawing eliould be upoa the same sized paper. 4. Each school competing lor the prize f&ould preeent the work of eacli group ar sectlon complete. First premiums íor eaolx section, a ten dollar library. Seooad premiums for eaoh section, a f i ve dollar library. Books to be selected by the commis sioner, eecretary ot tlio Agruicultuura Society and the t&aclier of tlie sclioo or department entitled to a prize. CLASS I.- DISTRICT SCHOOLS. SECTION I. - ADVANCED GRADES. 1. Map of Michigan, locatlng higa lamds, six rivers, threO raüroads wlth important places on tliem, ten important cities. By seTCntli or eightli grades. 2. Product map of the Uaited States. By fifbli or sistli grades. 3. Map of 'Waslitenaw couaty. B fourtli or íiítli grades. 4. Physical map oí Nortli America. By any grade. 5. Complete set of examinatioa papers, in block ioi-in. Ey any grade above tlie iourtli. 6. Tliree senten.ce úlagraims. By sixth grade. 7. Five sentence üiagrams. l'.y seventh or eighth grades. BBCTION II. - PBIMARY. 1. At least two specimens of ing, -weaving, paper ioMing. 2. At least two specimens of busy ■work. 3.' At least two specimens of language work. From each. grade to tlie 6eTOntli. 4. At least two epecime-ns of letter writing. 5. At least two specimens of stencil ■vork. CLASS II.- CITY AND VILLAGE SCHOOLS. SECTION I. 1. Product map of the United States. 2. Fliysical map of North America. ' 3. Complete map ol Burope. 4. Complete map of Michigan, ."i. Five herbariums. G. Five botanical drawingS. 7. Five pliysiological drawings. 5. epecinicns of languago work. From eacli gradO to tlie ninth. 9. Complete eet of examination papers Én book forni. Trom any gtade above the fiith. SECTION II. - PEIMAEÏ. 1. At least two 6pocimeins Oacli of plaitiiis, Aveaving, paper íolding, color work, sewing, stick laying. 2. Tive spccimeais of number wwk. ïirst tlirea grades. 3. Stencil work. 4. Five Bpeeimcns of letter wrtting. 5. Tlie i-lJO-TO includes all grades in tli e 'schools to the nintli. RHETORICAL CONTEST. Special cooipetition open to all schools Weduesday, on the lair groumds, at 10 o'clock. Best oTatioa- Fíto dollar library. Best reader- Copy oí Shakespeare. Best spaller- Webster's International DictiooiaiTBest declamation- Year's eubscription íor a leading magazine. SCHOOL DAY AT THE FAIR, Wednesday, Sept. i5. The Society offers premiums to the schools as follows : 1. Fo.r the largest percentage of scaiool chikircn attemding any gradeó scJiool (except Aan Artor city schools) in Washtenaw county, a first premium of a ten dollar library will be ñ.ven. tor tlie atteatlancé on day, September 25. At least 80 per cent, of attendance must report to emtitle to premium from village schools. 2. Fot the highest percentage of childrem irom the district schools withioi ten miles of Ann Arbor, a ílag or the valuO of a flag in books -vill te given as premiums. First and second. 3. For tlie highest percentage of children in attendance School Day, September 25, irom district schools located more than ten miles from Ann Arbor, llag or valué oí ílag in books, kiiown as iirst and second pTemiums. 4. For tliO highest percentage of attendance on School Day, September 25, at the Ounty Fair, of children from the schools of the city of Ann rboir ui to and includinff the Sth grade pupila, a fitst premium of ten dollars, and a eecond premium of ive dollars, in books, will be given. Tlie Society desires the attendanee of teachers and pupila of School Day f on no otlier day. A fine program ïas been arranged whicli wiU be of great interest to the echool boards, teachers and pupils. The Board of Managers will do all they can to niake the program üiterstmg and profitable. For further informal ion, WTite Commissioner M. J. Cavanaugli, Ann Arbor, Mich.


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