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Charges Of Boodle

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The adjourned regular session of tlic council was held last night. The ball was opened by t-lxe council directing the board oí public works to let the contract for building the dog pound, to A. J. Kitson on his bid of $4 7. The bids of Martin Hallesand John Koch for furnishing the new co'uncil chamber furniture were referred to the saaie board. Tho committee on finance , reported bilis to the amoiupt of $2,639.95 for the inorath, which were allo wed, a was also the eloctioai bilis for $534.45. Tlio bill of Leonard Bassett as street commissioner wa.s referred back to the board for certificación. Kext came the reporte oí the city office-. Cliief of Poüice üajii'ield ported 3 3 arreste for the mcxath, of which 8 were for vioiiatioq oí city ordinances, 1 drumk. 1 assault and j battery, _ gamblinjg, 1 violation of i liquor law. , Siip't oí Poor Siplcy reported tlie oxpcni!itire.s for tlie month : lst ward ----- $lSrlS 21 ward - 1973 3i ward ------ lia.09 ■Atli ward 55'.46 5tii ward --.---- ."4.80 Ctai Avartl ----- 20.S3 jL Total - - - ' - .$2Si.39 Tlie city treasuarer reported a balance on hand and in the bank of $24,165.11. An average pressare of 65 lbs. for montli was repoTted on the water cauge at the engine house. A ptitio.n signed by Geo. Spa.Uielf, Jr., and 96 otlier l-esidents of the Xorthside, was presemted by Aid. Manly, 'aeking for the building of the 5tt ward branch oithe public sewer. IJeceived a,nd referred to the new council. The matter of the permanent salary of th street commissioner was also ï-eferred to new council. Aid. Manly moved tlnat the salaiy cf the street coinmissiojier be placed at $1.75 per Cay, uut il changed by tlie ïiew councll. Aid. Brown moved ás a. substituto lliat the salury bc placed ab tlie rate oí $800 per year imtil April lst lase. A motiou to lay tlutt 011 tlud tablo was lost, aiul thu substituto oï Mr. Brown was passed. Aid. l'rettyman moved that tbe oity tlerk be iustructed to aak ïur bidfl iur printing smd binding the city charter, ■whicli iva agreed to-. ■ Aid. Martin tlicn cireated quite a sensatkwi "by the intpoduction of the following WHEREAS, Ilaviiing leeeived certaia iufonnation that there lias been irregularities in t;iwy traaaaction of certain business Intrasted tuthe board oïP'Ublic ivorLs, wiiicli 1 deern requirT es aii iuvestigation by the coiuicil. ajid WHEEEAS, I uu also led to believe that other membei-s oí thifl council liave been more or less informed aa to the truth of thls inïoi-mation,, tiierelore, be it Eteeotved, That a. conimittee of five, be appointed, a.nd employ a sliorthand repórter to tako eacli testLmonyi as t.hey in fcheir jiulfimeiit deern best to ascertain bhe iruth of eaid mmord and .report to the coiuicil at tlio first meetinig in May. Aid. Prettymam moved tliat a committee of three, óemsisting of Aids. MartinJMajily and WooG, be i?d ito formúlate chn.rge.s ;iiïai:isc Pres. A. M. Clark, oí 'tlu; board oï public works. Alil. Martin moved as au ; ment" tliat sucü committeo consist of iive members, and tliat Aids. Prcttjman and Broivn bo addetl. Cavried. Tho council then proceeded to canvaás tlio votes for city ofticers, but tb vote on the baildlng sitea not being on hand, tix wor-k was not complotod. ilie eoamcil adjonniing: to Frfc day ni.a'lit for that purpnAid. Prettyman was rifflit on deck smircli the good naine of all tho members of tlio board of public -worlcs by 1oolle clia.rffes. lie compcllod the accusers to teil avIio tliey referred to.


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Ann Arbor Courier