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IN 1895. The Sibipletons, a new novel ty Thomas Hardy, will be begun in the December miinber isk and continued to November, 1895. Whoever may be one's lavorite ami.n.' fe.ngllsh novelists, it will be conceded by all enticsthat Thomas Hardy stands forenu'stasa maslerartisi in ficlion, and TheSimi-i-etons raay be exueoted to arouse enthusiasm not inferior In degree to that wbicli ha markeü Trilbv- the most suceessful story of the year. Anollierleading feature will be the PBB80NAL RECOLLECTIONS OF JOAN OF ARC, by the Sleur Louis de Conte, Her Page and Secretary. ander which guise the most popular of living American magazine writers will present Uie story of the Maid ol Orleans. In the Jannary number will appear a prolu&ely illus rated paper on Cii-akleston and the Carolinas, the first of series of Southern Northern África is attracting more attention than alany other time since it was the sent of empires. The next volume ol HAlvPEIi'S MAGAZINE will contain four Illustrated articles on this región, aml tliree t them will depici present Ufe there. Jülian Ralph will prepare for the magazine a series 01 eight stories. depicting of Chinese Life and Manners. Besides ihe longstories there will begin in the Janoary iiumber the flrst cliapters of A Thre.-l art Novelette, by Hichakd Harding Ua 18- the longest work yet attempted by this ■writer. Complete short stories by popular ■writers will continue to be a feature ol the magazine. Send for Illnstratert Prospectas. The volumes of the Magazine begin with the Number for June and Decemher of each vear. W hen no timéis mentioned, subsenptions will begin witb the Nümber cui rent at the linie of feceipt of order. Olotb case for binding, 50 cents each- by mail. postpaid. Title-imgc and Index sevt on application, Kemittance should be made by Post-offlce Money Order of Draft, toavoid chance ol loss Ncwspnpers are not to copy this advertisement without the express order of Harpt r & Brothers. HARPER'S PERIODICALS. Harper's Magazine, - one year, $4 00 Harper's Weekly, - " - 4 00 Harper's Bazar, - " " 4 00 Harper's Young People, - " - 2 00 Postaae Free to all eubeeribers in the United, States, Canada and Mexico. Address HARPER & BROTHERS. P. 0. Box, 959 N. Y. City. IN 1895. Elegant and exclusive designs for Out-door and In-door Toilettes, drawn from Worth models by Sandoz and Chapus, are an Important leature. These appear every week, ccompanied by minute descriptlons and details Our Paris Letter, by Kathakine de Forest, is a weekly Transcript of Ihe latest stvles and caprices in the mode. Under the héad of New York Fashions. plaln directions and full particulars are given as to shapes, fabrics, trimmingsand accessories of thecostumes of well dressed women. Children s Clothine receives practical attention. A fortnightly Pattern-sheet Supplement enables readers to cut and make Iheir ; own igowni The roman who takes HAKFÜ.K BA.A.U is prepared lor every occasion in life, cereinonious or informal, where beautiful dress is requisite. . , , An American Serial, Doctor Warnck's Daughlers, by Hebecca Hakdiug DAVis.a strong novel of American life, partly lald m Pennsylvania and partly in 'he far South, will oi-cuny the last half of the year. My Lady NoboUy, an intensely sxciiing novel by Maarten Maabtens, author ol "'God's Fooi," "TheGreater Glory," etc, wil! begin the year. Essay and Social Chais. To this department Spectator will contribute her oharming papers on "What WeareDoing" in New York Answers to Correspondents. Questions receive the personal attention of the editor, and are answered atlhe earllest possible date after their receipt. Scnd for lllustrated Prospectus. The Volume of the BAZAR begin with the first Suraber for January of each year. When no time is mentioiieil, xubscriptlona will begin with tne number current at the time of the receipt of order Cloth Cases for eaeh volume, suitable Tor biuding. will be sent by muil, poslpaid, on reeeipt of $1.00 each. Title-page and Index sent on application. Remittance should be made by office Money Orderor Draft, to avoidchunce of loss. Newspapers are not lo copy this advertisement without llie express urdcr of Harper & Brothers. HARPER'S PERIODICALS. Harper's Magazine, one year, -$4 00 Harper's Weekly, - " - 4 00 Harper Bazar, - " - 4 00 Harper's Young People, " - 2 00 Postage Free to all subscribers in the United States, Canada, and Mexico. Address HARPER & BROTHERS, P. 0. Box 959, N. Y. City. IN 1895. HARPER'S WEEKLY is a pictorial hlstory of llie mms. It . resems evei-y linportnnt event promptly, accurrately '.'.nd exhaustively In Hlustration and descriptive text of the highest order. The manner in whlch, during 1891, it lias trealed ihe Chicago Railway Strikes and the Chlna-Japanese War, and Uie araount of light it was able to throw on Korea tne instant iittention was directed to tliat littleknown country, are exmriples of its alraost boundless resources. Julián Ralph, the dlstinguished writerand correspondent, has been sent to the seat of war, and there joined by C. D Weldon, the well known American artist, and for many years resident in Japan who lias heen engaged to co opérate with Mr. Ralph In seniliug to HARPER'S WEKKLY exclusive in forma ti on and llustratlon. During 189') every vital queatlon will be dlscussed wiih vigor and without prejudice in t lie editorial columns, amt also in special artlcles by ihe highest authorltles in each departinent. Portraits of the men and winnen who are raaklDg history,and powerful and and caustlo politioal cartoons, wil! continue to bc chatacleristlc features. Thls Busy World, wlth is keen and klndlycomroent on the lrssei' di-ins of the day, will rem ai n i regular depanment. Fictios. There will be two powerful seriáis, both handsomely lllustrated- Tne Red :ock:i(!c a stirring romance t olden dye hy sr .1 and a novel of New Yoik. entitled The Son of Hls Father, by Bk ander Matehews - several novelettes, and many short stories by popular writers. Sead for Illustrated Prospectus. The Volumes of the WEEKLY begin with the flrst Number fur January of eaei year Wlien un Minéis mentioned, subacrlptlons will begin with the Number carrent at time of receipt ot order. Clotli liases for each volume, suilahle for binding, will be sent by mail, postpaid. on receipt of $1 l!0 each. Title-page and Index sent on application. Remittances should be made by Post-oflice Money Order or Draft, to avoid chance l loss. Nf-wnpnpers are not to copy this advertisement without the expresa order oj Hahper & Bkotheks. HARPER'S PERIODICALS. Harper's Magazine, one year -E4 00 Harper'sWeekly. - " - 4 00 Harper's Bazar, - " - 4 00 Harper's Young People, " - 2 00 Postage Jree to all in the United States, Canada or Mexico. Address HARPER &. BROTHERS, P.O. Box 969 N. Y. City. mm lïin uintiru Can btain pleas InrN nNII WlimrM ant nd prontable lllLll HUI) ïlUmLlï work by addresa Ine; the Conieexville Mfg. Co., Manvii.i.k, R. I., mfgrs. of Nonnandie Plushes. Send T2 cents for samples, particulars, and secure agency. Mentiou this pa]er


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