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Mar. W. Vi'. Hites, wlio ]i;us been serio usly 111, i.s convaLescing-. Mr. J. J. JIcCarthy and daughter are visitiiig friends iu Owosso. ('lias. Hudily who broke lus kg two wt'tíks a,g-o, is doiag nicely. ( !i;i. F. Staebler was called to Ornalia, Neb., last Friday, on business. Fveú. aad H-arry Bliss spent Sunday in 'tli o c-iLy with relativei and (rienda. Mr. B. Weeks o-f Samaría, spent SunUay Avitli lúa son, Geo. W. AVeelcs. Geo. B. Sclrsvab was down town Mouday íor tlic first since Jajiua.rj. , , Alvin l-'eleh, who has been vtetting fiieaids in Bay City, returned home Saturday. León Caoifiekl weaitto Tortland Saturday, to remain o-ler Sunday with his parents. Mrs. Traman H. W&dhams Is entertaiming 'her father D. C. Johnson, of Watervüet. Mrs. E. Iïeardsley, who lias been visiting at E. A. Keith's, returneil home to Harvard, 111., to-day. James Murray, who has been conlined to the house with a broken leg, is able to be out again. Irviiig Iv. Pond, of Chicago, wlio has bean the guest oí hús parents for a few days, returne'd home Sunday. Mrs. Ella Ingalle and sister Miss Mary Ivennon, of Union City; are Tisiting Spencer Lennon and other relatirea in the city. Mr. and Mrs. Martin, of PliiladelpSifa, are spenüing the week with Mr. and Mw6. M. J. Ie.lmian, on Grand "iew ave. Miss Anna Klley who has been ill with the g-rippe for the past two ■weeks, is back again at Schairer & Millen's. Mrs. Floyd E. Mechem, who has been visiting her father, Hon. Víctor P. Collier, at Battle Creek, has returaed home. Miss Grace Ha-vein went to Chicago Saturday for a two wcek'-s visit witli relatives and friends in that city and at ETainst-on. Mr. James H. McDonald and wife aiïived In the city to-day to remain over Sunday, visiting Mr. McDonald's parents, in the 6th ward. Mrs. J. A. Brown of 21 Lawrence st.. voceived a telegram Wednesday, stating that her brothe-r was killed in a railroad accident in California. Mis. H. H. C. Miller and Miss A. AV. Patterso-n, matron of the "Voimin's College of Evan-ston, 111., wil!. be the guests of Mts. Alice !L. Haren for seveiral daj-s. LO'sses up to date iin tlie Washtenaw Mutual Ins. Co., covering about seven montlis, averages up about 60 cents on the $1,000, eo Sec'y Childs tells us. Miss Lena Hoífstetter Jias boen choseai as repiresentative oí tlie Y. P. S. C. E. of the Bethlchemi clmrch, to atteiul the state Y. T. S. C. E. in Bay City Marca 26, 27 and 28. The suggestion has been made, and it isai't bad, either, that the alderman should be chosen for your years, so that there wlll be a municipal election only once in two years. It is not generally known that a small boy arrived at Mr. and Mrs. Iïobert Heywood's Feb. 22d. It may le a llttle late to speak about it now, but better late than never. ïhe democratie city convention lias lición called for next Tuesday evening Miarcli 26th, and the ward caucu&es for Monday evening the 25th, and now the battle begins to eizzle. CitizMis who are to entertain members oí thO legislature, will please meet in the chap-el after the concert, Tliursday evening, to escort them home. No further notice will be givon. Tlie. class of Miss McMoinegal in elocution and Delsarte, coosisting of a large number of little iolks froin fourtoein years old down, will givO a public entertainment on Friday ovening March 29th, at Kewberry Hall. Bishop Cyrus Foss, of the Methodist Episcopal clmrch, will deliver a iK-uu-e in the Wesleyan Guild oaurse of the M. E. church om Sunday eventog, Maren 30. Th are will also be a leeture in the same conree next Sunday even ing. There is a bout as much confusión ia attemptlng ta prouounce the name of the famous violinist Yaaye, as there must have bsen in the famous mix up of vocal sounds at the tower of Babel. Itut hcre is thö correct thlng: Iss-eye-ee, vith the accent on the eye. Capt. C. . Manly of tlie Northside, has a souvenir- a live one. Saturday lie found a minlv making a raid om hls chicken coop. Taking a broom, he chased the aaimal [or seveval rods, over hill and dale, througli ditches, and over humps, until he caught the follow alive. Now he proposes to st-a-rt a menagerie, but Avill not feed the animal with chicken-. Too expensive a diet altogetlxer, for tlils time of year.


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