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They Are Not Twins

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On the Avinelow oí an ofifce at th-e comer of N. Fourth ave. and E. Aan st., in letters of gold- mark that, gold, not sllver - these words are to be found : ARTHUR BROWN, LAW OFFICE. ass;mg that office a day or two since a fine appearing gentleman, evidently beyond the half-century in point oí yeai-s, was eta-uck by tliat sign. He Btopped, read it over the second time to inake sur elie had made no mistak and then entered the ofiioe. Steppimg oTer the threshold ' he caught sig-ht of a young man wlio seomed to be fauiiliax about the place and inquired of him : "Is Mr. Brown In?" "Yes sir, that's tho name I am lsnown by," was the repljr. "Arthur Brown ?" "Yes, sir." "Well, I noticed your name on the wfodow and thouglit I would come i in and make your acquaintance. I ani Artliur Brown, myself.'1 '■AVlth no middle name ?" "Plain Artliur." "Of Salt Lake City, Utah.?" "Yes, tliafs where I reside," and the -visitor gave the young Ajin Arbor Brown a vei-y astonislied look to tliink that lie shooild ba on to liim t-liat way. Tlws two entered inta a. íriendly chai, aad tlio fact carne Out tliat tlie stranger was a laAvyer, also, anotlier strange coincidence. He graduated from tlie University in 1804, the year our own Arthiir was bom, anti was here visiting his daughter who is attendtag the Dniiersity. Tlio younger Arthur Brown lias a dauslifer two, but mot yet la.ted. HerO the coincidences end. The vhsitor is aai old piractitioner at the bar, way up at the head in the Mormon city. Our own Bi'own is just staa-ting in, but intends bs at tlie liead som e dny. The Salt Lake Broxvn is a republican, and bids fair to be enO of the iirst U. S. Senators from liis state when she ejiters the Union. Tlie Ann bor Erown is a domocrat, and has just stcpped out oí offke. The visiting Brown is a poirtly, fine looking gentleman, graceful in manners, and pleaeimg in speech. Tlie obher Brown Is short in stature and saiucy.


Old News
Ann Arbor Courier